Reaction Quotient and Le Chatelier's Principle

In summary, adding more KSCN to the equilibrium reaction will move the reaction to the product side, by Le Chatilers Principle.
  • #1

Here is a reaction: Fe^(3+) + SCN^(-) <---> FeSCN^(2+)

If I add some extra KSCN to the above equilibrium reaction, in which direction will it react according to the law of chemical equilibrium? left or right?

Thanks for Your answer in advance.

Sincerely Yours
Chemistry news on
  • #2
If i add extra moles at equilibirium the system would tend to move in a direction which would minimise the change. Since more moles of reactants are added at equilibirium the reaction will move to the product side by Le Chatilers principle
  • #3
siddharth said:
If i add extra moles at equilibirium the system would tend to move in a direction which would minimise the change. Since more moles of reactants are added at equilibirium the reaction will move to the product side by Le Chatilers principle

Hi thanks for Your answer.

I have a second question:

The mass action expression for the reaction is:

[itex]K_{c} = \frac{[FeSCN^{2+}]}{[Fe^{3+}][SCN^{-}]}[/itex]

Which of these size increase, then the extra KSCN is added? The numerator or denumerator of the mass action expression?


  • #4
Mathman, if this is homework (which it looks like), post it in the Homework Help section. Also, the policy here is that we will not give you answers to your homework problems unless you show that you've made some effort towards solving it - which you have not done here.

I suggest you learn how le Chatelier's Principle works - that is going to be an important tool for your understanding chemical equilibria.

Siddharth, it's better to give hints or suggestions than actually feeding the complete answer...especially if the problem looks like it could be homework. That way, you help the poster think about the problem.
  • #5
Mathman23 said:
Hi thanks for Your answer.

I have a second question:

The mass action expression for the reaction is:

[itex]K_{c} = \frac{[FeSCN^{2+}]}{[Fe^{3+}][SCN^{-}]}[/itex]

Which of these size increase, then the extra KSCN is added? The numerator or denumerator of the mass action expression?



Fred, if you understood why the previous answer was what it should be, you would not have this doubt.

What happens when you add KSCN - in what form will the KSCN be present ? What effect does it have on the concentrations of various species, and hence on the equilibrium between these species ?

What do you know about the equilibrium constant K, and what does it depend on ? Does it, or does it not change with a change in the concentrations (activities) of the reactants/products?
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
Fred, if you understood why the previous answer was what it should be, you would not have this doubt.

What happens when you add KSCN - in what form will the KSCN be present ? What effect does it have on the concentrations of various species, and hence on the equilibrium between these species ?

What do you know about the equilibrium constant K, and what does it depend on ? Does it, or does it not change with a change in the concentrations (activities) of the reactants/products?

Hi its added in a solid-form.

It increases the concentration of SCN in the denumerator.


FAQ: Reaction Quotient and Le Chatelier's Principle

1. What is a reaction direction question?

A reaction direction question is a type of inquiry that asks about the direction of a chemical reaction, specifically whether it proceeds forward or in reverse.

2. How can the direction of a reaction be determined?

The direction of a reaction can be determined by examining the changes in the concentrations of reactants and products over time. If the concentration of products increases while the concentration of reactants decreases, the reaction is proceeding forward. If the opposite occurs, the reaction is proceeding in reverse.

3. What factors can influence the direction of a reaction?

The direction of a reaction can be influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the concentrations of reactants and products. Changes in these variables can shift the equilibrium of a reaction, causing it to favor one direction over the other.

4. Can a reaction change direction?

Yes, a reaction can change direction. This usually occurs when there is a change in the conditions of the reaction, such as a change in temperature or pressure. The equilibrium of the reaction will shift to favor the direction that is more favorable under the new conditions.

5. How does the direction of a reaction affect the rate of the reaction?

The direction of a reaction does not directly affect the rate of the reaction. However, the rate of a reaction can be affected by the concentration of reactants and products, which can be influenced by the direction of the reaction. A reaction that proceeds in the forward direction may have a faster rate if the concentration of reactants is higher, while a reaction in the reverse direction may have a slower rate if the concentration of products is higher.
