Ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials

In summary, "In the weak field limit, we have dt = (1 + 2\phi)^{-\frac{1}{2}}d\tau, where the usual meaning of the symbols applies. This means that in GR dτ < dt analogous to SR. We have two relationships between dt and dτ for the same process, where dt is the coordinate time interval measured at infinity and dτ is the proper time interval measured locally. In the case of a stronger gravitational field, the process takes more time to complete when viewed at infinity, resulting in a greater dt compared to a weaker gravitational field. This is due to the effect of gravitational time dilation."
  • #1
In the weak field limit, we have

[itex]dt = (1 + 2\phi)^{-\frac{1}{2}}d\tau[/itex]

where the usual meaning of the symbols applies. This means that in GR dτ < dt analogous to SR. Let suppose we measure the period dtS of a photon emitted at the surface of the Sun as well as the same photon, i.e. same atomic process, in a lab on Earth where the period is dtE. Therefore we have two relationships w.r.t. to dτ such that

[itex]dt_{S} = (1 + 2\phi_{S})^{-\frac{1}{2}}d\tau[/itex]


[itex]dt_{E} = (1 + 2\phi_{E})^{-\frac{1}{2}}d\tau[/itex]

Taking the ratio we find that

[itex]dt_{E} = \sqrt{\frac{1 + 2\phi_{S}}{1 + 2\phi_{E}}}dt_{S}[/itex]

because φ < 0 and |φE| << |φS|

we find that dt_{E} < dt_{S}

This is not what I would expect, surely the Sun's greater gravity means that the coordinate time interval there would be less than the same quantity measured in Earth's lesser gravity? Even though this gives the right relationship for gravitational redshift, I am still very confused.
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  • #2
sunrah said:
In the weak field limit, we have
dt = (1 + 2\phi)^{-\frac{1}{2}}d\tau

where the usual meaning of the symbols applies.

Strictly speaking, this is the weak field limit for the case of a stationary spacetime, where the concept of "gravitational potential" ##\phi## is well-defined.

sunrah said:
This means that in GR dτ < dt analogous to SR.

No. There is no analogy to SR here. Gravitational time dilation is not the same as time dilation due to relative motion. Many people try to make this analogy, but it doesn't work and only causes problems and misunderstandings.

sunrah said:
Therefore we have two relationships w.r.t. to dτ

Note carefully what these two relationships mean, physically. They are relationships between a coordinate time interval ##dt## and a proper time interval ##d\tau## for the same process. The proper time interval ##d\tau## is what would be measured locally, i.e., by an observer who is at the same spatial location as the emitted photon (on the surface of the Sun or the surface of the Earth). The coordinate time interval ##dt## is what would be measured by an observer at infinity, far away from the Sun and the Earth, out in empty space.

sunrah said:
This is not what I would expect, surely the Sun's greater gravity means that the coordinate time interval there would be less than the same quantity measured in Earth's lesser gravity?

No, you have it backwards. The same process, viewed by the observer at infinity, takes more time (more coordinate time) to complete if it is happening on the surface of the Sun than on the surface of the Earth, because of the Sun's greater gravity--in other words, it is slowed down more (more coordinate time must elapse for the same proper time).
  • #3
thanks, that's helpful but I'm still asking myself, if "clocks run slower in a G-field" why is the time interval I measure at infinity greater for the process in stronger gravity? If proper time in both cases is the same (I had a problem with this, but it is in my course script so...), then it is the coordinate time interval that must be affected by the field?
  • #4
sunrah said:
if "clocks run slower in a G-field" why is the time interval I measure at infinity greater for the process in stronger gravity?

Because "clocks run slower" means less proper time for the same interval of coordinate time, or, conversely, more coordinate time for the same interval of proper time. In this case the interval of proper time is what is being held constant, so the second meaning (more coordinate time for the same interval of proper time) is the relevant one.

FAQ: Ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials

What is the ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials?

The ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials refers to the ratio of the amount of time that passes for an object in a gravitational potential compared to an object in a flat space-time.

How does the ratio of time dilation change in different potentials?

The ratio of time dilation changes depending on the strength of the gravitational potential. In general, the stronger the potential, the more time is dilated.

What is the significance of understanding the ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials?

Understanding the ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials is important for studying and predicting the effects of gravity on time and space. It also has practical applications in fields such as GPS technology and space travel.

How is the ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials calculated?

The ratio of time dilation relation in different potentials is calculated using the equation t' = t√(1 - 2GM/rc^2), where t' is the time experienced in a gravitational potential, t is the time in flat space-time, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the object creating the potential, r is the distance from the object, and c is the speed of light.

What are some examples of different potentials and their corresponding ratios of time dilation?

Some examples of different potentials and their corresponding ratios of time dilation are: a black hole (t' = 0, time stands still), Earth's surface (t' = 1, no time dilation), and the International Space Station (t' = 0.99999999998, very small time dilation).

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