Rank of a Matrix: Why is A = 1 & Not 0?

in summary, the rank of a matrix is the number of linearly independent rows or columns of the matrix.
  • #1
I don't understand why only a matrix full of zero has a rank = 0.

"the rank of a matrix A is the number of linearly independent rows or columns of A"

If I have a 3x3 matrix

A = [ 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 ]

assuming a_i denotes the column or row vector i of A. I can say

a_1 = 1*a_2 + 0*a_3 so a_1 is not linearly independant
a_2 = 1*a_1 + 0*a_3 so a_2 is not linearly independant
a_3 = 1*a_1 + 0*a_2 so a_3 is not linearly independant

So why rank A = 1 and not 0 ?
I know I'm missing something, I don't know what!
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  • #2
To have rank 0 Ax=0 for all x. The column (or row vectors) are linearly dependent in pair and triples, but linearly dependent in singles. The rank is r if there exist r rows or columns that are linearly independent.
  • #3
rank is the dimension of the subspace composed by the set of points you can reach using constant multiples of the vectors in your matrix.
A 3x3 matrix of ones can reach any point on a line in R3 (which is a subspace) and lines have dimension 1, so rank is 1.
  • #4
More abstractly, an n by n matrix represents a linear transformation from an n dimensional vector space to an n dimensional vector space- L: U-> V. The "range" is the dimension of L(U) as a subspace of V. In particular, if you multiply a matrix by the vector having 1 as the ith entry, 0 every where else, you get the ith column of the matrix. But the set of all such vectors form a basis for U and so are mapped into a set that spans L(U). The only subspace with dimension 0 is the set containing only the 0 vector. In other words, to have rank 0, L must map every vector into the 0 vector. That is the "0" linear tranformation which is represented by the 0 matrix.
  • #5
a simpler explanation is provided by noting that the set {(0,0,0)} (or any other n-dimensional 0-vector) is a linearly dependent set.

why? because for the 0-vector, we can have c0 = 0, even if c is non-zero.
  • #6
Thank you. So I was wrong mainly because I had not understood the notion of linearly (in)dependence...

FAQ: Rank of a Matrix: Why is A = 1 & Not 0?

1. What is the rank of a matrix?

The rank of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent rows or columns in the matrix. In other words, it is the number of rows or columns that cannot be expressed as a combination of the other rows or columns in the matrix.

2. How is the rank of a matrix determined?

The rank of a matrix can be determined by performing row operations to reduce the matrix to its row echelon form, and then counting the number of non-zero rows in the resulting matrix. This number will be the rank of the original matrix.

3. Why is the rank of a matrix important?

The rank of a matrix is important because it tells us about the properties of the matrix, such as its linear independence, invertibility, and solutions to systems of linear equations. It also helps us to determine the dimension of the vector space spanned by the columns or rows of the matrix.

4. Why is A = 1 and not 0 in the rank of a matrix?

In order for a matrix to have a rank of 1, it must have at least one non-zero row or column. If all rows and columns are zero, the matrix would have a rank of 0, as there would be no linearly independent rows or columns. Therefore, for a matrix to have a rank of 1, it must have at least one non-zero row or column, making A = 1.

5. Can the rank of a matrix be greater than its dimensions?

No, the rank of a matrix cannot be greater than its dimensions. The maximum possible rank of a matrix is equal to the smaller of its number of rows or columns. This is because a matrix cannot have more linearly independent rows or columns than its dimensions allow.

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