Real-Time Satellite Images: How to Access and Use Them for Your Project

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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of obtaining a current satellite picture of Asia, specifically Russia, for a school project. The individual is seeking advice on how to automatically update the picture on their PowerPoint presentation. Suggestions are made to use OpenOffice's Impress, which uses a zip archive and XML file format to make it easy to modify the presentation. The conversation also touches on the possibility of using HTML code to obtain the latest image, but it is noted that the website only updates the image once a year. Different options for automatically updating the image are discussed, including using a program to download and replace the old image, or using a shell script. The conversation also mentions the possibility of using Excel to import and refresh information from the internet,
  • #1
Ok, so I have a project for school, and I'm thinking of getting the current satellite picture over Asia, Russia specifically. How do I do this?
Computer science news on
  • #2
  • #3
Thank you, but I wanted to know how to get powerpoint to automaticly get something like this off the internet.
  • #4
What do you mean automatically? Just select the picture, save the file and insert it into your powerpoint presentation.
  • #5
I mean, I want the powerpoint to always have the latest one, not only the one I saved three days ago.
  • #6
I want a map like this one:
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  • #7
Do you think they take aerial photos everyday? They are usually taken a year or more apart. This only makes sense. I mean you're not going to see a huge difference in landscape from one day to another.
  • #8
O, well you should have said weather in the first place. It would probable take a lot of effort to get a self updating powerpoint presention. The other option is to use openoffice's impress. The reason I say this is because openoffice uses a zip archive with a xml file format which makes it very easy to modify the presentation. You could probable write some quick code to get rip the lastest image and then put the file inside the Pictures folder.
  • #9
Ohh, I seem to remember seeing something on techtv, how to have feed off the internet update your excel spreadsheets, but I couldn't remember how to do it. I thought it would be kind of like on excel.
  • #10
Here is for excel, but powerpoint doesn't have this feature:
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  • #11
Can't I insert part of a speadsheet into powerpoint, with the importing feature applied?
  • #12
Excel just extracts text, not images.
  • #13
dduardo said:
O, well you should have said weather in the first place. It would probable take a lot of effort to get a self updating powerpoint presention. The other option is to use openoffice's impress. The reason I say this is because openoffice uses a zip archive with a xml file format which makes it very easy to modify the presentation. You could probable write some quick code to get rip the lastest image and then put the file inside the Pictures folder.

Ok, How do I do this than? I have OpenOffice. Wouldn't it be easier to just copy and paste the latest image?
  • #14
Can I stick the source code in?
  • #15
What you would want to do is have a program unzip the .sxi file, download the latest image, overwrite the old image located in the Pictures folder and then zip back to .sxi

Depending on which programming language you use downloading the latest image will differ, but the rest can be done using a basic shell script to cp the file into the folder.
  • #16
I ment HTML code from the website:
its only the animated picture. I'm not much of a programmer.

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<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var images = new Array();
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function startRMap(){   
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<TD WIDTH="100%">

<img src="" alt="" width="600" height="405" border="0" id="severeMap" name="severeMap"></TD></TR><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="<!-- none specified -->"><TR><TD WIDTH="100%" CLASS="largeMap2">
<input type="button" value="<<" onClick="if(loaded!=0){animSpeed=400;startRMap();}">   
<input type="button" value=" < " onClick="if(loaded!=0){stopMap();prevMap();}">   
<input type="button" value=" stop " onClick="if(loaded!=0)stopMap();">   
<input type="button" value=" > " onClick="if(loaded!=0){stopMap();nextMap();}">   
<input type="button" value=">>" onClick="if(loaded!=0){animSpeed=400;startMap();}"><p>
<noscript>Your browser is unable to use our JavaScript-based looping application.  
Please enable the JavaScript component within your browser 
to view our looping radar and satellite images.</noscript>
<A HREF="/common/help/maps/satellite.html" onClick="return parent.mapWindowOpen('/common/help/maps/satellite.html','dif','width=450,height=450,resizable,scrollbars')" class="blkVerdanaText10">How to read this map</A>
<a href="/multimedia/index.html?clip=365" target="_top">Severe Weather Outlook</A> <IMG SRC="[PLAIN]"[/PLAIN]  BORDER="0" ALT="Free Content" ALIGN="MIDDLE">    

<a href="/multimedia/index.html?clip=364" target="_top">National Forecast</A> <IMG SRC="[PLAIN]"[/PLAIN]  BORDER="0" ALT="Free Content" ALIGN="MIDDLE">
<SELECT NAME="mapSelect" onChange="parent.mapSwap(this.form.mapSelect.options[this.form.mapSelect.selectedIndex].value)">
<OPTION VALUE="">Select Another Map</OPTION>
					<OPTION VALUE="/maps/local/local/rs/1a/index_large.html" SELECTED>Russia  Satellite</OPTION>
					<OPTION VALUE="/maps/local/local/rs/1a/europesatellite_large.html">Europe Satellite</OPTION>
					<OPTION VALUE="/maps/local/local/rs/1a/asiasatellite_large.html">Asia Satellite</OPTION>
					<OPTION VALUE="/maps/local/local/rs/1a/eastasiasatellite_large.html">East Asia Satellite</OPTION>

					<OPTION VALUE="/maps/local/local/rs/1a/centralasiasatellite_large.html">Central Asia Satellite</OPTION>

<!-- <OPTION VALUE="special">See more maps</OPTION>  -->

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  • #17
I have received information that most of the HTML code written is ads and other BEEP like that.

FAQ: Real-Time Satellite Images: How to Access and Use Them for Your Project

What is Powerpoint's live feed?

Powerpoint's live feed is a feature that allows users to present their slides in real-time to a remote audience. It allows for a dynamic and interactive presentation experience.

How do I activate Powerpoint's live feed?

To activate Powerpoint's live feed, go to the Slide Show tab and click on the "Present Live" option. This will generate a unique URL that you can share with your audience to join the live feed.

Can I control who has access to my live feed?

Yes, you have the option to require a password for your live feed or limit the access to specific individuals by providing them with a unique join code.

What features can I use during a live feed presentation?

You can use all the usual features of Powerpoint, such as animations, transitions, and videos. Additionally, you can also engage with your audience through live polls, chats, and Q&A sessions.

Is there a limit to the number of participants in a live feed?

No, there is no limit to the number of participants in a live feed. However, for a smooth presentation experience, it is recommended to keep the number of participants under 250.
