Real line is used to mean real axis

In summary, fractals are a type of mathematics that explores the properties of self-similarity and infinity.
  • #1
"Real line" is used to mean real axis

["Real line" is used to mean real axis, i.e., a line with a fixed scale so that every real number corresponds to a unique point on the line. (

There are two basic states that stand in the basis of the real-line, which are:

a) = (self identity).

b) < or > (no self identity).

Let x be a real number.

Any real number, which is not x cannot be but < or > than x.

The difference between x and not_x, defines a collection of infinitely many unique real numbers.

The magnitude of this collection can be the same in any sub collection of it, which means that we have a structure of a fractal to the collection of the real numbers.

In short, each real number exists in at least two states:

a) As a member of R (local state).

b) As an operator that defines the fractal level of R (a global operator on R).

Any fractal has two basic properties, absolute and relative.

The absolute property:

Can be defined in any arbitrary level of the fractal, where within the level each real number has its unique "place" on the "real-line".

The relative property:

Any “sub R collection” in this case is actually R collection scaled by some R member as its global operator, and this is exactly the reason why some "sub R collections" can have the same magnitude as R collection.

We can understand it better by this picture:

In short, R collection has fractal properties.

What do you think?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Sorry, what does any of this have to do with fractals?

  • #3
Dialog said:
"Real line" is used to mean real axis, i.e., a line with a fixed scale so that every real number corresponds to a unique point on the line.

Let us think about a single point, which is corresponds to number 0.

Any real number which is not 0 cannot be but < or > than 0.

The name which we choose to give to another point which is not the point that mapped with number 0, define a mathematical universe of infinitely many unique numbers.

The magnitude of this universe is the same in any sub universe of it, which means that we have an internal structure of a fractal to the universe of the real numbers.

Any fractal has two basic properties, absolute and relative.

The absolute property:

Can be defined in any arbitrary level of the fractal, where within the level each real number has its unique "place" on the "real-line".

The relative property:

Between any two arbitrary different scales there can be infinitely many levels where the relative proportion between them is being kept, and this is exactly the reason why any sub universe has the same magnitude.

We can understand it better by this picture:

I'll be glad to get your comments

Just an observation: Yiou picked 0 as < 0 > , but yu could pick any number and get the same result < 7 > , o even < pi > or any irrational number. I am asking, not tellin, do these onservations have any elling efect on whatyou wou were saying in your post?

Also, as a natura skeptic, I was born with the affliction, are you suggesting the subfractal world is a reflection of some kind of physical symmetry? In other words do the laws of physics apply as reflected in fractal theory? Recursion, per se, doesn't necessarily bother me.
  • #4
geistkiesel and baffledMatt,

I made a major update to my first post, please read it again and I'll be glad to get your remarks and insights.
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FAQ: Real line is used to mean real axis

What is the real line or real axis?

The real line, also known as the real axis, is a geometric representation of all real numbers. It is an infinitely long line that extends in both positive and negative directions, with zero at the center. It is an important concept in mathematics and is commonly used in various fields of science.

Why is the real line used to represent real numbers?

The real line is used to represent real numbers because it provides a visual representation of the continuum of real numbers. It allows for easy visualization of the relationship between numbers, such as their relative size and distance from each other. It also enables mathematical operations to be performed more easily.

What is the difference between the real line and the imaginary line?

The real line, or real axis, represents real numbers while the imaginary line, or imaginary axis, represents imaginary numbers. Real numbers are numbers that can be found on the number line, while imaginary numbers are numbers that cannot be found on the number line and are represented by the square root of negative numbers.

How is the real line used in geometry and algebra?

In geometry, the real line is used to represent the set of points that make up a line. It is also used to represent the x-axis in the Cartesian coordinate system. In algebra, the real line is used to represent the domain and range of functions, as well as to graph equations and inequalities.

What is the importance of the real line in science?

The real line is important in science because it is a fundamental concept in mathematics, which is the language of science. It is used in various fields of science, such as physics, chemistry, and engineering, to represent and analyze real-world phenomena. It also allows for the precise and accurate measurement of quantities and the prediction of future outcomes.
