Rationality when it comes to political opinions

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In summary: Israeli slant, for example, were more blatant? I think it's important to look at all sides of a story before forming an opinion. I think that's what Honest Reporting does best.I think it's important to look at all sides of a story before forming an opinion. I think that's what Honest Reporting does best.
  • #1
I have been studying media for several years now. I have been exposed to all oulets, contrary to what someone on this site thinks..you know who you are. I don't devote my attention to one outlet, I watch them all and draw my own conclusions...being able to come up with your own opinions after keeping up with both right and left wing news sources... now that is rationality.
And if you want to talk about rationality, this is what I have found to be a very acuurate depiction of world news and journalistic bias. http://www.honestreporting.com/. You don't have to agree, but you wanted a concrete source so here it is. Instead of narrow-mindedly sticking to your BBC's and CNN's, look into this as well. You will sound a lot more credible.
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  • #2
I think Honest Reporting's bias is pretty clear from the front page.

"HonestReporting was started at the initiative of the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah, and is now an independent non-profit organization (501c3) with its own board of directors."
  • #3
And they tell the truth. Look into all the news sources and see why a site like this is necessary. Did you read what they have to say? They are a not-for-profit group exposing truths that need to be exposed. Believe what you wanna, as I have said, but you have to look into many souces from all sides before drawing your conclusions. From the papers I have read, people I have met, news I have watched, places I have been, I find this site to be very informative and necessary.
  • #4
it sounds kind of biased to say that its possable to tell where a news group's bias comes from because of their front page :redface:
  • #5

I tend to check News.com.au, Al Jazeera, CNN, BBC, SBS, and Google news links. Additionally, I tend to watch on evening television the commercial news, then the international news on our foreign languages channel, then the government funded ABC news. If I'm up in the early mornings or on Saturdays I watch the many foreign news shows displayed here; we get news shows from dozens of countries played on our free-to-air TV.

Reading/watching just one news source is not the way to go, no matter what its name implies. Try many, preferably from many nations and cultures.
  • #6
yes, but unfortunately people still hear what they want to hear... you "rational" decision of what is "true" is based on all the mechanisms your brain have adapted throughout your life... it helps, but it certainly doesn't exclude neither bias nor ignorance...
  • #7
Honestreporting.com? Yeah, I always trust someone who claims to tell The Truth. :rolleyes:
Who would you buy a car from: Jim Smith's Used Cars or Honest Jim's Used Cars?

I think its more important to respect the right of people to have differing viewpoints that to try to impose The Real Truth. Come on, that's part of what made America great.
  • #8
Honest reporting is a good source to review a news story concerning Israel/Palestine. It does not report news so much as it reviews facts and shows a second view of the story. With the known difficulties of reporting from Palestine, including the threats to reporters lives who do not report favorably, I would say it's a good idea to get another view when you're reading anything from that area of the world.
  • #9
I agree that Honest Reporting represents a view that should be incorporated. But to think that they have a lock on truly honest reporting is ridiculous. Their site is naturally going to have a heavy pro-Israeli slant to their reporting. You can see it on the front page.
  • #10
JohnDubYa said:
I agree that Honest Reporting represents a view that should be incorporated. But to think that they have a lock on truly honest reporting is ridiculous. Their site is naturally going to have a heavy pro-Israeli slant to their reporting. You can see it on the front page.
I don't think anyone said they had a lock on "truly honest reporting" I think the suggestion was that they did a good job at revealing "Biased" reporting. Which is, in my opinion, correct.
  • #11
Also, after CNN's admitted distortions on reporting in Iraq. I fail to see how anyone can use them as a main source of news. Perhaps as an associative source, but only keeping in mind that they have a proven history of distorting the news in order to get access. In my opinion any reporting they do on closed middle eastern societies is suspect.
  • #12
I don't think anyone said they had a lock on "truly honest reporting" I think the suggestion was that they did a good job at revealing "Biased" reporting. Which is, in my opinion, correct.

Okay, I can see that. But would they have such a good track record if the revelations put Israel in a bad light?
  • #13
JohnDubYa said:
Okay, I can see that. But would they have such a good track record if the revelations put Israel in a bad light?
They're a watchdog organization that looks to set bias and misleading reporting against Israel straight. They don't claim to do anything else, so I don't think your question has any relevancy to that particular site?
  • #14
They're a watchdog organization that looks to set bias and misleading reporting against Israel straight.
No. They claim to be that.
  • #15
First of all, Adam, most foreign news agencies are known to be extremely left. All the sites you claim to use as sources for information are. I happen to keep up with as many as I can and through my travel experience abroad, including Israel, I have found honestreporting to accurately expose media bias. I DO NOT by any means use them as my news source.
I am simply stating that you can only really be rational if you expose yourself to all sources possible. I have met Dan Rather and various reporters, I expose myself to as much media as possible. I do not rely solely on right wing news sources to get news, but, as I have said, I have actually been to Israel and after seeing what goes on there for myself, I am inclined to trust their reporting to be more accurate. To tell you the truth, I have my problems with certain right wing media outlets as well but those have more to do with presentation quality. I do still believe, however, that honestreporting has an important task and they do not claim to report news. I simply listed them since someone was skeptical regarding a basis of something I said.
  • #16
flippy said:
First of all, Adam, most foreign news agencies are known to be extremely left.
Man, that's funny. Are you trying to be funny?
  • #17
Man, that's ignorant, are you trying to be ignorant?
  • #18
flippy said:
Man, that's ignorant, are you trying to be ignorant?
There is only one suitable response to that little chunk of idiocy:
flippy said:
First of all, Adam, most foreign news agencies are known to be extremely left.

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