Reading off masses of eight goldstone bosons from chiral Lagrangian mass term

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the masses of pseudogoldstone bosons from the mass term in the Chiral L. It is suggested to use the mass matrix and diagonalization to find the eigenvalues and determine the masses of the particles. The conversation also includes a specific example of finding the eigenvalues and calculating the masses for the eta and pi^0 particles.
  • #1

If I have three light quark flavours with massses [itex]m_u, m_d,m_s [/itex], I want to try and calcuate the masses of the eight pseudogoldstone bosons.

I have found from my mass term in the Chiral L that:

[tex]L_{mass}=-2v^3 f_{\pi}^{-2}\left[(m_u+m_d)\pi^{+}\pi^{-}+(m_u+m_s)K^{+}K^{-}+(m_d+m_s)\bar{K}^{0}K^{0}+\tfrac{1}{2}m_u\left(\eta /\sqrt{3}+\pi^{0}\right)^2+\tfrac{1}{2}m_d\left(\eta/\sqrt{3}-\pi^{0}\right)^2+\tfrac{2}{3}m_s\eta^2\right] [/tex]

which is all well and good and I was hoping to just read of the masses from this by looking for the form [itex]-1/2 m^2 \phi^2 [/itex] and then just identifying m^2 for the various fields [itex] \pi^{+/-},\eta, K^{0},... [/itex] etc

My text says [itex] m_{\pi^{\pm}}^2=2v^3 f_{\pi}^{-2}\left(m_u+m_d\right) [/itex] but what does this mixed term of pi+,pi- mean? I was expecting [itex] \left(\pi^{+}\right)^2 [/itex] terms to be present to give the [itex]\pi^{+} [/itex] mass, not a mixture of +/-?

Even more confusing for me is that the text writes:

[tex] m^{2}_{\pi^{0},\eta}=\frac{4}{3} v^3 f_{\pi}^2\left[m_u+m_d+m_s \mp \left( m_u^2+m_d^2+m_s^2-m_sm_d-m_dm_s-m_sm_u\right)^{1/2}\right] [/tex]

I have absolutely no clue how this [itex]\pi^{0} [/itex], or [itex] \eta [/itex] mass is read off from the above, can anyone shed some light?
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  • #2
I have not checked the maths, but:
- for a complex field the mass term is proportional to [itex]\phi^\dagger\phi[/itex], if expanded it in two hermitian fields it is [itex]\phi_1^2+\phi_2^2[/itex]
- [itex]\eta[/itex] and [itex]\pi_0[/itex] have a mass matrix in the Lagrangian you quoted, physical particles are eigenvalues of mass, try to diagonalize it...
  • #3
Thanks a lot for the reply, I think what you say is definitely the way to get these results, but any chance you could say a fraction more? I'm just struggling to see exactly how and where the "mass matrix" is in my L_mass term. Do I just think of [itex] \pi^{0},\eta[/itex] etc as being the indices of matrix, so maybe top leftmost is filled by coefficient of [itex] (\pi^{0})^2 [/itex] from L_mass etc? and bottom rightmost is eta^2 coeff.

Then exactly how does one diagonalize this? sorry for all the questions..
  • #4
For example I'm thinking if we focus on the eta, pi_0 piece we can rewrite this as:

[tex]\eta^2\left[m_u/6+m_d/6+2m_s/3\right]+(\pi^0)^2\left[m_u/2+m_d/2\right]+\eta\pi^0\left[m_u/2\sqrt{3}-m_d/2\sqrt{3}\right]+\pi^0\eta\left[m_u/2\sqrt{3}-m_d/2\sqrt{3}\right] [/tex]

Then thinking of these as representing a matrix, we can write that matrix in the obvious way, i.e. [itex] \left[m_u/6+m_d/6+2m_s/3\right] [/itex] in top left hand corner etc..

But then diagonalize this? what would be meant by the eigenvectors etc?
  • #5
LAHLH said:
Thanks a lot for the reply, I think what you say is definitely the way to get these results, but any chance you could say a fraction more? I'm just struggling to see exactly how and where the "mass matrix" is in my L_mass term. Do I just think of [itex] \pi^{0},\eta[/itex] etc as being the indices of matrix, so maybe top leftmost is filled by coefficient of [itex] (\pi^{0})^2 [/itex] from L_mass etc? and bottom rightmost is eta^2 coeff.

Then exactly how does one diagonalize this? sorry for all the questions..

