Rectangular Potential Barrier Where E=V0

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the general solution and transmission coefficient for a particle with mass m in a potential well with V(x) = 0 for x < 0; V0 for 0 < x < a; 0 for x > a. The particle has energy E=V0 and the conversation also references the Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation. The conversation includes a discussion on finding the wave function for each region, with Aeikx+Be-ikx for region I and Ceikx for region III. The question of the physical representation of eikx and e-ikx is also brought up, with the answer being that they represent a particle with definite momentum. The conversation concludes with a mention of
  • #1

Homework Statement

V(x) = 0 for x < 0; V0 for 0 < x < a; 0 for x > a

Particle of mass m


Asks for general solution and transmission coefficient.

Homework Equations

Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation

The Attempt at a Solution

I've found region I (the left region where x <0) to be Aeikx+Be-ikx.

Middle region to be C+Dx (not sure where this comes from but I read that this is the solution to the middle region when E=V0 so any help with this is appreciated).

Right region where x > a to be Feikx+Ge-ikx.

My textbook has the right region in an example as just Feikx. It goes through the explanation of limits mattering as x-> infinity or -infinity. I understand this for when E<V0, but the case seems completely different when E=V0.Any help is appreciated.

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  • #2
GrantB said:

Homework Statement

V(x) = 0 for x < 0; V0 for 0 < x < a; 0 for x > a

Particle of mass m


Asks for general solution and transmission coefficient.

Homework Equations

Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation

The Attempt at a Solution

I've found region I (the left region where x <0) to be Aeikx+Be-ikx.

Middle region to be C+Dx (not sure where this comes from but I read that this is the solution to the middle region when E=V0 so any help with this is appreciated).
You do the same thing you did to find Aeikx+Be-ikx for region I, except this time the potential is V(x)=E.
Right region where x > a to be Feikx+Ge-ikx.

My textbook has the right region in an example as just Feikx. It goes through the explanation of limits mattering as x-> infinity or -infinity. I understand this for when E<V0, but the case seems completely different when E=V0.
Do you know what eikx and e-ikx physically represent? There's nothing different between the E<V0 case and E=V0 case.
  • #3
vela said:
You do the same thing you did to find Aeikx+Be-ikx for region I, except this time the potential is V(x)=E.

Do you know what eikx and e-ikx physically represent? There's nothing different between the E<V0 case and E=V0 case.

For region I, the potential is zero. So I just get the Aeikx+Be-ikx answer. My question for this portion was about the limits. I know that if this was a finite square well, and if the potential was >0 for x < 0, then Be-ikx would have to be removed, because that would mean that the wave function would go to infinity.

What's confusing me is how in my book, it has psiIII=Ceikx for when x > a (to the right of the barrier). I'm getting Ceikx+De-ikx. Why do they remove the "D" term? The potential is zero in that region.

No I don't know what eikx and e-ikx physically represent.

As for the cases being different:

I don't know where they get the C+Dx from.
  • #4
GrantB said:
For region I, the potential is zero. So I just get the Aeikx+Be-ikx answer. My question for this portion was about the limits. I know that if this was a finite square well, and if the potential was >0 for x < 0, then Be-ikx would have to be removed, because that would mean that the wave function would go to infinity.

What's confusing me is how in my book, it has psiIII=Ceikx for when x > a (to the right of the barrier). I'm getting Ceikx+De-ikx. Why do they remove the "D" term? The potential is zero in that region.

No I don't know what eikx and e-ikx physically represent.
If you apply the momentum operator to one of these functions, you get[tex]\hat{p}e^{ikx} = \frac{\hbar}{i}\frac{d}{dx}e^{ikx} = \hbar k\ e^{ikx}[/tex]so you can see it is an eigenfunction of the momentum operator with eigenvalue [itex]p=\hbar k[/itex]. In other words, it represents a particle with a definite momentum p. The one with the positive sign corresponds to a particle moving to the right, and the other, to a particle moving to the left.

In these types of a problems, you have a particle incident on the barrier from the left. There will be a reflected wave and a transmitted wave. Can you figure out the rest from here?

I don't know where they get the C+Dx from.
You say you find in region I that [itex]\psi_\mathrm{I} = Ae^{ikx} + Be^{-ikx}[/itex]. How did you get that?
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  • #5
I see. I think I understand why region III only has the Ceikx. It is because the only direction a particle will be going is to the right. The other regions can have a particle being reflected.

I find the wave functions for each region by using the Schrodinger Equation.


For region I, V=0, so it becomes


where k2=2mE/[itex]\hbar^2[/itex]

which produces Aeikx+Be-ikx since it is a second order diff. eq.

When V=V0, that gives


where [itex]\alpha^2[/itex]=2m(V0-E)/[itex]\hbar^2[/itex].

If V0=E, [itex]\alpha[/itex] becomes zero. So,


Which would give C+Dx? Since it would be a first order polynomial? That makes sense to me.


Is using F2/A2 the way to find the transmission coefficient? Ratio of transmitted particles to incident particles? (jtrans/jinc)
  • #6
Yes, exactly. That's how you get Cx+D.

And yes, T = |F/A|2.
  • #7
Thanks a lot!

FAQ: Rectangular Potential Barrier Where E=V0

Question 1: What is a rectangular potential barrier?

A rectangular potential barrier is a concept in physics that refers to a region in space where the potential energy is constant and has a rectangular shape. This means that the energy is the same at all points within the barrier, creating a flat, rectangular shape on a graph.

Question 2: How is the energy (E) related to the height of the barrier (V0)?

In a rectangular potential barrier, the energy (E) is equal to the height of the barrier (V0). This means that the energy of a particle approaching the barrier must be equal to or greater than the height of the barrier in order to pass through it.

Question 3: What is the significance of the energy of the particle compared to the height of the barrier?

The energy of a particle approaching a rectangular potential barrier must be equal to or greater than the height of the barrier in order for the particle to pass through it. If the energy is less than the height of the barrier, the particle will be reflected back and not pass through.

Question 4: How does the width of the barrier affect the transmission of particles?

The width of the barrier affects the transmission of particles by creating a potential energy barrier that particles must overcome in order to pass through. A wider barrier requires a higher energy for particles to pass through, while a narrower barrier allows for a lower energy for transmission.

Question 5: Can a particle with lower energy pass through a rectangular potential barrier?

Yes, a particle with lower energy can potentially pass through a rectangular potential barrier if the barrier is narrow enough. However, the probability of transmission decreases as the energy of the particle decreases, and there is a higher chance of reflection or tunneling through the barrier.

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