Reason(s) why our perspective of science is wrong

In summary, scientists today are saying that we have evolved from apes, but this is not true. Rather, our consciousness evolves and we become aware of many new things. For example, while you were a baby, your parents most definitely talked to you out of affection. But, did you understand? No. But, as they kept talking and talking, your consciousness evolved and you started to understand what they were talking about, when your age was ripe. So the conclusion is, the consciousness evolves and not the body. Also, most technology is not science, and it is used for destructive purposes.
  • #36
Tigron-X said:
I'll just say this, if you're a believer in God and don't take value to evolution, then you're throwing out knowledge on the creation process.

Evolution does not in any way negate Creationism. It explains the laws at work and the way they work as we learn more and more about the Creation. That's what science is, and that's what science does.

End of story.

Oh no, but that goes against the bible. You can't go against the bible! The people back in the day knew EVERYTHING. I bet if you go through the bible every word can be taken literally and the truths of the universe would eme--- :zzz:
Physics news on
  • #37

It even states in the Bible to take the context metaphorically so that one is wise and not a fool; of course, I paraphrase. But, the meaning is in there.