Yes, those are some of the coefficients of the mass matrix, to understand also the diagonal part try to expand this product:
[tex]\left(\begin{array}{ll} \pi^0 & \eta\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{ll} m_1^2 & m_{12} \\ m_{12} & m_2^2\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{l} \pi^0 \\ \eta\end{array}\right)[/tex]

Then you can define new fields
[tex]\left(\begin{array}{l} \pi' \\ \eta'\end{array}\right)=O\left(\begin{array}{l} \pi^0 \\ \eta\end{array}\right)[/tex]
to diagonalize that matrix without ruining the kinetic term
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  • #6
I see, so the [itex]\eta[/itex], [itex](\pi^0)[/itex] part of my mass Lagrangian is:

[tex]L_{mass}= -2v^3 f_{\pi}^{-2}\left[\eta^2\left[\frac{m_u}{6}+\frac{m_d}{6}+\frac{2m_s}{3}\right]+(\pi^0)^2\left[\frac{m_u}{2}+\frac{m_d}{2}\right]+\eta\pi^0\left[\frac{m_u}{2\sqrt{3}}-\frac{m_d}{2\sqrt{3}}\right]+\pi^0\eta\left[\frac{m_u}{2\sqrt{3}}-\frac{m_d}{2\sqrt{3}}\right]\right][/tex]

[tex]L_{mass}=\frac{-2v^3 f_{\pi}^{-2}}{6}\left(\begin{array}{ll} \eta & \pi^0\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{ll}m_u+m_d+4m_s & \sqrt{3}(m_u-m_d) \\ \sqrt{3}(m_u-m_d) & 3(m_u+m_d)\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{l} \eta \\ \pi^0\end{array}\right) [/tex]

But now if we make a field redefinition with some linear operator S: [itex] \left(\begin{array}{l} \eta' \\ \pi'\end{array}\right)=S\left(\begin{array}{l} \eta^0 \\ \pi^0 \end{array}\right) [/itex] then we can choose S to be the similarity transformation that diagonalises the above matrix [itex] M'=S^T M S[/itex] and [itex] M'=diag(\lambda_{+},\lambda_{-})[/itex] and in terms of these new fields the mass Lagrangian will look more conventional. [itex] L_{mass}=\lambda_+ (\eta^{'})^2+\lambda_-(\pi^{0 '})^2 [/itex] from which we can just read off the masses in the usual way.

So indeed, I found the eigenvalues of the above matrix and they came out to be:

[tex]\lambda_{+,-}=\frac{4}{6} v^3 f_{\pi}^2\left[m_u+m_d+m_s \mp \left( m_u^2+m_d^2+m_s^2-m_sm_d-m_dm_s-m_sm_u\right)^{1/2}\right] [/tex]

meaning [itex]-\frac{1}{2}m_{\eta'}^2=\lambda_{+} [/itex] which leads to [itex]m_{\eta'}^2=-2\lambda_{+} [/itex] etc. So we might as well revert relabel back to old names [itex] \eta'\to\eta[/itex]...

[tex]m_{\eta,\pi^{0}}^2=-\frac{4}{3} v^3 f_{\pi}^2\left[m_u+m_d+m_s \mp \left( m_u^2+m_d^2+m_s^2-m_sm_d-m_dm_s-m_sm_u\right)^{1/2}\right] [/tex]

Thanks a lot for your help aesir.

Related to Reading off masses of eight goldstone bosons from chiral Lagrangian mass term

1. What are goldstone bosons?

Goldstone bosons are particles that emerge in certain physical systems when there is spontaneous symmetry breaking. They are named after physicist Jeffrey Goldstone and were first proposed in the 1960s.

2. How are goldstone bosons related to chiral Lagrangian mass terms?

In chiral Lagrangian mass terms, the goldstone bosons appear as the Nambu-Goldstone bosons, which are massless particles associated with the breaking of a continuous symmetry. They play a crucial role in the description of the dynamics of the system.

3. What is the significance of reading off masses of goldstone bosons from chiral Lagrangian mass terms?

The masses of goldstone bosons can provide important information about the symmetry breaking and dynamics of the system. By reading off these masses from chiral Lagrangian mass terms, scientists can gain a better understanding of the underlying physics and make predictions about the behavior of the system.

4. How do scientists determine the masses of goldstone bosons from chiral Lagrangian mass terms?

There are various theoretical and experimental techniques used to determine the masses of goldstone bosons from chiral Lagrangian mass terms. These include calculations using quantum field theory and measurements from particle colliders.

5. Can the masses of goldstone bosons be changed or manipulated?

Yes, it is possible to manipulate the masses of goldstone bosons by changing the parameters of the system or by introducing new interactions. This can have significant effects on the behavior of the system and is an important area of research in particle physics.

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