Record Snowfall Delights Locals - 4" Since 4AM!

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: For us, having an inch or two on the ground is a once or twice a year treat. This year we haven't had any significant snow at our place and the forecasters were promising that we would get some, but holy cow! We have gotten about 4 inches since 4AM, and it is expected to continue coming down steadily through tomorrow. This could end up being a record for us!
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Because we don't usually get too much, we look forward to a good snowfall. For us, having an inch or two on the ground is a once or twice a year treat. This year we haven't had any significant snow at our place and the forecasters were promising that we would get some, but holy cow! We have gotten about 4 inches since 4AM, and it is expected to continue coming down steadily through tomorrow. This could end up being a record for us!

Damn! Forgot to get catfood! But it sure is beautiful out there. :smile:
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  • #2
Ivan Seeking said:
Because we don't usually get too much, we look forward to a good snowfall. For us, having an inch or two on the ground is a once or twice a year treat. This year we haven't had any significant snow at our place and the forecasters were promising that we would get some, but holy cow! We have gotten about 4 inches since 4AM, and it is expected to continue coming down steadily through tomorrow. This could end up being a record for us!

Damn! Forgot to get catfood! But it sure is beautiful out there. :smile:
Congratulations! Send some my way!
  • #3
Ok, now I'm jealous. Here in Portland we just got rain. I was hoping for a snow day at work tonight. Doesn't look like it's going to happen.
  • #4
It's snowing here to pretty good, I was going to go out and pick up a few things but someone just got into a fender bender right outside my apartment so I think I will just stay in and away from the idiot drivers out there.
  • #5
Yesterdays forecast called for snow here in the Seattle area, so of course we have sunny blue skies. Cold, though.

Poor kitty! Are you going to be a good cat-dad and trudge through the snow for cat food?
  • #6
We've been getting the most bizarre weather here. Every time we get some nice, pretty snow, it is followed by rain that turns it to slush or completely melts it away. Though, right now, we have a very pretty dusting on everything...just the right amount that the mountains are snow-covered and pretty, but the roads are clear and safe to drive on. We do have sort of an ice/snow effect thing going on at the farm where a hose bib has burst over the's just misting and freezing as it mists now...sort of like a snow machine. :rolleyes: As long as it's misting, at least that means the rest of the line isn't frozen yet, so it'll wait until tomorrow to get fixed. But, nothing out there seems to be working. We have little space heaters under every sink because the heat in the building isn't working and none of the pipes to the sinks are insulated, and of course they were all placed on poorly insulated outside walls. We're heating part of the building with a freezer (no, I'm not kidding...the freezer is pumping out heat and they tell us they won't fix it until they have 3 days of no snow, so I'm guessing that means they'll get around to it in April...we had 3 days of rain and I told the building manager to call them and tell them to get their butts out there since there was no snow, but apparently that doesn't make them happy either :rolleyes:), and since we don't have a freezer, I've been using the loading dock and my grad student's pick-up truck as a freezer during the experiments we've been running where we need to keep things on ice. *shakes head* I'm glad that at least it's cold enough outside to keep things frozen without a proper freezer.
  • #7
Yep, we haven't gotten snow this bad since 1993. Damn Global Warming!
  • #8
Huckleberry said:
Ok, now I'm jealous. Here in Portland we just got rain. I was hoping for a snow day at work tonight. Doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Hey Huckleberry, I didn't realize that you live in Portland. Yeah, well, I can't tell you how many times Matt Zaffino has promised snow, and you got lots but we got none. :cry:

We are looking to be socked in until tomorrow night. And we are breaking 32 degrees just long enought to provide for a nice layer of ice when it refreezes in a few hours.

As for the kitty Einstein, it looks he will have to gum the dry food. :biggrin: We actually have plenty of dry, but at 17, poor little buddy hardly has any teeth and needs to eat Fancy Feast.
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  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
Hey Huckleberry, I didn't realize that you live in Portland. Yeah, well, I can't tell you how many times Matt Zaffino has promised snow, and you got lots but we gone none. :cry:

We are looking to be socked in until tomorrow night. And we are breaking 32 degrees just long enought to provide for a nice layer of ice when it refreezes in a few hours.
I hope Tsu doesn't need to drive to work in that! I know those in healthcare don't often get much of a choice (and those of us teaching those going into healthcare don't either, since we're breaking them into the idea that they have to get to work/school no matter how horrid the weather).

