Rate of Flow of water out of can

In summary: I got an A on the assignment because I found a way to make the data fit the curve. Torrecelli's equation says that velocity is proportional to h1/2, so if you can make your outlet hole big enough, the water will keep going out at a constant rate.
  • #1
In my Further Maths class today...

1. Produce a function which can b used to predict the depth of water in a can with a hole in it
The experiment, conducted by a friend and I, gave results of the height left from times 0s to 1010s. At t=0, depth (h) = 0.125m

Homework Equations

Torricelli's equation [tex]v=\sqrt{2gh}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

We can deduce by inspection of a graph plotted of the data that the rate of flow out of the can is proportional to the height left (Note this is a decay, hence the negative):


Solving the differential equation we get:

Substituting t=0, A=0.125m

Attempting to find k, and using autograph, I substituted different values of t and their corresponding values of h from my results. However, I found that t was different in each case- the higher the value of t, the higher value of k; or graphically, using a lower value or k, the function fits the data at low values of t, for higher values of k the function is a better fit at higher t values.
I cannot figure out in my mind what physical property(ies) k represents. There was a hint from my teacher that velocity may play a part, and I have looked at Torricelli's [tex]v=\sqrt{}2gh[/tex] but cannot link into how this would help me.

Could anyone suggest what k may actually represent?

P.S sorry if this should be in Introductory Physics, but as we have done it in our maths lesson I naturally put it in here...
Many thanks, Philip Wiseman
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  • #2
I'm confused. Don't you mean dh/dt = -kh rather than dt/dh = -kt? The first equation suggests that the rate of change of height is proportional to the height of water remaining in the can. I can't think of any physical meaning for the second equation.

Since you are having trouble fitting your data to your solution curve, it might be that your basic differential equation doesn't fit reality. Torrecelli's equation says that velocity is proportional to h1/2, and we can infer from that, that the rate of change of volume is likewise proportional to h1/2. This would say that dV/dt = -kh1/2. To get this in terms of h, notice that the volume of water in the can depends on the fixed radius of the can and the height of water, so dV/dt is proportional to dh/dt, hence dh/dt = -Kh1/2, where K is different from k, and both are positive.
  • #3
Thanks, I have now changed it to dh/dt in stead of dt/dh.
Would I then solve to find h, giving 2h1/2=-Kt + c ?
  • #4
Yes, so h = (-2Kt + C')^2, where C' = 2C. And you know that at t = 0, h = .125 m, so you can solve for C', which should be sqrt(.125).

Now, if you can fiddle with K so that your data fits this curve, then you'll have a good idea you're on the track that your teacher suggested in the hint.

As for a physical meaning for K, I would think it's probably related to the size and shape of the outlet hole.
  • #5
Thanks very much. I will give it a go in autograph tomorrow.
I went in today to find that I was the only one who'd even attempted it!

FAQ: Rate of Flow of water out of can

What is the "rate of flow" of water out of a can?

The "rate of flow" of water out of a can refers to the speed at which water is pouring out of the can. It is typically measured in volume per unit time, such as liters per second or gallons per minute.

How is the rate of flow affected by the size and shape of the can?

The rate of flow can be affected by the size and shape of the can because they can impact the pressure and flow dynamics of the water. A larger or wider opening may allow for a faster flow, while a smaller or narrower opening may result in a slower flow.

What factors can influence the rate of flow of water out of a can?

The rate of flow can be influenced by several factors, including the size and shape of the can, the pressure of the water, the viscosity of the water, and any obstructions or restrictions in the opening of the can.

How can the rate of flow be measured?

The rate of flow can be measured using various methods, such as using a flow meter or by collecting the water in a measured container and timing how long it takes to fill. It can also be estimated by observing the speed and force of the water as it pours out of the can.

What are some real-life applications of studying the rate of flow of water out of a can?

Understanding the rate of flow of water out of a can can be useful in various settings, such as in plumbing and irrigation systems, water distribution networks, and even in recreational activities like filling a water balloon or pouring a drink from a can. It can also be important in emergency situations, such as if a sink or bathtub is overflowing and needs to be quickly drained.
