Red circular cloud seen at 3:00 am far from town and black sky all around

In summary, the speaker describes a strange red cloud in the sky while walking their dogs at 3:00 a.m. The cloud stood out more as they got away from light pollution and only a few stars were visible. They are unsure of the cause and let their dogs off the leash to explore while they admire the beauty of the sky.
  • #1
I was out walking my dogs at 3:00 a.m. (that i might let them off the leash to be dogs for awhile)

Over my head was a strange red cloud, circular and occupying about 2/3rds of the sky overhead, white faint whisps around its perimeter, as i got farther from the light pollution of town the Deep RED of the cloud stood out more and more. In the west sky i could see the orb of light pollution from town, in all other directions was black, one or two stars visible within several degrees of the horizon.

Any suggestions as to what caused this red cloud would be greatly appreciated, as I am stumped.
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  • #2
I let my dogs off the leash, and they ran free, sniffing and exploring, tails wagging. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the sky, and stood there for a few minutes, just taking it all in. It was an amazing experience, and one I won't soon forget.

FAQ: Red circular cloud seen at 3:00 am far from town and black sky all around

What causes a red circular cloud to be seen at 3:00 am?

The red circular cloud is most likely caused by a natural phenomenon known as a noctilucent cloud. This type of cloud is formed from ice particles high up in the atmosphere and can often appear red or pink when illuminated by the sun below the horizon.

Why is the cloud seen far from town?

The cloud is seen far from town because it is located high up in the atmosphere, typically between 76-85 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This allows it to be visible from a distance, even if it is not directly above a town or city.

Why is the sky black all around the cloud?

The sky appears black all around the cloud because the sun is below the horizon at 3:00 am, resulting in a lack of natural light. The only light source illuminating the cloud is the sun, which is why it appears to stand out against the dark sky.

Is the red circular cloud a sign of severe weather?

No, the red circular cloud is not a sign of severe weather. As mentioned before, it is most likely a noctilucent cloud, which is a harmless and naturally occurring phenomenon. However, it is always important to keep an eye on weather forecasts and alerts for any potential severe weather.

Are red circular clouds common?

Noctilucent clouds, including red circular clouds, are relatively rare. They are only visible during certain times of the year and can only be seen from certain latitudes. Additionally, they are only visible during the late evening or early morning hours when the sun is below the horizon but still able to illuminate the clouds from below.