As for the kitty Einstein, it looks he will have to gum the dry food. :biggrin: We actually have plenty of dry, but at 17, poor little buddy hardly has any teeth and needs to eat Fancy Feast.
Make a slurry by soaking it in water. Not too appetizing looking, but edible. Or, if it's just for a day or two, if you have any ground beef in the house, you can boil that with some rice for him. Not entirely perfect nutrition, but good enough to keep him fed until you can get on the roads again.
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
Hey Huckleberry, I didn't realize that you live in Portland. Yeah, well, I can't tell you how many times Matt Zaffino has promised snow, and you got lots but we gone none. :cry:
Yeah, been here about two years now since I moved from Mass. I was gone [edit-from this site]for about a year and when I came back to the site I learned that Franzbear was killed by Yomamma. Can you imagine my disappointment? Lots of snow on the east coast this year. My dad tells me about it every time I call.

We are looking to be socked in until tomorrow night. And we are breaking 32 degrees just long enought to provide for a nice layer of ice when it refreezes in a few hours.
Hey, ice will work for me. That should still get me a night off from work to enjoy a long weekend. I just hope it isn't like last year with all the accidents.

As for the kitty Einstein, it looks he will have to gum the dry food. :biggrin: We actually have plenty of dry, but at 17, poor little buddy hardly has any teeth and needs to eat Fancy Feast.
Wow, that's quite a respectable age for a cat. He's almost as old as my brother. My brother still has most of his teeth though, but he did have his wisdom teeth removed recently.
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  • #11
We have been having heavy rainstorms for the last few weeks in Los Angeles. Glad I bought some galoshes.

The winds frequently knock out the power here and I am thinking about getting a kerosene lamp. I have to do lots of reading at night, and using the flashlight doesn't cut it.
  • #12
Math Is Hard said:
Glad I bought some galoshes.

As our old farm manager used to say, "Always wear your rubbers!" :biggrin:
  • #13
Moonbear said:
As our old farm manager used to say, "Always wear your rubbers!" :biggrin:

Good advice! :smile:
  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
As for the kitty Einstein, it looks he will have to gum the dry food. :biggrin: We actually have plenty of dry, but at 17, poor little buddy hardly has any teeth and needs to eat Fancy Feast.

It's about the same with Jelly. I get her those little Temptations cat treats that are crunchy on the outside and soft inside and she manages OK with those, but she avoids regular dry food now.
  • #15
Moonbear said:
if you have any ground beef in the house, you can boil that with some rice for him. Not entirely perfect nutrition, but good enough to keep him fed until you can get on the roads again.

Too much fat is the biggest concern with human food?
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
Too much fat is the biggest concern with human food?

Probably. Cats are primarily carnivorous, and cooking the meat destroys some vitamins, so it could just be the cooking that is the issue for them. Don't you have any mice lying around you could feed him? :biggrin:
  • #17
Moonbear said:
Don't you have any mice lying around you could feed him? :biggrin:

Heh, even Bun hasn't managed to find any today. :biggrin:

As you may know, normally I get my daily offering. I thank her and then throw it outside when she isn't looking; and then tell her that I ate it. Unfortunately, she often finds it and brings it back anyway.
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
Heh, even Bun hasn't managed to find any today. :biggrin:

As you may know, normally I get my daily offering. I thank her and then throw it outside when she isn't looking; and then tell her that I ate it. Unfortunately, she often finds it and brings it back anyway.

:smile: This is the advantage of having an indoor-only cat. I only get gifts of twist ties (that's what Ember "hunts"). I did see the farm cat running around with a rather large rat not long ago though, and have seen a hawk on the farm standing over a pile of pigeon feathers a few times (usually I'll pass the hawk with a pigeon on the way in, and by the time I leave, there's nothing left but feathers).
  • #19
In HS, I had a girlfriend whose cat would meet her on the back step after school every day and show here what he had killed that day. She'd tell him what a good hunter he was and rub his ears, and he would take his prize off somewhere and eat it.
  • #20
I have often wondered if this is not the same instinct that we see in hunters and fishermen.

