Random vibrations/engineering probability & statistics

In summary: PDF by setting the upper bound of S(t) to infinity. This is because the upper bound of S(t) represents the maximum possible value that S'(t) can take. Therefore, the PDF of S'(t) can be obtained by integrating the joint PDF over S(t) from -∞ to ∞, and then normalizing it. This will result in a single-variable Gaussian distribution, with mean μs' and variance σs'^2.
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Homework Statement

Stress :
S(t) = a0 + a1X(t) + a2X2(t)
where X(t) is the random displacement, a Gaussian random process, and stationary.

1) determine the PDF of S(t)
2) determine the joint PDF of stress and stress velocity, S(t) and S'(t).
3) how would you determine the PDF of S'(t)?

Homework Equations

for 1) PX(x) = 1/sqrt(2∏σ2) exp [-(x-μ)2/2σ2]
where μ= ∫xPX(x)dx
σ2= ∫(x-μ)2PX(x)dx

for 2) ??

for 3) extract the PDF of S'(t) from the joint PDF setting one of the bounds of S(t) to ∞.

The Attempt at a Solution

For 2) I was going to get the joint PDF by using a linear combination of the PDF of each through computing the mean, the variance and the standard deviation. If I assume independence then I could use PS(t)S'(t) = PS(t)PS'(t) and that would lead me into a circle with 3). If anyone can make a suggestion how to approach the problem I would be greatly appreciative!

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Thank you!

1) To determine the PDF of S(t), we can use the properties of Gaussian random processes. Since X(t) is a Gaussian random process, it is fully characterized by its mean and covariance functions. Therefore, we can write S(t) as a linear combination of Gaussian random variables, and the resulting PDF will also be a Gaussian distribution. The mean of S(t) is given by a0 + a1μx + a2μx2, where μx is the mean of X(t). Similarly, the variance of S(t) is given by a1σx + a2σx2, where σx is the standard deviation of X(t). Therefore, the PDF of S(t) is:

PS(t) = 1/√(2π(a1σx + a2σx2))exp[-(S(t) - (a0 + a1μx + a2μx2))^2/(2(a1σx + a2σx2))]

2) To determine the joint PDF of stress and stress velocity, we can use the properties of multivariate Gaussian distributions. Since S(t) and S'(t) are both linear combinations of Gaussian random variables, their joint distribution will also be a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The mean of the joint distribution is given by [μs μs'], where μs is the mean of S(t) and μs' is the mean of S'(t). The covariance matrix of the joint distribution is given by:

Σ = [[σs^2 σss'], [σss' σs'^2]]

where σs^2 and σs'^2 are the variances of S(t) and S'(t) respectively, and σss' is the covariance between S(t) and S'(t).

Therefore, the joint PDF of S(t) and S'(t) is:

PS(t)S'(t) = 1/(2π√(σs^2 σs'^2 - σss'^2))exp[-(S(t) - μs)^2/2σs^2 - (S'(t) - μs')^2/2σs'^2 + 2σss'(S(t) - μs)(S'(t) - μs')/(2σsσs')]

3) To determine the PDF of S'(t), we can extract it from the joint

FAQ: Random vibrations/engineering probability & statistics

1. What is the significance of random vibrations in engineering?

Random vibrations play a crucial role in engineering as they can cause unexpected failures and damage to structures, leading to safety hazards and economic losses. Understanding and managing random vibrations is essential for ensuring the reliability and durability of engineering systems.

2. How are random vibrations quantified and measured?

Random vibrations are quantified and measured using statistical methods and tools such as probability distributions, power spectral density, and autocorrelation functions. These tools allow us to analyze the characteristics and behavior of random vibrations and make predictions about their effects on engineering systems.

3. What is the difference between random vibrations and deterministic vibrations?

Random vibrations are caused by stochastic processes, meaning they are unpredictable and have no discernible pattern. On the other hand, deterministic vibrations are caused by known forces and can be precisely predicted and controlled. Random vibrations are typically more challenging to manage and mitigate than deterministic vibrations.

4. How do engineers use probability and statistics to deal with random vibrations?

Engineers use probability and statistics to analyze and model the behavior of random vibrations and make predictions about their effects on engineering systems. They also use these tools to design and implement strategies for mitigating and managing random vibrations, such as adding damping or incorporating redundancy in structural design.

5. Can random vibrations be completely eliminated in engineering systems?

No, it is impossible to eliminate random vibrations entirely as they are an inherent part of natural and man-made systems. However, engineers can use various techniques to control and minimize the effects of random vibrations, thus reducing the risk of failure and damage to engineering systems.
