Rectilineal movement of particle

In summary, the teacher is asking for a graph that shows the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a particle over time. The student is uncertain of how to create this graph in Excel.
  • #1
Homework Statement
consider particles with a motion given by: x= 6t^2-t^3 and make a excel graphic. Obtain maximum velocity, maximum aceleration and maximun displaiment
Relevant Equations
I tried to resolve this problem with youtube tutorials help, but, i have a many wrong results. The teacher says that the problem requires critics points, so i know that for that points i need a second grade ecuation, but i don't know how interpreter that points. My results:
Captura de Pantalla 2021-04-14 a la(s) 3.16.08.png
PD: I don't know how make a MRU graphic in excel.
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  • #2
It is not clear to me whether you are asked to obtain the answers by means of a graph, or whether you are supposed to use algebra and the graph is extra.
For each of the three maxima you are asked for, you have the right answers in your samples. But that is unreliable - you have no easy way to see whether higher values might occur elsewhere.
To get these algebraically you have to do the following:
- find local extrema by taking the derivative to be zero; e.g. for max displacement look for when its derivative (the velocity) is zero. 12t-3t2=0, t=4, x=32.
- check which extrema are maxima, not minima
- check whether a boundary value (in this case only t=0) gives a greater value than the local maxima.
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  • #3
haruspex said:
It is not clear to me whether you are asked to obtain the answers by means of a graph, or whether you are supposed to use algebra and the graph is extra.
For each of the three maxima you are asked for, you have the right answers in your samples. But that is unreliable - you have no easy way to see whether higher values might occur elsewhere.
To get these algebraically you have to do the following:
- find local extrema by taking the derivative to be zero; e.g. for max displacement look for when its derivative (the velocity) is zero. 12t-3t2=0, t=4, x=32.
- check which extrema are maxima, not minima
- check whether a boundary value (in this case only t=0) gives a greater value than the local maxima.
I have to make three extra graphics, i suposed that is time vs velocity, aceleration and position.
yes, i see in a basic hand graphic that local extreme its maxima. I have a question about the x=32, ¿how? i know how obtain t=4 but not that 32.
The teacher mencionated that something curious is happening with the particle trayectory, so i guess that i can see that in the excel graphic, but i don't know how interprete it.
  • #4
Krokodrile said:
i know how obtain t=4 but not that 32.
Just plug t=4 into the expression for x.

FAQ: Rectilineal movement of particle

1. What is rectilineal movement of particle?

Rectilineal movement of particle refers to the motion of a particle along a straight line without any change in direction.

2. What causes rectilineal movement of particle?

Rectilineal movement of particle can be caused by a constant force acting on the particle, or by the absence of any external forces.

3. What is the difference between rectilineal movement and rectilinear motion?

Rectilineal movement refers to the actual path of the particle, while rectilinear motion refers to the change in position of the particle over time.

4. Can a particle have rectilineal movement in a curved path?

No, by definition, rectilineal movement refers to motion along a straight line. If a particle is moving in a curved path, it is not considered rectilineal movement.

5. How is rectilineal movement of particle related to Newton's first law of motion?

Rectilineal movement of particle is a direct application of Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia. According to this law, a particle will continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.
