Real Physics (and my last post) is lost

In summary, "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" refers to the idea that certain principles and theories of physics may not be fully understood or may not apply in certain situations. It is important to understand this concept as it highlights the limitations of our current understanding of physics and encourages scientific inquiry and discovery. Examples of "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" include dark matter and the behavior of particles at the quantum level. This concept impacts scientific research by leading to new avenues of study and reminding scientists to approach their work with open-mindedness. We can learn from "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" by recognizing the importance of humility, collaboration, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge in the scientific
  • #1

Two days ago I posted two very, very interesting PDF documents on standard model, big-bang and current state of science:

[crackpot link deleted]

I can't find the post now in this forum, no "moved" parameter... nothing.

It just seems to be deleted. I saw it posted the other day, and more than 40 people read it...

Anyone knows what has happened?
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Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear that your post on Real Physics was deleted. It's possible that it was removed by a moderator if it violated the forum's guidelines or if it was deemed to be inappropriate or off-topic. Sometimes posts can also get lost or deleted due to technical issues.

In the future, it's always a good idea to make sure your post follows the forum's rules and guidelines to avoid it being removed. If you have any questions about why your post was deleted, you can reach out to the moderators for clarification.

I hope this helps and that you'll continue to contribute to the forum in a positive and respectful manner.


FAQ: Real Physics (and my last post) is lost

What is "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost"?

"Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" is a phrase that refers to the idea that certain principles and theories of physics may not be fully understood or may not apply in certain situations, leading to confusion and uncertainty in the scientific community.

Why is it important to understand "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost"?

Understanding "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" is important because it highlights the limitations of our current understanding of physics and encourages scientific inquiry and discovery to continue pushing the boundaries of our knowledge.

What are some examples of "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost"?

Examples of "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" include the concept of dark matter, which cannot be directly observed or explained by current theories of physics, and the behavior of particles at the quantum level, which is not fully understood.

How does "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" impact scientific research?

"Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" can lead to new avenues of research as scientists strive to understand and explain phenomena that do not fit into current theories. It also reminds scientists to approach their work with open-mindedness and skepticism, always questioning and seeking further understanding.

What can we learn from "Real Physics (and my last post) is lost"?

"Real Physics (and my last post) is lost" teaches us humility and the importance of acknowledging that there is still much we do not know about the world around us. It also highlights the importance of collaboration and the sharing of ideas and knowledge in the scientific community to further our understanding of the universe.

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