Real- and Complex- Analytic Functions.

In summary: I only read the first bit. I don't understand what the question is.In summary, Pete says that if a real analytic function is defined on the real line, then the analytic extension to the complex plane converges in the same interval.
  • #1
Hi Again:

I don't know if this is obvious or not: An analytic complex function
f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) , can be made into an analytic function
f: R^2 -->R^2, since each of u(x,y) and v(x,y) is itself a real-analytic
function, i.e., we can use a standard argument by component function.

How about in the opposite direction, i.e., we have a real-analytic
function f(x), analytic in an interval (a,b). When can we extend
f(x) into a complex-analytic function.?. I suspect , thinking of power series,
that we can use the radius of convergence to construct an analytic function, i.e.,
if f(x) is analytic in (a-r,a+r), then f(x) can be extended to a complex-analytic
function in |z-a|<r .

Is this correct.?
Physics news on
  • #2
Bacle said:
I don't know if this is obvious or not: An analytic complex function
f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) , can be made into an analytic function
f: R^2 -->R^2, since each of u(x,y) and v(x,y) is itself a real-analytic
function, i.e., we can use a standard argument by component function.
This can be seen as follows: if [tex]f(z)=u(x,y)+\mathrm{i} v(x,y)[/tex] is complex analytic, then [tex]u[/tex] and [tex]v[/tex] are harmonic hence (real) analytic.

Bacle said:
How about in the opposite direction, i.e., we have a real-analytic
function f(x), analytic in an interval (a,b). When can we extend
f(x) into a complex-analytic function.?. I suspect , thinking of power series,
that we can use the radius of convergence to construct an analytic function, i.e.,
if f(x) is analytic in (a-r,a+r), then f(x) can be extended to a complex-analytic
function in |z-a|<r .

Is this correct.?
Yes, given a real analytic function on an (a,b), it can be extended to a complex analytic function.
  • #3
Bacle said:
Hi Again:

How about in the opposite direction, i.e., we have a real-analytic
function f(x), analytic in an interval (a,b). When can we extend
f(x) into a complex-analytic function.?. I suspect , thinking of power series,
that we can use the radius of convergence to construct an analytic function, i.e.,
if f(x) is analytic in (a-r,a+r), then f(x) can be extended to a complex-analytic
function in |z-a|<r .

Is this correct.?

Anthony said:
Yes, given a real analytic function on an (a,b), it can be extended to a complex analytic function.

While Anthony's statement is true, the answer to Bacle's question is "no". Consider

[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + x^2}[/tex]

in the interval (-1, 3), Using Bacle's notation, a = 1, r = 2. Then f is real-analytic in the interval (-1, 3), but f is not complex-analytic in |z - 1| < 2 due to the poles at +-i. The function f would be complex-analytic in some disk that didn't include the poles, however.
  • #4
Apologies, I only read the first bit! That will teach me.
  • #5
PeteK, Anthony: Thnaks for your posts. Please check on this; I would appreciate

your comments:
Just a question: I guess we could look at 1/(1+x^2) on the real line as agreeing

with 1-x^2+x^4 -... =Sum_(x=0...n) x^2n on (-1,1). We can also see it as

the restriction of 1/(1+z^2) , to the real axis, so that, by the identity theorem

(using the fact that (-1,1) has limit points) , 1/(1+z^2) is the analytic extension

of ( 1/(1+x^2)) to the complex plane, and :

1/(1+z^2) = 1-z^2+z^4 -... on |z|=1

But then it seems like 1/(1+x^2) on (-1,1) can be extended to the disk |z|=1. And it seems like the above could be generalized to analytic functions defined on

the real line; by the comparison criterion, if f(x) were analytic in (-r,r) (we can

translate the function if necessary so that it converges in that interval) , then

we would have -1< |(a_nx^n)/ (a_(n-1)x^n-1)|<1 in (-r,r), which I believe

would imply that the analytic extension of f(x) to the complex plane would converge

in that same interval.?
real line
  • #6
Sorry, I forgot to ask another followup:

Anthony: I understand that if f(z)=u+iv , then both u,v are harmonic, but
how does it follow from u,v being harmonic, that each is real-analytic.?.

I understand that from harmonicity, the second derivatives would be killed,
but it seems many other mixed partials would not be killed by u (equiv. v)
being harmonic.

Would you please expand.?

  • #7
What's a real analytic function?
  • #8
Bacle said:
PeteK, Anthony: Thnaks for your posts. Please check on this; I would appreciate

your comments:

Just a question: I guess we could look at 1/(1+x^2) on the real line as agreeing

with 1-x^2+x^4 -... =Sum_(x=0...n) x^2n on (-1,1). We can also see it as

the restriction of 1/(1+z^2) , to the real axis, so that, by the identity theorem

(using the fact that (-1,1) has limit points) , 1/(1+z^2) is the analytic extension

of ( 1/(1+x^2)) to the complex plane, and :

1/(1+z^2) = 1-z^2+z^4 -... on |z|=1

But then it seems like 1/(1+x^2) on (-1,1) can be extended to the disk |z|=1.

