Reconciling DeBroglie and Dirac?

In summary, Davisson and Germer in 1927 demonstrated that electrons shot at a crystal have a DeBroglie wavelength inversely proportional to their momentum. This implies that their wavelength is dependent on their velocity and the voltage used to accelerate them. However, Dirac showed that electrons always move at c, and the measured velocity is just an average over time. This concept is discussed in Dirac's "The Principles of Quantum Mechanics" and is known as the Zitterbewegung effect. It is a rapid fluctuation in velocity and only occurs when both positive and negative frequency solutions are present. The diffraction pattern of the electrons is related to their phase velocity, which is in turn related to their momentum.
  • #1
So in 1927 Davisson and Germer showed that electrons shot at a crystal do indeed have a DeBroglie wavelength inversely proportional to their momentum (h/p)? That would mean that their wavelength is a function of their velocity, the voltage used to accelerate them, etc. But I seem to remember that Dirac showed that electrons always move at c, and the macroscopic velocity we measure is just the average of all those back and forth trips over some finite period of time.

Are these two ideas compatible?

Math Questions: I am interested in doing my own calculations, so what velocity do the electron wavelets have after being scattered by the atoms? Do they interact with only the outermost electrons of the atoms, or also some of the inner ones, or even the nucleus?
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  • #2
exmarine said:
I seem to remember that Dirac showed that electrons always move at c, and the macroscopic velocity we measure is just the average of all those back and forth trips over some finite period of time.

That doesn't sound like anything I've ever read. Maybe someone who knows more about the early history of QM than I do will recognize what this refers to.

Maybe you're thinking of Brian Greene and his "everything moves through spacetime at speed c" meme?
  • #3
Nope, not Brian Greene. I'll look back through my Dirac books to see if I can find it again.

  • #4
I'm sure all of the "great minds" came up with some ideas that didn't pan out. :wink:
  • #5
Are you talking about the infamous "Zitterbewegung"?
  • #6
OK, here it is: P. A. M. Dirac, “The Principles of Quantum Mechanics”, Fourth Edition 1957-58, Clarendon Press, Oxford. (The first edition was in 1930.) Chapter XI – Relativistic Theory of the Electron, Section 69 – The motion of a free electron, p. 261 and following.

“It is of interest to consider the motion of a free electron in the Heisenberg picture corresponding to the above theory and to study the Heisenberg equations of motion. These equations of motion can be integrated exactly, as was first done by Schrodinger. (…)
As Hamiltonian we must take the expression which we get as equal to when we put the operator on ψ in (10) equal to zero, i.e.

We see at once that the momentum commutes with H and is thus a constant of the motion. Furthermore, the -component of the velocity is

This result is rather surprising, as it means an altogether different relation between velocity and momentum from what one has in classical mechanics. (…) …we can conclude that a measurement of a component of the velocity of a free electron is certain to lead to the result ±c (italics Dirac’s). This conclusion is easily seen to hold also when there is a field present.

Since electrons are observed in practice to have velocities considerably less than that of light, it would seem that we have here a contradiction with experiment. The contradiction is not real, though, since the theoretical velocity in the above conclusion is the velocity at one instant of time while observed velocities are always average velocities through appreciable time intervals. We shall find upon further examination of the equations of motion that the velocity is not at all constant, but oscillates rapidly about a mean value which agrees with the observed value.

It may easily be verified that a measurement of a component of the velocity must lead to the result ±c in a relativistic theory, simply from an elementary application of the principle of uncertainty…”

Well I see that the equations from Word don't paste over here...
  • #7
As Doc Al says, this is the well-known Zitterbewegung effect. It's a rapid fluctuation in d<x>/dt, and only occurs when both positive and negative frequency solutions are present.

You don't want d<x>/dt anyway, it fluctuates about the group velocity. The diffraction pattern relates to the phase velocity, and that in turn relates to p.

FAQ: Reconciling DeBroglie and Dirac?

1. What is the DeBroglie equation and how does it relate to Dirac's theory?

The DeBroglie equation, also known as the matter-wave equation, describes the wave-like behavior of matter particles. This equation was first proposed by Louis DeBroglie in 1924 and is based on the concept of wave-particle duality. In contrast, Dirac's theory relates to the behavior of electrons and other subatomic particles and is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The two theories are reconciled through the concept of wave-particle duality, which states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior.

2. How does the DeBroglie wavelength affect the behavior of particles?

The DeBroglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of a particle. This means that as the momentum of a particle increases, its wavelength decreases. This relationship helps to explain the wave-like behavior of particles, such as diffraction and interference patterns, and is a key concept in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles.

3. Can DeBroglie's equation and Dirac's theory both be true?

Yes, both DeBroglie's equation and Dirac's theory are valid and have been experimentally proven. While DeBroglie's equation describes the wave-like behavior of particles, Dirac's theory describes the behavior of subatomic particles and how they interact with electromagnetic fields. These two theories work together to provide a more complete understanding of the behavior of matter particles.

4. How does the concept of wave-particle duality reconcile DeBroglie's equation and Dirac's theory?

The concept of wave-particle duality states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This means that particles can be described by DeBroglie's equation, which describes their wave-like behavior, and also by Dirac's theory, which describes their particle-like behavior. The two theories are not contradictory, but rather complement each other in explaining the behavior of matter particles.

5. Are there any limitations or criticisms of reconciling DeBroglie and Dirac?

While the reconciliation of DeBroglie's equation and Dirac's theory has been widely accepted, there are still some limitations and criticisms. One criticism is that the concept of wave-particle duality is difficult to visualize and understand. Additionally, there are some cases where the two theories do not fully align, such as in the behavior of particles at high energies. However, despite these limitations, the reconciliation of DeBroglie and Dirac remains a fundamental concept in modern physics.

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