Reading list recommendation for HEP-ph to HEP-th/math-ph transition

In summary, a student looking to transition from studying the phenomenological side of high energy physics to a more mathematically rigorous study of quantum field theory should have a strong background in undergraduate level physics, QFT, complex analysis, special functions, set theory, general topology, vector space theory, and group theory. They should also have a good understanding of particle physics and be familiar with the summary tables in the PDG. Recommended introductory reading materials should focus on the mathematical prerequisites for the specific subfield the student is interested in, such as algebraic/axiomatic QFT or topological QFT. Review papers, newest progress, or commentary-like articles in the chosen subfield are also helpful. It is important for the answerer to
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One sentence summarization
For a student initially working on a more phenomenological side of the high energy physics study, what is the recommendation of introductory reading materials for them to dive into a more mathematically rigorous study of the quantum field theory.

  1. "phenomenology side of the high energy physics study" basically means that when this student uploads their article to arXiv, they will, in principle, choose hep-ph as the primary archive. This background also indicates that this student has, in general, already learned at least
    a. Undergraduate level physics classes;
    b. QFT from the first half of Peskin and Schroeder's classical textbook, or, maybe, Greiner's Field Quantization;
    c. Complex analysis like those covered in the first five chapters of Conway's Functions of One Complex Variable I;
    d. Some basic knowledge about special functions, like Laguerre Polynomials;
    e. Elementary set theory;
    f. General topology like those covered in Amstrong's Basic Topology;
    g. Elementary vector space theory with no details about the operator algebra;
    h. Some elementary conclusions from group theory, with a focus on the Lie group and Lorentz group;
    i. Enough particle physics so that they is able to understand what the summary tables of the PDG are talking about, or they at least knows how to find the definition of some of those unknown symbols.
  2. "more mathematically rigorous study of quantum field theory" may have different meanings for different people. Just to give an example, Prof. Tachikawa from IPMU had a talk titled "Mathematics of QFT, by QFT, for QFT" on his website (, which the OP find really tasteful, of course, from a rather personal point of view. One may agree that all those studies covered there may be considered mathematically rigorous studies of quantum field theory. Or, one may agree on only part of them. Or, maybe the answerer thinks that some other researches also count. That is all OK. But, please specify your altitude before elaborating your answer. The answerer may also want to specify explicitly for which subfield they is recommending references. In the OP's understanding, "more mathematically rigorous study of quantum field theory" basically covers those topics
    a. Algebraic/Axiomatic QFT, Constructive QFT or the Yang-Mills millennium problem, which tries to provide a mathematically sounding foundation of QFT.
    b. Topological QFT or Cconformal QFT, which utilizes some fancy mathematical techniques to study QFT.
    c. Even some math fields stemming from QFT like those fields-awarding work done by Witten.
  3. It is best that those "introductory reading materials" could focus on the mathematical prerequisites of that subfield. It will be really appreciated if the answerer could further explain why one has to know such knowledge before doing research in that subfield. Answers may choose from a really formal vibe or a physics-directing vibe when it comes to the overall taste of their recommendation and may want to point out that difference explicitly. It is also a good recommendation if the answerer lists some review paper, newest progress, or commentary-like article in that subfield so that people wanting to dive into this subfield could get a general impression of that subfield.
Additional comments
  1. In general, this is not a career advice post, in the sense that OP is not asking whether one should embark on this kind of transition. But, if the answerer wants to say something about some real-life issues of both hep-ph or hep-th/math-ph research, or the transition between those two fields, please feel free and don't be shy.
  2. I understand that there already exist some good similar recommendation list posts on this site, but, at least as I know, none of them focuses on the transition from hep-ph to hep-th/math-ph, which is the central point of this post. If there does exist such a post and someone has already offered a quite good answer, please let me know.
  3. Another way of formulating this question is the following. Please give a list of the introductory courses that a graduate student studying mathematical physics should learn, or maybe a list of papers an advisor would recommend to a first-year graduate student studying mathematical physics. But, keep in mind that this student has already had accomplished a Master's level study in hep-th.
  4. This question has also been crossposted on Math SE ( and Math Overflow (
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Likes Jamestein Newton, vanhees71 and Delta2

Related to Reading list recommendation for HEP-ph to HEP-th/math-ph transition

1. What is the difference between HEP-ph, HEP-th, and math-ph?

HEP-ph stands for High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, which focuses on the theoretical interpretation and prediction of experimental results in particle physics. HEP-th stands for High Energy Physics - Theory, which focuses on the development and testing of theoretical models in particle physics. Math-ph stands for Mathematical Physics, which uses mathematical methods to study physical phenomena.

2. Why is a reading list recommendation necessary for transitioning from HEP-ph to HEP-th/math-ph?

Transitioning from HEP-ph to HEP-th/math-ph requires a shift in focus from experimental results to theoretical models and mathematical methods. A reading list recommendation can provide a structured and comprehensive guide to help scientists navigate this transition and expand their knowledge in these areas.

3. What are some key topics that should be included in a reading list for this transition?

Some key topics that should be included in a reading list for transitioning from HEP-ph to HEP-th/math-ph may include quantum field theory, gauge theories, group theory, renormalization, and mathematical methods such as differential equations and complex analysis.

4. Are there any specific resources or textbooks that are recommended for this transition?

There are many resources and textbooks available that can be helpful for this transition, and the recommended ones may vary depending on individual preferences and needs. Some popular resources include textbooks such as "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" by Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V. Schroeder, and online resources such as the arXiv preprint server and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

5. How can I effectively use a reading list recommendation for this transition?

To effectively use a reading list recommendation for transitioning from HEP-ph to HEP-th/math-ph, it is important to set aside dedicated time for reading and studying, and to actively engage with the material by taking notes and solving practice problems. It may also be helpful to discuss the recommended resources with colleagues or mentors for further clarification and understanding.

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