Ready for university by Grade 10 or age 16 yrs?

In summary: It has become a problem for UK universities. There was an outbreak of 'won't somebody think of the children' in the last few years - so anyone who has any contact with kids, even just after school soccer...
  • #36
noumed said:
Even so, would you really want to be the 16-yr old in the class on campus?

It's really not that bad. I fit in just fine.
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  • #37
noumed said:
Even so, would you really want to be the 16-yr old in the class on campus?

When I first went to high school as freshman, I took Basic Calculus. Needless to say, the class contained all seniors. As a sophomore I took AP Calc BC, and now, as a junior I'm taking Calc III online. So far, I have had no problem with any interaction of kids older than me. We're all there to learn.

As to when kids are ready for College, it really depends on the person. Some are mentally ready and mature enough to handle the university atmosphere, but most average 16 year olds are not. I like the idea of allowing kids to take a test to judge who is fit to take College long as the exam isn't watered down like everything else in the school systems.

Personally, I feel the courses in high school are already watered down too much. However, if they let too many average high school students in, the college courses will also be watered down.