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If we have a potential with two fields psi and phi with a phase Exp(itheta) , how can we get rid of the field in order for the potential to be real?
berkeman said:Your question is not really clear. The notation [tex]e^{i \theta}[/tex] represents a field that is oscillating at some frequency and has a phase offset from some reference phase. What do you mean to make the potential "real"? You want to make it DC instead of AC?
emanaly said:Sorry , may be I was not clear enough, but I mean by the potential, the one which appear in quantum field theory
emanaly said:Sorry , may be I was not clear enough, but I mean by the potential, the one which appear in quantum field theory
berkeman said:I had someone who does understand QFT look at your question, and he doesn't understand what you are asking. Could you please provide more of a context for the question, and more details about the question?
emanaly said:Thank you for your effort bereman
The potential is as follow:V=Psi Phi Exp(itheta) in order for the potential to be real, we should get rid of the imaginery part , how can we do that?
Thanks again
Eliminating fields can help to remove obstacles and distractions that may hinder someone from reaching their full potential. By eliminating these barriers, individuals can focus on their strengths and talents, allowing them to reach their maximum potential.
Eliminating fields can help in realizing potential by creating a clear path towards a goal. When there are too many options or distractions, it can be challenging to determine where to focus one's energy. By eliminating unnecessary fields, individuals can direct their efforts towards what truly matters, leading to greater productivity and success.
Fields that can be eliminated may include negative thoughts and self-doubt, unnecessary tasks or responsibilities, toxic relationships or environments, and anything else that may be holding someone back from reaching their full potential. It can be beneficial to analyze one's daily routine and identify any fields that may be hindering progress.
One way to identify which fields to eliminate is by conducting a self-assessment. This can involve reflecting on one's strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Additionally, seeking feedback from trusted individuals can provide insight into areas that may be holding someone back. It can also be helpful to prioritize tasks and responsibilities, focusing on those that align with one's goals and eliminating those that do not.
Eliminating fields is an ongoing effort. As individuals grow and evolve, their priorities and goals may also change. Therefore, it is essential to regularly assess and eliminate any new fields that may arise. It is also essential to continuously work on self-improvement and identifying potential barriers to reaching one's full potential.