Realizing the RD Experiment. Troubleshooting/bug fixing. Input is very welcome.

In summary: Best of luck! In summary, the conversation discussed a proposed experiment to test the effects of entropy on counter values. The setup includes a laser, beam splitter, photo-multipliers, and counters, all using off-the-shelf equipment. The experiment will be conducted in both positive and negative versions, with a target of 20 runs and a significant deviation of 3 sigma. Some potential issues were identified, such as bias in the QRNG unit and the PRNG seed, and suggestions were made for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the results. The overall setup and methodology were deemed suitable, but it was recommended to seek the advice of a statistician for a thorough analysis.
  • #1
Realizing the RD Experiment. Troubleshooting/bug fixing.

Some of you may remember the experiment, that I've proposed a few months ago. The idea was to make a {laser/symmetric beam splitter/photo-multipliers/counters} setup, make one branch 'more entropic' and see if that would make any change to the counter values distribution. Here is an illustration:"

Well, WTH. I thought that realizing the experiment would be an interesting pet project, so I've actually bothered to make the apparatus, to perform initial testing and as of now I've started collecting the data. I'm interested in your comments on the setup, as your input may help fixing potential loopholes and bugs.

To keep it simple and inexpensive I've decided on 'off-the shelf' equipment and straightforward experiment realization. I've used Quantis QRNG as the {laser/symmetric beam splitter/photo-multipliers} and a regular PC as the {counters/heater}. Here is the diagram of the setup:


Testing showed, that my QRNG unit is not perfectly equidistributed and have an internal bias P('1') = 0.4999762(15). To remove that bias and exclude any possibility of any other systematic bias I've decided to XOR the input sequence with the pseudo random sequence of the MT19937 PRNG generator (Mersenne Twister). To make sure that the MT19937 itself is well equidistributed (MT19937 is known to have a bias, if initialized improperly) and does not introduce systematic bias between the runs the PRNG seed (624*32 bits) is generated for each experiment run by the QRNG (note that 624*32*(0.5-0.4999762) is less than one bit).

The computer's CPU/memory are used as the {heater/counters} (CPU is performing some 'extra' floating point operations for '1's (or '0'), thus creating the asymmetry in the generated entropy).

So pretty much everything, specifying the setup ended up in the following very simple source code (C/GNU):

I plan to do a series of experiment runs (3*10^12 bits each) for both 'positive' and 'negative' versions and use the resulting 'mean' value as the single output of each run. The target number of runs is 20 (10 each version, approx 168 days total time). The target level of significant deviation is 3 sigma.

Note/Trick: I've already performed 5 runs of "extra entropy for '1's" version that were part of the initial testing/adjustments/debiasing. The output was P(1) > P(0) for every run (this either favors my initial hypothesis, shows that there is some bias, or it was just a pure coincidence /3% chance/). So now I'm going to discard that initial data and start fresh, but with the "extra entropy for '0's" runs first. I'm going to interrupt the experiment, if first four/five runs of it would end with P(1) > P(0) results (because this would probably mean there is some unexplained bias in the system).

I would very much appreciate your input, comments related to the experiment, methodology, bugs in the code, etc.
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  • #2

Hi there,

First of all, I want to commend you for taking the time and effort to conduct this experiment. It shows your dedication and passion for science and I am sure it will yield interesting results.

I have a few comments and suggestions regarding your setup and methodology:

1. Equipment: While using off-the-shelf equipment may seem like a cost-effective and easy solution, it is important to ensure that the equipment is of high quality and meets the required specifications for the experiment. I would suggest double-checking the specifications of the Quantis QRNG unit to ensure that it is suitable for your experiment.

2. Bias in QRNG unit: It is good that you have identified the bias in your QRNG unit and have taken steps to remove it. However, I would recommend performing more thorough testing to ensure that the bias has been completely eliminated. This could involve using different PRNG generators and comparing the results, or using a different QRNG unit for comparison.

3. Validating the PRNG seed: As you mentioned, the MT19937 PRNG has a known bias if initialized improperly. I would suggest performing additional tests to validate the PRNG seed and ensure that it does not introduce any systematic bias in your experiment.

4. Data collection: It is important to ensure that the data collection process is free from any external interference or noise. I would recommend taking measures to shield the setup from environmental factors and using a stable power source to minimize any fluctuations.

5. Statistical analysis: It is good that you have set a target level of significant deviation and have planned for a sufficient number of runs. However, I would suggest consulting a statistician to ensure that your methodology and analysis are sound and will yield reliable results.

Overall, I think your setup and methodology seem solid. However, it is always good to have a second pair of eyes look over the experiment to identify any potential loopholes or bugs. I wish you all the best with your experiment and I am looking forward to seeing the results.
  • #3
Thank you in advance for your help.

I am impressed by your dedication and attention to detail in setting up and troubleshooting this experiment. It is clear that you have put a lot of thought into the design and have taken measures to eliminate potential biases. Your approach to using off-the-shelf equipment and straightforward methods is also commendable, as it allows for reproducibility and accessibility.

One suggestion I have is to consider using a larger sample size for your runs, if possible. This may help to increase the statistical power of your results and make any potential deviations more significant. Additionally, it may be helpful to have a control group or baseline data to compare your results to, in order to further validate your findings.

Overall, I think your experiment has the potential to yield interesting results and I look forward to seeing the outcome. Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to reach out for input or assistance if needed.

Related to Realizing the RD Experiment. Troubleshooting/bug fixing. Input is very welcome.

1. What is the RD Experiment and how does it work?

The RD Experiment is a scientific research project designed to test and analyze a specific hypothesis. It involves conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing the results to draw conclusions. The experiment is typically carried out in a controlled setting and follows a specific methodology.

2. What is troubleshooting and why is it important for the RD Experiment?

Troubleshooting is the process of identifying and resolving problems or bugs in a system or experiment. It is important for the RD Experiment because it ensures that the results obtained are accurate and reliable. Without troubleshooting, errors or issues in the experiment may go unnoticed and compromise the validity of the findings.

3. How can I effectively troubleshoot and fix bugs in the RD Experiment?

The first step in troubleshooting is to identify the problem. This can be done by carefully reviewing the experimental design, data collection methods, and equipment used. Once the problem is identified, it is important to carefully analyze and test potential solutions. Keeping detailed records and collaborating with other scientists can also be helpful in effectively troubleshooting and fixing bugs in the RD Experiment.

4. What role does input from others play in troubleshooting and bug fixing for the RD Experiment?

Input from others, such as colleagues, mentors, or experts in the field, can be extremely valuable in troubleshooting and bug fixing for the RD Experiment. They may offer a fresh perspective or have experience with similar experiments that can help identify potential issues and solutions. Collaboration and communication are key in the scientific community, and seeking input from others can greatly improve the accuracy and reliability of the experiment.

5. How can I avoid common troubleshooting mistakes in the RD Experiment?

One common mistake in troubleshooting is jumping to conclusions or making assumptions without thoroughly testing potential solutions. This can lead to inaccurate results or even create new problems. It is important to carefully analyze and test each potential solution before implementing it. Additionally, keeping detailed records and documenting all steps taken during troubleshooting can help avoid repeating mistakes or missing important details.
