Rayleigh vs Compton: Classical vs Quantum Theory

  • Thread starter Angelos K
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In summary, the difference between Rayleigh and Compton scattering lies in the presence of the restoring force from bound electrons. Compton scattering occurs with free electrons, while Rayleigh scattering occurs with bound electrons. The classical result for free targets, Thompson scattering, is a form of Compton scattering that does not involve the restoring force from bound electrons.
  • #1
Angelos K
For certain frequencies both Rayleigh and Compton scattering are important. As I could not see the connection between the derivations of the assosciated formulae, I wondered what made a photon "decide" wether it should be subject to one or the other phaenomenon.

My reading is that Compton scattering assumes nothing but the electrons to be free, whilst Rayleigh requires them to be bound to the atom for a restoring oscillator force [tex]F_R=m\omega^2r[/tex] to act. So, if I send photons into matter the ones that hit (sufficiently) free targets will suffer Compton scattering, while the others obey Rayleigh's law (approximately)! Is that correct?

If so, the classical result for free targets (Thompson scattering) should be somehow connected to the Compton Effect.
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  • #2
How?Thompson scattering is a type of Compton scattering, in which the electron is considered to be free. This means that the electron is not bound to an atom, so the restoring force of the oscillator does not act, and the photon and electron interact without the exchange of momentum. The result is that the scattered radiation is distributed uniformly in all directions, as opposed to being concentrated in certain directions as it would be with Rayleigh scattering.
  • #3

The difference between Rayleigh and Compton scattering can be attributed to the fundamental differences between classical and quantum theory. In classical theory, particles are treated as point-like objects with definite positions and velocities, and can be described by deterministic equations. On the other hand, in quantum theory, particles are described by wave functions that can exhibit both particle-like and wave-like behavior, and their behavior is governed by probabilistic equations.

Rayleigh scattering is a classical phenomenon that occurs when light interacts with particles much smaller than its wavelength, such as atoms or molecules. In this case, the electrons in the atom or molecule are treated as bound particles that oscillate in response to the incident electromagnetic wave. The restoring force acting on these electrons is proportional to their displacement, resulting in a scattered wave with the same frequency but with different amplitude and phase. This phenomenon is described by the Rayleigh scattering formula, which is derived from classical electrodynamics.

On the other hand, Compton scattering is a quantum phenomenon that occurs when a photon interacts with a free electron. In this case, the electron is treated as a free particle that can exchange energy and momentum with the incident photon. This exchange results in a scattered photon with a longer wavelength and lower energy, and a recoiling electron with higher energy and momentum. This phenomenon is described by the Compton scattering formula, which is derived from quantum electrodynamics.

The connection between the two phenomena lies in the fact that the classical result for free targets, known as Thomson scattering, is a special case of Compton scattering when the energy of the incident photon is much smaller than the rest energy of the electron. In this case, the energy exchange is negligible and the wavelength of the scattered photon remains the same. Therefore, the classical result can be seen as an approximation of the quantum result for low-energy photons.

In summary, the choice between Rayleigh and Compton scattering depends on the nature of the target and the energy of the incident photon. For free targets, Compton scattering is the dominant phenomenon, while for bound targets, Rayleigh scattering is more relevant. The classical result for free targets is connected to the quantum result for low-energy photons, providing a bridge between classical and quantum theory.

FAQ: Rayleigh vs Compton: Classical vs Quantum Theory

1. What is the difference between Rayleigh and Compton scattering?

Rayleigh scattering is a phenomenon where light is scattered by particles that are much smaller than the wavelength of the light, resulting in a change in the direction of the light's propagation. Compton scattering, on the other hand, is a phenomenon where photons (particles of light) collide with electrons, resulting in a change in the wavelength and energy of the photons.

2. What is the classical theory of Rayleigh scattering?

The classical theory of Rayleigh scattering is based on classical electromagnetism and describes the scattering of light by particles as a result of their electric dipole moments. This theory is valid for particles that are much smaller than the wavelength of the light and assumes that the particles are non-interacting.

3. What is the quantum theory of Compton scattering?

The quantum theory of Compton scattering is based on quantum mechanics and describes the scattering of photons by electrons. This theory takes into account the wave-particle duality of light and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics to explain the change in energy and wavelength of the scattered photons.

4. Which theory is more accurate: classical or quantum theory?

The accuracy of a theory depends on the context in which it is applied. In the case of Rayleigh and Compton scattering, the classical theory is accurate for particles that are much smaller than the wavelength of the light, while the quantum theory is accurate for particles that are comparable in size to the wavelength of the light. Therefore, both theories have their own limitations and are accurate in their respective domains.

5. How do Rayleigh and Compton scattering affect the color of the sky?

The blue color of the sky is a result of Rayleigh scattering, where the shorter blue wavelengths of light are scattered more than the longer red wavelengths by the particles in the Earth's atmosphere. Compton scattering also plays a role, but to a lesser extent, in the color of the sky due to the scattering of sunlight by electrons in the atmosphere.
