Real Solutions for Inequalities: Week #115 - June 9th, 2014

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
  • Start date
In summary, inequality can be caused by historical and systemic discrimination, unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, and social and economic policies. It can be measured using indicators such as income and wealth distribution, education levels, and health outcomes and can be reduced by implementing policies that promote equal access to education and healthcare, enacting progressive taxation, and addressing systemic discrimination and biases. Individuals can also contribute to reducing inequality by supporting inclusive businesses and organizations, educating themselves and others, and advocating for policies. Not addressing inequality can lead to social and political unrest, hinder economic growth, perpetuate cycles of poverty, and create divisions in society.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Find all the real values of $x$ which satisfy $\dfrac{x^2}{(x+1-\sqrt{x+1})^2}<\dfrac{x^2+3x+18}{(x+1)^2}$.

Remember to read the to find out how to!
Physics news on
  • #2
Congratulations to lfdahl for his correct solution!:)

lfdahl's solution:

We're asked to find the range of $x$ for:

\[\frac{x^2}{\left (x+1-\sqrt{x+1} \right )^2}<\frac{x^2+3x+18}{(x+1)^2}\]

Before we proceed, note that

1. The denominator from the RHS tells us $x+1\ne 0$, this says $x \ne -1$

2. The square root of $x+1$ in the denominator of the LHS, we must have $x+1\ge 0$, this will give us $x\ge -1$ but from point above, we know that $-1$ must be excluded so in this case we have $x >-1$.

3. \[\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\left \{ \frac{x^2}{\left (x+1-\sqrt{x+1} \right )^2} \right \}=-4,\]
\[ thus \: \: \: x =0\: \:also \: \:belongs \: \:to \: \:the \: \:set \: \: of \: \: real \: \: solutions \]

Now, if we
\[Let \: \: \sqrt{x+1}\doteq u:\\\\ \frac{(u^2-1)^2}{(u^2-u)^2}< \frac{(u^2-1)^2+3(u^2-1)+18}{u^4}\\\\ \Rightarrow (u^2-1)^2u^4< \left ( (u^2-1)^2+3(u^2-1)+18 \right )(u^2-u)^2\\\\ \Rightarrow u^5-2u^4+u^3-8u^2+16u-8<0.\]
\[P(u)\: \: has\: \: simple\: \: roots.\: Using \: \: polynomial\: \: division\: \: gives:\\\\ (u-1)^2(u-2)(u^2+2u+4)<0.\]
\[So\: \:the \: \: real \: \: solutions\: \: are: \sqrt{x+1}< 2\Rightarrow x <3\]

But since $x >-1$, we can conclude that \[x \in (-1,3).\]

FAQ: Real Solutions for Inequalities: Week #115 - June 9th, 2014

1. What are some common causes of inequality?

There are many factors that can contribute to inequality, including historical and systemic discrimination, unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, and social and economic policies that favor certain groups over others.

2. How can we measure and track inequality?

Inequality can be measured using various indicators such as income and wealth distribution, education levels, health outcomes, and social mobility. These indicators can be tracked over time to monitor changes in inequality.

3. What are some effective solutions for reducing inequality?

Some potential solutions include implementing policies that promote equal access to education and healthcare, enacting progressive taxation, and addressing systemic discrimination and biases. Additionally, increasing transparency and accountability in government and businesses can help reduce inequality.

4. How can individuals contribute to reducing inequality?

Individuals can support businesses and organizations that promote diversity and inclusivity, educate themselves and others about systemic issues and biases, and actively advocate for policies that aim to reduce inequality. Donating to and volunteering with organizations that support marginalized communities can also make a difference.

5. What are some potential consequences of not addressing inequality?

If left unchecked, inequality can lead to social and political unrest, hinder economic growth, and perpetuate cycles of poverty and marginalization. It can also widen the gap between different groups and create deep divisions in society.
