Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

In summary: Read moreIn summary, to find the real zeros of the polynomial function $f(x)=x^3+3x^2-4x-12$, the rational roots theorem and polynomial long division can be used. By checking the values of the function at $x=1, -1, 2$, it is determined that $x=2$ is a root. Using polynomial long division, the remaining quadratic can be factored to give the other two real roots of $f(x)$, which are $x=-2$ and $x=-3$. The rational roots theorem helps to narrow down the list of possible roots by considering the factors of the constant term and the leading coefficient.
  • #1
So I'm supposed to find all the real zeros of this polynomial function:

$\int$ $\left(x\right)$ = $x^3$ + 3$x^2$ - 4$x$ - 12

Usually, to find the zeros, I would use the quadratic function

$\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}$

But what do I do with the 3 at the beginning of the function? I should probably already know this from algebra, but I can't factor any numbers out and frankly I'm not sure what to do. I tried working it using the quadratic function with 3 = a, -4 = b, and -12 - c, but I got messy answers like this:

$\frac{4 \pm 4\sqrt{10}}{6}$

and the answers in the back of the book are $\pm$2, -3. I don't know how to get there, though. Help!

- - - Updated - - -

P.S. Special thanks to Ackbach for helping me get the mathy stuff to enter right (Clapping)
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  • #2
Hint: \(\displaystyle f(-2)=0\)
  • #3
(Wondering) How do you get that from the equation? By guessing and plugging in -2 and seeing if it equals zero?

...because I have the answers in the back of the book, but I don't know how to technically get them!
  • #4
Yes; it's often called solving "by inspection".

You may now use polynomial long division to find the other two roots (factor the quadratic resulting from this division).
  • #5
Oooohhhhh, right. Polynomial long division. I knew it was something I should have remembered from algebra!

Thanks :)
  • #6
Using the rational roots theorem, we know that the rational roots, if there are any, must come from the list:

\(\displaystyle \pm1,\,\pm2,\,\pm3,\,\pm4,\,\pm6\)

If we define $P(x)=x^3+3x^2-4x-12$, then proceeding systematically, we find:

\(\displaystyle P(1)=-12\)

\(\displaystyle P(-1)=-6\)

\(\displaystyle P(2)=0\)

Okay, now since we have a cubic, division by this zero will result in a quadratic, which we can hopefully factor by hand. Using synthetic division, we find:

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c|rr}& 1 & 3 & -4 & -12 \\ 2 & & 2 & 10 & 12 \\ \hline & 1 & 5 & 6 & 0 \end{array}\)

So, we now know:

\(\displaystyle P(x)=(x-2)\left(x^2+5x+6\right)=(x-2)(x+2)(x+3)\)

Hence, by the zero-factor property we obtain the 3 real roots for $P$ of:

\(\displaystyle x\in\{-3,\pm2\}\)
  • #7
Taryn said:
So I'm supposed to find all the real zeros of this polynomial function:

$\int$ $\left(x\right)$ = $x^3$ + 3$x^2$ - 4$x$ - 12

You can actually do better with the following code:




You don't have to come in and out of math mode while you're in the middle of an expression, unless there's actual text you need to display.

  • #8
You can always factorize.

$x^3 + 3x^2 - 4x - 12 = x^3 - 4x + 3x^2 - 12 = x(x^2 - 4) + 3(x^2 - 4) = (x^2 - 4)(x + 3) = (x + 2)(x+3)(x - 2)$

Hence, the roots are $x = 2, -2, -3$.
  • #9
Here is something well worth remembering:

If $a$ is a root of $p(x)$, then $(x - a)$ is a FACTOR of $p(x)$, and vice versa.

The proof of this is straightforward:

Divide $p(x)$ by $(x - a)$ to get:

$p(x) = q(x)(x - a) + r$, where $\text{deg}(r) < \text{deg}((x-a))$, or $r = 0$.

Since the degree of $x - a$ is 1, this means $r$ will be a NUMBER (constant polynomial).

Which number is it? Letting $x = a$, we get:

$p(a) = q(a)(a- a) + r = q(a)0 + r = 0 + r = r$.

So $r = p(a)$. So we always have:

$p(x) = q(x)(x - a) + p(a)$.

If $p(a) = 0$, then $p(x) = q(x)(x - a)$, and we see that $(x - a)$ is indeed a factor (and we have shown the factorization, produced by division).

On the other hand, if $p(x) = q(x)(x - a)$, for some polynomial $q(x)$ then:

$p(a) = q(a)(a - a) = q(a)0 = 0$, and $a$ is a root of $p$.

Thus there is a $1-1$ correspondence between roots of $p$ (these are numbers) and linear factors $(x - a)$ (these are polynomials).

A word about the "rational roots test": it is a fact (a deep one, which I shall not prove here) that if a polynomial with INTEGER coefficients factors into two (or more) polynomials with RATIONAL coefficients, then we can ALSO find a factorization with INTEGER coefficients.

In your case, since you have a cubic, the factorizations (if they exist) must be:

$x^3 + 3x^2 - 4x - 12 = (ax + b)(cx + d)(mx + n)$ or:

$x^3 + 3x^2 - 4x - 12 = (ax + b)(sx^2 + tx + u)$

where $a,b,c,d,m,n,s,t,u$ are INTEGERS.

In case 1, we have $acm = 1$, in case 2, we have $as = 1$, and since these are all INTEGERS, $a = \pm 1$. By appropriately assigning signs, we can force $a = 1$. So if we have a RATIONAL factorization (it might be we don't), we have $(x \pm b)$ as a factor.

Now either $bdn = -12$, or $bu = -12$, either way, we see that $b$ is a factor of $-12$, so the only possible rational roots to check turn out to be integers(!) which are factors of $-12$, and there are only so many of these:

$\pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, \pm 4, \pm 6$ or $\pm 12$.

Whittling down the infinity of real numbers to only 12 possibilities is a minor triumph, of sorts, and $p(a)$ for these $12$ integers is easily checked.

FAQ: Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

1. What are real zeros of a polynomial function?

The real zeros of a polynomial function are the values of the independent variable (usually denoted as x) that make the value of the function equal to zero. In other words, they are the values of x that make the graph of the polynomial intersect the x-axis.

2. How do I find the real zeros of a polynomial function?

To find the real zeros of a polynomial function, you can use the Rational Root Theorem or the Descartes' Rule of Signs to make a list of potential zeros. Then, you can use synthetic division or a graphing calculator to test these potential zeros and find the real zeros.

3. Can a polynomial function have complex zeros?

Yes, a polynomial function can have complex zeros. Complex zeros occur when the polynomial has complex coefficients, which means the coefficients have both real and imaginary parts. For example, the polynomial function f(x) = x2 + 1 has complex zeros at x = ±i where i is the imaginary unit.

4. How do I know if a polynomial function has no real zeros?

A polynomial function has no real zeros if all of its zeros are complex. This can be determined by looking at the discriminant of the polynomial. If the discriminant is negative, then the polynomial has no real zeros.

5. Can a polynomial function have an infinite number of real zeros?

No, a polynomial function can only have a finite number of real zeros. This is because a polynomial function of degree n can have at most n real zeros, according to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. However, a polynomial function can have an infinite number of complex zeros.

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