Rank Courses for BS Statistics & Increase Math Understanding

In summary, the person is getting a B.S. in statistics and plans to pursue a PhD in the future. They have the opportunity to take additional courses and are seeking advice on which courses would be most useful for their career in statistics and for expanding their understanding of mathematics in general. The courses being considered include Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Elements of Complex Analysis, Number Theory, Differential Geometry, and Introduction to Topology. The person is also advised to take a class on econometrics with time series and to consider the PDE class, which is useful for finance. Ultimately, taking more math courses is beneficial for expanding one's thinking and perspective.
  • #1
I am getting my B.S. in statistics in a few years and will then try for a PhD, and I happen to have 1-4 spots where I can take additional courses. I am taking all my stat courses as well as a year of real analysis and a year of abstract algebra and want to take these other courses, but I may need to prioritize in case I don't have enough time.

Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. This is not a proof class.
Fourier series, orthogonal expansions, and eigenvalue
problems. Sturm-Liouville theory. Separation of variables
for partial differential equations of mathematical physics,
including topics on Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials.

Elements of Complex Analysis. This is not a proof class.
Complex numbers and functions. Analytic functions,
harmonic functions, elementary conformal mappings.
Complex integration. Power series. Cauchy’s theorem.
Cauchy’s formula. Residue theorem.

Number Theory. Proof class.
Elementary number theory with applications. Topics
include unique factorization, irrational numbers, residue
systems, congruences, primitive roots, reciprocity
laws, quadratic forms, arithmetic functions, partitions,
Diophantine equations, distribution of primes. Applications
include fast Fourier transform, signal processing, codes,

Differential Geometry. Not a proof class.
Differential geometry of curves and surfaces. Gauss and
mean curvatures, geodesics, parallel displacement, Gauss-
Bonnet theorem.

Introduction to Topology. Proof class.
Topological spaces, subspaces, products, sums and quotient
spaces. Compactness, connectedness, separation
axioms. Selected further topics such as fundamental group,
classification of surfaces, Morse theory, topological groups.

These are all undergraduate courses and so should not be too hard. I would like for you guys to help rank them not just in how useful they are for statistics, but how well they would increase my breath of understading of mathematics in general. These courses also have an additional course or two that continue on from the last class in case you guys think that studying a specific subject in depth would be better than just skimming many subjects.
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  • #2
If you are getting a degree in statistics, I'd recommend that you take a class on econometrics with time series or something that will get you exposure to setting up a medical or educational studies. If you do econometrics you will get exposure to time series models which are critical in a lot of fields. In setting up education and medical studies, you will have to learn about stuff like human experimental rules.

In addition to that, I think the class that would be most useful if you are at all interested in finance is the PDE class. Mathematical finance talks in two languages, PDE's and statistics, and I don't know of anyone that is an expert in both. If you are an expert in statistics but you can understand and deal with PDE's and stochastic different equations, that looks really good on a resume.

As far as understanding math in general. Just pick the hardest class. It's like asking which is going to be better for your health, swimming or mountain climbing. As far as building general mathematical ability, it doesn't much matter as long as you go out and exercise.
  • #3
I recommend you take the PDE class unless for some reason you are interested in one of the other subjects.

However you look at it, more maths is good: even for the sake of expanding your thinking and perspective and letting you become aware of what is out there.

FAQ: Rank Courses for BS Statistics & Increase Math Understanding

1. What is the purpose of ranking courses for BS Statistics?

The purpose of ranking courses for BS Statistics is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject and to ensure that they have a strong foundation in math, which is an essential component of statistics. By ranking courses, students can prioritize their studies and focus on the most important and relevant topics.

2. How are courses ranked for BS Statistics?

Courses are typically ranked based on their level of difficulty, relevance to the field of statistics, and the importance of the concepts covered. Courses that are more challenging and cover essential topics are typically ranked higher, while those that are less relevant or less difficult are ranked lower.

3. What are the benefits of ranking courses for BS Statistics?

The benefits of ranking courses for BS Statistics include helping students to prioritize their studies, ensuring that they have a strong foundation in math, and providing a clear understanding of what topics are most important in the field of statistics. This can ultimately lead to better performance in courses and a deeper understanding of the subject.

4. How can ranking courses for BS Statistics improve math understanding?

By ranking courses for BS Statistics, students can focus on the most important and relevant math concepts. This can help them to develop a better understanding of these concepts and how they relate to statistics. Additionally, by prioritizing their studies, students can dedicate more time and effort to mastering these math skills, ultimately leading to an increase in math understanding.

5. Are there any drawbacks to ranking courses for BS Statistics?

One potential drawback of ranking courses for BS Statistics is that it may lead students to focus solely on the highest-ranked courses and neglect other important topics. It is essential for students to have a well-rounded understanding of the subject, so it is important to also consider lower-ranked courses and their relevance to the overall curriculum. Additionally, rankings may vary depending on individual learning styles and abilities, so it is important to use rankings as a guide rather than a strict rule.

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