And it seems like the above could be generalized to analytic functions defined on

the real line; by the comparison criterion, if f(x) were analytic in (-r,r) (we can

translate the function if necessary so that it converges in that interval) , then

we would have -1< |(a_nx^n)/ (a_(n-1)x^n-1)|<1 in (-r,r), which I believe

would imply that the analytic extension of f(x) to the complex plane would converge

in that same interval.?
real line

First, let's consider Anthony's statement that

Yes, given a real analytic function on an (a,b), it can be extended to a complex analytic function.

It would be more precise to say that "Any real analytic function on some open set on the real line can be extended to a complex analytic function on some open set of the complex plane." The function [itex]f(x) = 1/(1 + x^2)[/itex] shows that a real-valued function can be analytic on all of R, but not have a continuation that is analytic on all of C.

Next, in your above statement you probably mean the disk {z: |z| < 1} since the complex power series [itex]1 - x^2 + x^4 - ...[/itex] doesn't converge, for example, if z = 1.

Finally, in your last paragraph, do you mean something like "If f(x) is analytic in (r,r), then it has a continuation to the complex numbers that is analytic in the disk {z: |z| < r}"? If so, it not true as shown by the example of f(x) as given above and with any r > 1. If you meant something else, please restate.
  • #9
Dickfore said:
What's a real analytic function?

See the Wikipedia article on analytic functions.
  • #10
Thanks, PeteK.

Would you please give a hint for why 1/(1+x^2) is real-analytic in
the interval (-1,3).? I can't see it. I can see how it agrees with:

Sum_i=0...oo x^(2n) =1-x^2+x^4-... in (-1,1)

But I don't see how it is real-analytic beyond (-1,1).

Would you please explain.?

P.S: you were right, the radius of convergence of f(z)=1-z^2+z^4-...

is 1 , and, yes, there are poles at +i, -i' my bad. Tho I think

f(z) can be continued beyond the disk.

  • #11
Bacle said:
But I don't see how it is real-analytic beyond (-1,1).
If you wanted to see whether or not it's real analytic at, say, 2, then you should look to see whether or not there is a power series defined on an interval containing 2.
  • #12
"If you wanted to see whether or not it's real analytic at, say, 2, then you should look to see whether or not there is a power series defined on an interval containing 2. "

Yes, but that is precisely where I am stuck; I can see how :


is defined on (-1,1), and it agrees with 1/(1+x^2) , but I cannot

think of any other series defined outside of (-1,1), which agrees

with 1/(1+x^2). Can you spare a paradigm.?
  • #13
Do you know Taylor's Theorem and Taylor Series?
  • #14
Yes, I do know both, but I have not seen them for a few years now;
I don't know if it is more accurate to say that I knew them.

Since the functions we are working with are real C<sup>oo</sup> ,
I guess the part of the theorem that you may be referring to is that,

I do know, e.g., that, in the real case, if the radius of convergence
of the Taylor series T(f(x)) of f(x) ) is r (let's standardize to (-r,r)
again, by translation) , then T(f(x)) does not converge to f(x)
either at r, or at -r , or both. Same goes for the complex case; there
must be a point of non-convergence in the boundary of the circle of
convergence, like in the case of 1/(1+z^2) , where you pointed out
that there are poles at +i and at -i . (tho we may be able to continue
f(z) analytically in C-{i,-i} . )

This is the property I was using for 1/(1+x^2) , which has radius of
convergence one, i.e., it converges in (-1,1), and diverges at x=1 and
at x=-1 .
  • #15
The point is that a disk centered on 0 is probably not the best choice if you're looking for a disk that contains 2.

FAQ: Real- and Complex- Analytic Functions.

1. What is the difference between real and complex analytic functions?

Real analytic functions are functions that can be expressed as a convergent power series in a neighborhood of every point in their domain. Complex analytic functions are similar, except they are defined on the complex plane and can be expressed as a convergent power series in a neighborhood of every point in their domain.

2. Can a function be both real and complex analytic?

Yes, a function can be both real and complex analytic. If a function is real analytic, it means that it can be expressed as a power series in a neighborhood of every point in its domain on the real line. Similarly, if a function is complex analytic, it means that it can be expressed as a power series in a neighborhood of every point in its domain on the complex plane. Therefore, a function that satisfies both criteria is both real and complex analytic.

3. How do you determine if a function is analytic?

A function is analytic if it can be expressed as a convergent power series in a neighborhood of every point in its domain. This means that the function must be infinitely differentiable at every point in its domain.

4. What is the significance of analytic functions in mathematics?

Analytic functions are significant in mathematics because they have many useful properties and applications. They are used in calculus, complex analysis, and other branches of mathematics to solve problems and model real-world phenomena. In addition, many important functions in mathematics, such as the trigonometric functions and exponential function, are analytic.

5. Can a function be analytic at only one point?

No, a function must be analytic at every point in its domain in order to be considered analytic. This means that the function must be infinitely differentiable at every point in its domain. If a function is only analytic at one point, it would not meet this criterion.

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