Even bees dance in front of their friends when they find a good stash. :biggrin:
  • #21
Moonbear said:
:smile: This is the advantage of having an indoor-only cat. I only get gifts of twist ties (that's what Ember "hunts"). I did see the farm cat running around with a rather large rat not long ago though, and have seen a hawk on the farm standing over a pile of pigeon feathers a few times (usually I'll pass the hawk with a pigeon on the way in, and by the time I leave, there's nothing left but feathers).
In the summer, broad-winged hawks nest on my property, and maybe once a week or so, I'll find a pile of mourning dove feathers on the front patio or on the front lawn near the bird feeder.

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  • #22
A little bit ago Tsu called me in the office to tell me that there is a set of human footprints coming down our driveway - one way only!

I had walked up to check the road and see if we might get out, but came back down by a different path. From the house she could only see the one set of tracks. :smile:
  • #23
Ivan, we have gotten over 5' of snow since the first of December. Thanks to mother nature, sunlight and some above-freezing weather have hardened that a bit and cut down the volume. Even so, Bun could not hunt here without posting up at holes at the ends of tunnels in the snow crafted by squirrels, voles, etc. We don't have a lot of hawks, weasels, etc, but these rodents seem to be able to exploit the snow-pack and gain an advantage. I'll have to really tighten my cellar if all these critter manage to breed.
  • #24
It is still windy and snowing. I really dread the walk to school will be chilly. My parents said it may hit -49 (with windchill) down there...I hope it doesn't get like that here, if it does I will be a human icicle by the time i make it to school.
  • #25
It's been miserable blowing snow all day here, today. Right now it's -16F, feels like -44F with winds blowing at 25 miles per hour with snow. Lovely. This is supposed to hold on until about Tuesday.

I'm not thrilled about having overground, uncovered parking at work. I'm currently running through my excuses for why I can't make it into the office.
  • #26
Ick, -46 degrees. I could cry right now, the walk to school this morning is going to be awful.
  • #27
scorpa said:
Ick, -46 degrees. I could cry right now, the walk to school this morning is going to be awful.

Is that fahrenheit or celcius? *shivers either way*
  • #28
Moonbear said:
Is that fahrenheit or celcius?
It hardly matters. -40C = -40F.
  • #29
scorpa said:
Ick, -46 degrees.

Same here. On Saturday I was strolling around with a light spring jacket on, and now this crap.
  • #30
We're supposed to get more snow and ice tomorrow. :-( It's supposed to snow all day.
  • #31
Moonbear said:
WWe do have sort of an ice/snow effect thing going on at the farm where a hose bib has burst over the's just misting and freezing as it mists now...sort of like a snow machine. :rolleyes:

Just as a follow-up, the effect today was absolutely beautiful! Wish I had my camera with me. The weeds around it are now beautiful crystal plants, and the lawn is a field of ice stalagmites. :biggrin: It's not fixed, but someone did remove the hose bib and shut off the water to it.
  • #32
Moonbear said:
Is that fahrenheit or celcius? *shivers either way*

Celsius. Holy crap it was awful. My glasses were competely frosted over by the time I was outside 2 minutes so I couldn't see and by the time I made it to school I couldn't feel my legs. Makes me feel even worse for people like my dad who have to work outside in this.
  • #33
All the while, Michigan is thawing. tomorrows high 46F with rain. Its pretty normal for us to have late Jan. thaw. We all get our hopes up, then BAM, winter smacks us in the face like so many frozen flounder.
  • #34
scorpa, sounds like you are close to where I am. It was -51F with the wind chill first thing this morning. (Which is only -46C. Seems they meet at -40 and then F takes off plummeting more quickly after that.) Yesterday was a festival of high winds and blowing snow. The roads are all snow covered because the trucks couldn't sand in high winds, and the wind and snow polished everything to a shine. Everywhere today is goshawful cold and dangerous as anything.
  • #35
It is supposed to last for at least the rest of the week to, I don't mind it being cold but -46 is pretty much my personal breaking point. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the wind :( Good old Alberta, next week it will probably be +2 or something ridiculous like that just to screw with us.

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