Realizing Warp Drive with Matter-Antimatter Fuel Cells

In summary, the conversation discusses the feasibility of realizing the warp drive within general relativity, specifically addressing the use of matter-antimatter fuel cells as an energy source and the implementation of the stress-energy tensor in this scenario. It is noted that ordinary matter and energy cannot produce the necessary curvature for the Alcubierre metric and that exotic matter, which violates energy conditions, is needed. However, the production of such matter is currently not possible and there is no evidence of its existence.
  • #1
My question is related to M. Alcubierres paper on the warp drive within general relativity. I was wondering about the realizability of this, setting the three energy conditions aside for the moment.
Assuming the highest energy density known to me as an energy source, namely something like matter-antimatter fuel cells, is it necessary to actually release the energy in form for instance of annihilation processes in order to obtain curvature ?
More precisely, how would I implement the stress-energy tensor in this scenario and how does it change between reaction, i.e. annihilation, and the bare storage of matter ?
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  • #2
The stress-energy tensor is a teonsor on the space-time manifold, so it doesnt' change! Or if you want to be a bit less rigorous you can think that the change is included in it as it is define on the whole space-time.
  • #3
5not42! said:
is it necessary to actually release the energy in form for instance of annihilation processes in order to obtain curvature ?

No. Energy and matter always cause spacetime curvature. But it might not be the kind of curvature you are looking for. The kind of curvature you need for the Alcubierre metric is not the kind that any sort of ordinary matter or energy generates. So it doesn't matter how much ordinary matter or energy you collect; it won't give you what you want. You need what is often called "exotic matter", i.e., something that violates the energy conditions. You can't just fire up the matter-antimatter generator and make exotic matter; there is no known process that will produce it if it's not already present. And there isn't any already present anywhere that we observe. (Many physicists think there can't be any.)

FAQ: Realizing Warp Drive with Matter-Antimatter Fuel Cells

1. What is a matter-antimatter fuel cell?

A matter-antimatter fuel cell is a device that uses the annihilation of matter and antimatter to produce energy. Antimatter is the opposite of normal matter, with opposite charge and spin. When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other and release a large amount of energy in the form of gamma rays.

2. How does a matter-antimatter fuel cell work?

The fuel cell contains a chamber where matter and antimatter particles are stored separately. When they are released and come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing energy. This energy is then converted into electricity through a process called thermoelectric conversion.

3. What is the potential for warp drive with matter-antimatter fuel cells?

The potential for warp drive with matter-antimatter fuel cells is still theoretical and requires further research and development. However, some scientists believe that the energy produced from matter-antimatter annihilation could potentially power a spaceship to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light, making warp drive a possibility.

4. What are the challenges in realizing warp drive with matter-antimatter fuel cells?

One of the main challenges is producing and storing enough antimatter for practical use. Antimatter is extremely rare and difficult to produce, and storing it is also a complex and expensive process. Additionally, the technology for converting the energy from annihilation into usable electricity is still in its early stages and requires further development.

5. Are there any potential risks or drawbacks to using matter-antimatter fuel cells for warp drive?

There are potential risks and drawbacks to using matter-antimatter fuel cells for warp drive, including the potential for catastrophic explosions if the antimatter containment fails. Additionally, the cost and resources required for producing and storing antimatter may make it impractical for widespread use. There are also ethical concerns surrounding the use of antimatter, as it is currently only produced in small amounts for scientific research purposes.
