RC Op Amp phase shifter transfer function/how to get

Vin * Xc/(R + Xc) Vo = v+ - v- Vo = Vin * (Xc/(R + Xc) - Xc/(R + Xc)) Vo = Vin * 0 Vo = 0 In summary, the transfer function for an RC phase shifter can be calculated by treating the RC as a voltage divider. By applying the golden rule that v+ = v-, the output voltage can be found to be 0.
  • #1

I am trying to figure out the transfer function for an RC phase shifter:
http://imgur.com/2dnRYn7 (Picture of circuit)

I am not sure how to calculate the output and specifically the phase of the output of this circuit. I understand that I need to consider one of the 'golden rules' of ideal op amps that v+ = v- but I'm unsure of how to consider the voltage going into v+. My knowledge in this area is pretty shaky!

I understand that I cannot just be supplied with the output/phase equation of this circuit and don't want it, but would like some help figuring it out! Can anyone help push me in the right direction?

Thanks for reading.
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  • #2
Simply treat RC as a voltage divider.
v+ = Vin * Xc/(R + Xc) or Vin = (1/s*C)//(1/s*C + R)
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FAQ: RC Op Amp phase shifter transfer function/how to get

1. What is the transfer function of an RC Op Amp phase shifter?

The transfer function of an RC Op Amp phase shifter is a mathematical expression that describes how the input signal is transformed into the output signal. It is given by the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage and is represented by the symbol H(s).

2. How do I calculate the transfer function of an RC Op Amp phase shifter?

To calculate the transfer function of an RC Op Amp phase shifter, you need to know the values of the resistor (R) and capacitor (C) used in the circuit. Then, use the formula H(s) = 1/(1 + sRC), where s is the frequency variable in complex form, to determine the transfer function.

3. What is the significance of the transfer function in an RC Op Amp phase shifter?

The transfer function in an RC Op Amp phase shifter is important because it allows us to analyze the performance of the circuit and understand how the input signal is affected by the components. It also helps in designing and optimizing the circuit for specific applications.

4. How can I improve the phase shift of an RC Op Amp phase shifter?

To improve the phase shift of an RC Op Amp phase shifter, you can increase the values of the resistor and capacitor used in the circuit. This will increase the time constant, resulting in a larger phase shift. However, it is important to note that increasing the values too much can also lead to distortion of the output signal.

5. Are there any limitations to the transfer function of an RC Op Amp phase shifter?

Yes, there are limitations to the transfer function of an RC Op Amp phase shifter. It is only valid for a specific frequency range and may not accurately represent the behavior of the circuit at higher frequencies. Additionally, the transfer function assumes ideal components and may not be accurate in real-world situations where there may be parasitic effects and non-idealities.
