Reconstructing Group from Covering Maps

  • Thread starter WWGD
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In summary: I meant to say "spaces whose fundamental group is ZxZ covers another space and the covering is a 2 fold covering."
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi, let p : E--->B be a covering map. Then we have a result that for every subgroup of ## \pi_1(B) ## we have an associated covering map. Now, going in sort-of the reverse direction, is there a way of figuring out what ## \pi_1(B) ## is, if we know a collection of covering maps for B; what information do we need for these to be able to reconstruct ## \pi_1 (B) ## up to isomorphism?
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Physics news on
  • #2
do you know what a "deck transformation" is?
  • #3
Yes, Wonk, these are the maps that factor through the covering map p, right, i.e., pof=p, right? Ah, I see, if the cover by X is a universal cover, then the group is equal to ## \pi_1(X) ##, right? What if X is not universal. It will still cover all other universal covers by its universal property, right?
  • #4
WWGD said:
Hi, let p : E--->B be a covering map. Then we have a result that for every subgroup of ## \pi_1(B) ## we have an associated covering map. Now, going in sort-of the reverse direction, is there a way of figuring out what ## \pi_1(B) ## is, if we know a collection of covering maps for B; what information do we need for these to be able to reconstruct ## \pi_1 (B) ## up to isomorphism?

WWGD your question confuses me a bit so for clarity here is a question for you.

Suppose you have a space whose fundamental group is ZxZ. Suppose also that it has a deck transformation of order 2. Can you deduce the fundamental group of the quotient space? Is that the sort of thing you are asking?
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  • #5
Hi lavinia, I assume the space whose fundamental group is ZxZ is the base of some covering. If so, is there any constraint for the top space, is the top space the universal covering space? I guess no, since the deck group would then be ZxZ. And if I looked it up correctly, if the covering is regular, then there is a homeomorphism ## E /( \frac {\mathbb Z}{2 \mathbb Z} ) \simeq B ##, where B is the base. But then we would have ## \pi_1( E/( \mathbb Z / 2\mathbb Z))=\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z ## , which cannot be. I hope I understood your question correctly.
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  • #6
WWGD said:
Hi lavinia, I assume the space whose fundamental group is ZxZ is the base of some covering. If so, is there any constraint for the top space, is the top space the universal covering space? I guess no, since the deck group would then be ZxZ. And if I looked it up correctly, if the covering is regular, then there is a homeomorphism ## E /( \frac {\mathbb Z}{2 \mathbb Z} ) \simeq B ##, where B is the base. But then we would have ## \pi_1( E/( \mathbb Z / 2\mathbb Z))=\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z ## , which cannot be. I hope I understood your question correctly.

What I meant to say was that the space with fundamental group ZxZ covers another space and the covering is a 2 fold covering. Can you deduce the fundamental group of the base? I was asking if that was your question.
  • #7
lavinia said:
What I meant to say was that the space with fundamental group ZxZ covers another space and the covering is a 2 fold covering. Can you deduce the fundamental group of the base? I was asking if that was your question.
Well, no, I don't think so; I was trying to construct a sort-of converse to the result that : given a cover p:E-->X, for every subgroup of ##G:=\pi_1(X)## , there is an associated covering map for every subgroup of G. Now, if we did not know the fundamental group of ##X## , but we knew all the covering maps p: E-->X, could we figure out ## G:= \pi_1(X) ## ? It is difficult to associate a subgroup for every cover, unless , I think, you can show that some are covers of others. And there is the additional issue : is it possible for different groups with non-trivial subgroups to share the exact same subgroups?

But your question is an interesting one; I am looking into it. And the idea itself of finding
possible spaces whose fundamental group is ZxZ is an interesting one too. One possibility is
that the space is the product of spaces whose fundamental group is Z, e.g., the circle (actually, I am thinking of the non-zero complexes too). I guess one choice would be the map ##z^2## from the circle to itself. But I don't know how to classify all the covers with those properties. It is a nice exercise. Let me think about it.
spaces does the circle cover? (Seems like a choice is ) If the deck transformation does not have order 2

EDIT: Sorry for that weird emoticon, I don't know how to get rid of it.
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  • #8
WWGD said:
Well, no, I don't think so; I was trying to construct a sort-of converse to the result that : given a cover p:E-->X, for every subgroup of ##G:=\pi_1(X)## , there is an associated covering map for every subgroup of G. Now, if we did not know the fundamental group of ##X## , but we knew all the covering maps p: E-->X, could we figure out ## G:= \pi_1(X) ## ? It is difficult to associate a subgroup for every cover, unless , I think, you can show that some are covers of others. And there is the additional issue : is it possible for different groups with non-trivial subgroups to share the exact same subgroups?

This is why I was confused.
- If E is the universal cover then what group is the group of covering transformations of X?
-If E is not the universal cover, then even if you know the fundamental group of E and know the covering group, how do you figure out the the fundamental group of X? Assume even that E is a regular cover of X.
E.G. Can you construct a space whose fundamental group is ZxZ and has covering transformations of order 2 of two different X's?

FAQ: Reconstructing Group from Covering Maps

What is the purpose of reconstructing a group from covering maps?

The purpose of reconstructing a group from covering maps is to gain a better understanding of the underlying structure and relationships between elements in a group. By analyzing the covering maps and their corresponding group actions, we can reconstruct the original group and its properties.

What are covering maps and how do they relate to groups?

Covering maps are mappings between two topological spaces that preserve the local structure of the spaces. They relate to groups through their group actions, which are actions of a group on a set that preserve the group structure. Covering maps can be used to study the group actions and ultimately reconstruct the group.

Can any group be reconstructed from its covering maps?

No, not every group can be reconstructed from its covering maps. Only certain groups, such as finite groups and discrete groups, can be reconstructed using covering maps.

What is the process of reconstructing a group from its covering maps?

The process of reconstructing a group from its covering maps involves identifying the group actions and their corresponding covering maps, determining the relationship between the maps, and then using this information to reconstruct the group and its properties.

What are some applications of reconstructing a group from its covering maps?

Reconstructing a group from its covering maps has various applications in mathematics and physics. It can be used to study symmetry groups, topological groups, and other mathematical structures. In physics, it can be used to understand the symmetries of physical systems, such as in quantum mechanics and field theory.

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