Rate of change of area under curve f(x) = f(x)

In summary, the equality of the rate of change of area under a curve f(x) = f(x) is a concept that has been understood since ancient times, but it wasn't until the development of calculus that it could be formally proven and applied to all continuous functions. It is the relationship between integration and differentiation that makes this possible.
  • #1
What lead to the equality of the, rate of change of area under curve f(x) = f(x).

Was it, they were just compared(OR believed to be equal) and mathematically found to be equal. Or when one was integrated or differentiated the other appeared.

Also I knew, integration was being used since Archimeded and Greeks times.

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  • #2
rajeshmarndi said:
What lead to the equality of the, rate of change of area under curve f(x) = f(x).

Was it, they were just compared(OR believed to be equal) and mathematically found to be equal. Or when one was integrated or differentiated the other appeared.

Also I knew, integration was being used since Archimeded and Greeks times.


If you take a function at a point ##f(x_0)##. That's the height of the curve at that point. The area between this and another point a short distance to the right is approximately a rectangle of width ##\Delta x##, hence of area ##\Delta A \approx f(x_0) \Delta x##.

And the rate of change of area is approximately ##\frac{\Delta A}{\Delta x} \approx f(x_0)##

Using calculus makes this exact, but intuitively the rate of change of area under the curve is simply the height of the curve at that point.
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  • #3
It look so easy, how is it that only calculus make it possible later , the relation between integration and differentiation.
  • #4
rajeshmarndi said:
It look so easy, how is it that only calculus make it possible later , the relation between integration and differentiation.

I think it is relatively easy to see. But, calculus is needed to prove it formally and also to put conditions on the function involved - in this case, for example, that the function ##f## is continuous is sufficient. It's not so easy to see intuitively that it works for every continuous function, as some continuous functions are very strange indeed.
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FAQ: Rate of change of area under curve f(x) = f(x)

What is the rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x)?

The rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) is the derivative of the function f(x). It represents the slope of the curve at any given point, which indicates how fast the area under the curve is changing at that point.

How is the rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) calculated?

The rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) is calculated by taking the derivative of the function f(x). This is typically done using calculus, where the derivative is found by taking the limit of the change in y over the change in x as the change in x approaches 0.

Why is the rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) important?

The rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) is important because it helps us understand the behavior of the function f(x). It tells us how quickly the area under the curve is changing, which can be useful in various applications such as economics, physics, and engineering.

How does the rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) relate to the slope of the curve?

The rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) is equivalent to the slope of the curve at any given point. This is because the derivative of a function represents its instantaneous rate of change at a specific point, which is also the slope of the tangent line at that point on the curve.

Can the rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) be negative?

Yes, the rate of change of the area under the curve f(x) = f(x) can be negative. This occurs when the function f(x) is decreasing, which means that the area under the curve is decreasing as well. In this case, the rate of change of the area under the curve is negative, indicating a decreasing slope.

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