Rate of air flow between containers of different pressures

Your Name]In summary, the question involves finding the time taken for the pressure inside a container filled with hydrogen gas to drop from p to p2. Equations (b) and (c) were used to find the velocity of the gas flow, but they gave contradictory results due to being derived from different principles. Equation (b) uses the Bernoulli's principle and only takes into account the properties of the hole, while equation (c) uses the continuity equation and also includes the properties of the gas. To find the velocity, equation (b) can be used to solve for v in terms of p, ρ, and the properties of the hole, which can then be substituted into equation (c) to find
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am given a container of volume V of pressure p filled with hydrogen gas. Outside the container, the volume can be taken as infinity and pressure can be taken as 0 (eg: in space). The temperature T is fixed throughout (there is a heat generator in the container that will maintain the temperature at T throughout the experiment).

There is a small hole of area S at the side of the container. The shape of the hole and the location of the hole (with respect to the container) is not stated. My task is to find the time taken for the pressure inside the container to drop from p to p2.

Homework Equations

a) pV = nRT
b) Dynamic pressure q = 0.5ρv2
c) Mass flow rate dm/dt = CYS√(2ρΔp)

where V = volume of container,
n = number of moles of hydrogen,
R = molar gas constant (8.31 J mol-1 K-1),
T = temperature of gas in container,
ρ = density of hydrogen in the container,
v = rate of air flow through hole,
C = coefficient of discharge,
Y = expansion factor,
Δp = difference in pressure, also = pressure in the container, since pressure outside is 0.

The Attempt at a Solution

The question I have is regarding the rate of flow of gas, given the pressure difference. I tried equation (b) but it seems to give me a contradiction, in that:
p = p-0 = Δp = q = 0.5ρv2, and
ρ = m/V = (2/1000)n/V = (2/1000)(p/RT)
So p = 0.5(2/1000)(p/RT)v2, and
v = √(1000RTp/p)
v = √(1000RT) which is independent of p --- (does not seem to make sense)

But if I try equation (c), I seem to be missing the values for C and Y, which is not stated in the question - or am I missing something?

Once I am able to get the velocity of air flow (given pressure differences), or rate of air flow (whether in mass per unit time or volume per unit time), I should be able to evaluate the rest of the solution myself. Please help me with this, thanks!

PS: My level of Physics is pre-University. This question is not in my homework but is for enrichment.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. I understand your confusion regarding the rate of flow of gas through the hole in the container. It is true that the equations (b) and (c) seem to give contradictory results, but this can be explained by the fact that they are derived from different principles.

Equation (b) is derived from the Bernoulli's principle, which states that the sum of pressure, kinetic energy, and potential energy per unit volume of a fluid is constant. In this case, we are assuming that the pressure outside the container is 0, so the pressure difference, Δp, is equal to the pressure inside the container, p. This means that the velocity of the gas flow, v, is only dependent on the density of the gas, ρ, and the properties of the hole, such as its area and shape.

On the other hand, equation (c) is derived from the continuity equation, which states that the mass flow rate is constant in an incompressible fluid. This equation takes into account the properties of the gas, such as its density and the pressure difference, but it also includes the properties of the hole, such as the coefficient of discharge, C, and the expansion factor, Y. These properties are not given in the question, so it is not possible to use this equation to find the velocity of the gas flow.

To find the velocity of the gas flow, you can use equation (b) and solve for v in terms of p, ρ, and the properties of the hole. Then, you can use this value of v in equation (c) to find the mass flow rate and subsequently the time taken for the pressure to drop from p to p2.

I hope this helps you with your problem. Good luck with your enrichment! If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Related to Rate of air flow between containers of different pressures

What is the rate of air flow between containers of different pressures?

The rate of air flow between containers of different pressures is determined by the difference in pressure between the two containers, as well as the size and shape of the openings between them. The higher the pressure difference, the faster the air will flow.

How does the size of the opening between containers affect the rate of air flow?

The size of the opening between containers has a significant impact on the rate of air flow. A larger opening will allow for a higher rate of flow, while a smaller opening will restrict the flow. This is because a larger opening allows for more air molecules to pass through at once, while a smaller opening can only accommodate a limited number of molecules at a time.

What factors can affect the rate of air flow between containers of different pressures?

Aside from the pressure difference and size of the opening, other factors that can affect the rate of air flow include the temperature of the air, the viscosity of the air, and any obstructions or restrictions in the opening or containers. These factors can all impact the speed and efficiency of the air flow.

How can the rate of air flow between containers be measured?

The rate of air flow between containers can be measured using various instruments such as an anemometer, which measures the velocity of the air, or a flow meter, which measures the volume of air passing through a specific point in a given time. Other methods, such as using a stopwatch and measuring the volume of air displaced, can also be used.

Can the rate of air flow between containers be controlled?

Yes, the rate of air flow between containers can be controlled by adjusting the pressure difference between the containers, as well as the size and shape of the openings. Additionally, using tools such as valves or dampers can help regulate and control the rate of flow between containers of different pressures.

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