Rational and irrational numbers proof

In summary: I was trying to get you to think of writing c as the sum of a rational and an irrational, and then using the fact that the sum of a rational and an irrational is irrational. In summary, to prove that a = c and b = d when a + \sqrt{b} = c + \sqrt{d}, we can use the fact that a number is rational if and only if it can be expressed as m/n, where m,n \in Z and n \neq 0. We can also use the properties that a rational number added to a rational number is a rational number, a rational number added to an irrational number is an irrational number, a rational number multiplied by a rational number is a rational number, and
  • #1
Hey all, I'm new here so I'm a little noobish at the formatting capabilities of PF. Trying my best though! :P

Homework Statement

Let [tex]a, b, c, d \in Q[/tex], where [tex]\sqrt{b}[/tex] and [tex]\sqrt{d}[/tex] exist and are irrational.

If [tex]a + \sqrt{b} = c + \sqrt{d}[/tex], prove that [tex]a = c[/tex] and [tex]b = d[/tex].

Homework Equations

A number is rational iff it can be expressed as [tex]m/n[/tex], where [tex]m,n \in Z[/tex] and [tex]n \neq 0[/tex].

A rational number added to a rational number is a rational number.

A rational number added to an irrational number is an irrational number.

A rational number multiplied by a rational number is a rational number.

A rational number multiplied by an irrational number is an irrational number.

The Attempt at a Solution

I reordered things so that

[tex]a - c = \sqrt{d} - \sqrt{b} [/tex]
Then I multiply by the conjugate of [tex]\sqrt{d} - \sqrt{b}[/tex] to get
[tex](a - c)\times(\sqrt{d}+\sqrt{b}) = d - b[/tex]
By the contrapositive to a different result we proved in class, since (a-c) and (d-b) are rational, either a-c = 0 or [tex]\sqrt{d}+\sqrt{b}[/tex] is rational.

Now if the first case is true the result is proved, but I'm struggling with the second half of this (proving or disproving whether [tex]\sqrt{d}+\sqrt{b}[/tex] can be rational). Is this the wrong direction to be going in?

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  • #2
If [itex]\sqrt{c} + \sqrt{d}[/itex] is rational, then clearly its square must also be rational. So suppose [itex]\sqrt{c} + \sqrt{d} = a[/itex] where [itex]a \in \mathbb{Q}[/itex] and consider [itex]\sqrt{c} = a - \sqrt{d}[/itex]. Can you use the first bit of information to derive a contradiction now?
  • #3
jgens said:
If [itex]\sqrt{c} + \sqrt{d}[/itex] is rational, then clearly its square must also be rational. So suppose [itex]\sqrt{c} + \sqrt{d} = a[/itex] where [itex]a \in \mathbb{Q}[/itex] and consider [itex]\sqrt{c} = a - \sqrt{d}[/itex]. Can you use the first bit of information to derive a contradiction now?

Let me run this by you... I played with it for a few minutes.

(I put the problem's variables in place of yours, and defined a new quantity [itex]e\in \mathbb{Q} = \sqrt{d}+ \sqrt{b}[/itex] )

So since [itex]\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{d}[/itex] is rational, [itex](\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{d})^{2}[/itex] is rational, or [itex]d+b+2 \sqrt{db}[/itex] is rational, or [itex]d+b+2 \sqrt{d} \sqrt{b}[/itex]

Since [itex]\sqrt{d} = e - \sqrt{b}[/itex], we can write
[itex]d+b+2 \sqrt{d} \sqrt{b} = e^{2}[/itex]
[itex]d+b+2 (e - \sqrt{b}) \sqrt{b} = e^{2}[/itex]
[itex]d + b + 2e \sqrt{b} - b = e^{2} [/itex]
[itex] 2 \sqrt{b} = e - d/e [/itex]

But 2 is rational and [itex]\sqrt{b}[/itex] is irrational so [itex]e - d/e[/itex] must be irrational... a contradiction since d is rational and we made the assumption that e and therefore e^2 was indeed a rational number.

Is this the right idea?
  • #4
That was the general idea that I was trying to get at; however, you can save yourself a little work by considering another square . . .

Suppose that [itex]\sqrt{c} + \sqrt{d} = e[/itex] where [itex]e \in \mathbb{Q}[/itex] and consider [itex]\sqrt{c} = e - \sqrt{d}[/itex]. Clearly [itex]c = e^2 - 2e\sqrt{d} + d = (e^2 + d) - 2e\sqrt{d}[/itex]. Since the first term is rational and the second term necessarily irrational, their sum must also be irrational, contradicting the fact that [itex]c \in \mathbb{Q}[/itex].

This is the exact proof that I was thinking of but it amounts to the same thing as yours, so it doesn't really matter.

FAQ: Rational and irrational numbers proof

What is the definition of a rational number?

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not equal to zero.

What is the definition of an irrational number?

An irrational number is any number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. It is a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal.

How can you prove that a number is rational?

A number can be proven to be rational if it can be written as a fraction in its lowest terms, or if it has a repeating or terminating decimal representation.

How can you prove that a number is irrational?

A number can be proven to be irrational if it cannot be written as a fraction in its lowest terms, or if it has a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal representation.

Why is it important to understand rational and irrational numbers?

Understanding rational and irrational numbers is important because it helps us accurately represent and manipulate numbers in real-world situations. It also allows us to make comparisons and determine relationships between different types of numbers.
