Reaction Forces at A, B, & C in Beam ABC

In summary, the problem involves finding the reaction forces at points A, B, and C of a beam with segments AB and BC being pin connected to the right of joint B. Axial loads act at points A and the midspan of AB, while a concentrated moment is applied at joint B. By splitting the bar at joint B and drawing separate free-body diagrams for each side, you can use the equilibrium equations to find the reaction forces at each point. Remember that the roller supports are only capable of supporting vertical forces in the y direction, and the applied moment is applied at the support joint B, not at the pin to the right of B.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Segments AB and BC of the beam ABC are pin connected a small distance to the right of joint B. Axial loads act at A and at the midspan of AB. A concentrated moment is applied at joint B.
Find the reaction at A, B, and C.

Homework Equations


ƩM= (Fi)(di)

The Attempt at a Solution

I split the bar at joint B and drew two separate free-body diagrams. For the right side of the bar, I have Cy and Cx at C, Bx from the pin, and the moment about B (100 ft-lb).

I solved:


From there I took the moment of the entire bar about point A, and found By=-20 lb, which I don't think is correct.

I think I'm mostly confused because there are no downward y forces in this problem, and I didn't think rollers could ever have a downward force.

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  • #2
giacomh said:
1. Homework Statement [/b]

Segments AB and BC of the beam ABC are pin connected a small distance to the right of joint B. Axial loads act at A and at the midspan of AB. A concentrated moment is applied at joint B.
Find the reaction at A, B, and C.

Homework Equations


ƩM= (Fi)(di)

The Attempt at a Solution

I split the bar at joint B and drew two separate free-body diagrams. For the right side of the bar, I have Cy and Cx at C, Bx from the pin, and the moment about B (100 ft-lb).

I solved:


From there I took the moment of the entire bar about point A, and found By=-20 lb, which I don't think is correct.

I think I'm mostly confused because there are no downward y forces in this problem, and I didn't think rollers could ever have a downward force.

In this problem, the roller supports are free to slide in the x direction, and thus cannot support any load in that direction, but they are quite capable of supporting vertical forces in the y direction. The applied moment is applied at the support joint B, not at the pin to the right of B. When you look at a FBD of the right section from the pin to C, you have at most just x and y forces at the pin and at C, no applied moment . By using the equilibrium equations, you can find Cy and the vert pin force rather easily.

Then look at the left section from A to the pin. Use the equilibrium equations again on this section to solve for Ay , By, and the horiz force at the pin. Then back to the right section for Cx.
  • #3
Sorry, but how would I find any forces on the right side? Wouldn't my equilibrium equations just be:

Fy= By+Cy=0
  • #4
giacomh said:
Sorry, but how would I find any forces on the right side? Wouldn't my equilibrium equations just be:

Fy= By+Cy=0
Yes, more or less, but remember you are not looking at the joint B at the support in this FBD, you are looking at the pin just to the right of B, call it B'. So your equations should be
Sum of forces in y direction = B'y + Cy = 0, and
Sum of moments about B' = 10Cy = 0.

from this last equation, Cy = ?
And then from the first, B'y = ?
You still have B'x and Cx forces to contend with.
  • #5
So they're both just equal to zero?
  • #6
giacomh said:
So they're both just equal to zero?

FAQ: Reaction Forces at A, B, & C in Beam ABC

1. What are reaction forces at A, B, and C in Beam ABC?

Reaction forces at A, B, and C in Beam ABC refer to the forces that are exerted on the beam at these specific points in order to maintain its equilibrium. These forces are a result of external loads applied on the beam and they act perpendicular to the surface of the beam at these points.

2. How are reaction forces calculated in Beam ABC?

Reaction forces at A, B, and C in Beam ABC can be calculated by applying the principles of statics. This involves summing up all the external forces and moments acting on the beam and using the equations of equilibrium to solve for the unknown reaction forces. The beam's geometry and support conditions also play a role in determining the reaction forces.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of reaction forces in Beam ABC?

The magnitude of reaction forces in Beam ABC is affected by several factors such as the magnitude and location of external loads, the length and geometry of the beam, and the type of support at each end. For example, a longer beam with a larger external load will have higher reaction forces compared to a shorter beam with a smaller external load.

4. Can reaction forces at A, B, and C be negative?

Yes, reaction forces at A, B, and C in Beam ABC can be negative. This occurs when the forces are acting in the opposite direction to that which is conventionally considered positive. For example, if the external load is causing the beam to bend downwards, the reaction force at the support will be negative as it is acting in the opposite direction to the positive upward force.

5. How do reaction forces affect the overall stability of Beam ABC?

Reaction forces play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of Beam ABC. If the reaction forces are not able to counterbalance the external loads, the beam may experience excessive deflection or failure. Therefore, it is important to calculate and design for appropriate reaction forces to ensure the stability and safety of the beam.
