Re Dark Matter and the Horizon Problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the horizon problem and the role of inflation in solving it. It is mentioned that the distribution of dark matter is correlated with the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background (CBR), and that surveys of dark matter from the nearby universe are in line with this correlation. It is also argued that dark matter has nothing to do with the horizon problem, as its interactions do not help different parts of the universe communicate. However, inflation can help solve the horizon problem by changing the expansion history of the universe. The conversation also touches on the origin of dark matter and its interactions with normal matter. It is suggested that dark matter could come from the physics resulting from the high-temperature environment created by inflation, and that it may
  • #1
Buzz Bloom
Gold Member
As I understand it, the statement of the horizon problem assumes that the uniformity of the CBR measured at opposite directions in the sky needs a mechanism to create this uniformity. I also understand that many cosmologists do not share this assumption.

The purpose of this thread is to seek informed responses to the following three questions:

Q1. Have any completed astronomical surveys of dark matter provided any clear evidence showing whether or not dark matter is approximately as uniform in its distribution towards opposite directions of the sky as is the CBR?

Q2. If not, is it possible in principle that dark matter astronomy could show that dark matter is or is not approximately similar in its distribution towards opposite directions of the sky as compared with the CBR?

Q3. Is the following reasoning cosmologically OK?
I have the idea that if dark matter astronomy did show that dark matter is approximately similar with the CBR with respect to a high uniformity of mass/energy distribution towards opposite directions of the sky, then this would imply that inflation was unnecessary to solve the horizon problem. My reasoning is that if the distribution of dark matter is approximately uniform, then since inflation could not have produced such an effect, there is no reason to suppose it is necessary to produce the uniformity of the CBR distribution.
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  • #2
Buzz Bloom said:
Q1. Have any completed astronomical surveys of dark matter provided any clear evidence showing whether or not dark matter is approximately as uniform in its distribution towards opposite directions of the sky as is the CBR?
Yes. The brightness of the CMB is correlated with the total matter density, so there's a pretty strong relationship between the CMB anisotropies and the dark matter density in different directions. Surveys of dark matter from the nearby universe are very much in line with this.

Buzz Bloom said:
Q3. Is the following reasoning cosmologically OK?
I have the idea that if dark matter astronomy did show that dark matter is approximately similar with the CBR with respect to a high uniformity of mass/energy distribution towards opposite directions of the sky, then this would imply that inflation was unnecessary to solve the horizon problem. My reasoning is that if the distribution of dark matter is approximately uniform, then since inflation could not have produced such an effect, there is no reason to suppose it is necessary to produce the uniformity of the CBR distribution.
Why would you think this? Dark matter has nothing to do with the horizon problem.

The horizon problem arises because if you simply take a universe with matter and radiation in it, and extrapolate that universe backward in time, then points on the CMB further from one another than about one degree on the sky could never have communicated. Dark matter wouldn't help different parts of the universe communicate. Inflation does help because it changes the expansion history so that there was plenty of time for every point on the sky to communicate and come into equilibrium.

Furthermore, inflation's impact on the uniformity of dark matter is more or less the same as its impact on the uniformity of normal matter. The issue is that in order for dark matter production models to work, the dark matter particles couldn't have been produced until after inflation. When the inflaton decays, there is this incredibly hot soup of particles, hot enough for the dark matter particles to interact strongly. As it cools, the dark matter particles "freeze out" as their interactions are no longer very strong, and the density that remains at the time of freeze-out mostly sticks around to today.
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  • #3
Hi Chalnoth:

I much appreciate you response to my questions. The points you make are quite fascinating. I have never seen them before in anything I have read about dark matter.

Chalnoth said:
The issue is that in order for dark matter production models to work, the dark matter particles couldn't have been produced until after inflation.
This points seems to say that in addition to solving the horizon problem and the flatness problem, inflation also is responsible for the creation of dark matter. Is the the only explanation for the origin of dark matter currenly accepted by cosmologists and physisists? Or is this a controversial idea? Can you recommend some sources I might read that discusses this idea in more detail?

Chalnoth said:
When the inflaton decays, there is this incredibly hot soup of particles, hot enough for the dark matter particles to interact strongly.
I assume you mean that the these strong interactions must have been between dark matter particles and baronic particles. Is this also a non-controversial idea?

  • #4
Buzz Bloom said:
This points seems to say that in addition to solving the horizon problem and the flatness problem, inflation also is responsible for the creation of dark matter. Is the the only explanation for the origin of dark matter currenly accepted by cosmologists and physisists? Or is this a controversial idea? Can you recommend some sources I might read that discusses this idea in more detail?
No, not really. Inflation is responsible for setting up a smooth, high-temperature environment, as well as producing small variations in temperature from place to place due to zero-point quantum fluctuations. Dark matter would come from the physics that result from that early high-temperature environment.

Buzz Bloom said:
I assume you mean that the these strong interactions must have been between dark matter particles and baronic particles. Is this also a non-controversial idea?
Yes, essentially.

Neutrinos act exactly like this: neutrinos interact with other matter through the W and Z bosons, which mediate the weak nuclear force interactions. At high temperatures, neutrinos interact readily with normal matter. But once the temperature drops significantly below the masses of the W and Z bosons, those interactions become far more rare. Dark matter particles might act similarly: they could interact with the weak force just like neutrinos. Or they might only interact through some other weak force that we don't yet have a model for.


FAQ: Re Dark Matter and the Horizon Problem

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to make up about 85% of the total mass of the universe. It does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, which is why it is invisible and difficult to detect.

2. How does dark matter relate to the Horizon Problem?

The Horizon Problem is a cosmological puzzle that arises when trying to explain the uniform temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Dark matter is thought to have played a role in the early universe by smoothing out fluctuations in temperature, allowing for a more even distribution of radiation across the entire universe.

3. What evidence do we have for the existence of dark matter?

There is a wealth of evidence for the existence of dark matter, including observations of the rotation of galaxies, gravitational lensing, and the large-scale structure of the universe. However, the exact nature of dark matter is still a mystery and continues to be an active area of research.

4. How do scientists study dark matter?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study dark matter, including astrophysical observations, simulations, and experiments. One common approach is to observe the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as its gravitational influence on the motion of stars and galaxies.

5. What are some potential implications of understanding dark matter for our understanding of the universe?

Understanding dark matter could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It could help us answer questions about the formation and structure of galaxies, the expansion of the universe, and the ultimate fate of the universe. It could also potentially lead to new insights into fundamental physics and the nature of space and time.

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