Red Sox & Lunar Eclipse & astrology

In summary: Aquarian. In summary, the astrologer believes that the lunar eclipse had something to do with the Red Sox winning the World Series. There is no evidence to support this claim, and the coincidence is interesting but should not be taken as a sign that astrology is real.
  • #1
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PF member turbo-1 predicted that some superstitious Red Sox fans would attach some mystical significance to the lunar eclipse during the final game of the World Series. So far, fortunately, I have not seen too much of that in the news, although I have not asked many fans about it. I did find one article about an astrologer's & a numerologist's thoughts on the win...

During the first game ever played by the Boston Red Sox, in 1901, when the team was called the Americans, the sun was in 5 degrees of Taurus.

Out of curiousity, can someone explain what "in 5 degrees of Taurus" means?

She is calling this the birth of the Red Sox. That particular astrological alignment occurred again Wednesday night, said Bunker, which, coupled with the lunar eclipse, is very rare, she added.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the sun is not anywhere near the constellation Taurus this month (since Taurus shows up at night nowadays).

Venus and the sun always bring about a "pleasant experience."

Ever been to Venus? :wink:
Hmm...aren't the sun & Venus always positioned closely? (suggesting we should always have pleasant experiences, if we are to follow the astrologer's logic). I assume there was a specific positioning that was significant to the astrologer. Can someone clarify?

eclipses always bring about major changes.

Always? (any statistical analysis of this claim?)

Massachusetts is an Aquarian state, and St. Louis is an Aquarian city,

This is the first I've heard of places having astrological ties. I assume it's based on the founding date of that city/state. Is this a common astrological practice?

The sum of the numbers 2 and 4 (from the year 2004) is 6, signifying situations in which families and neighborhoods have a good power or connection, which is fortunate for groups or families - or, in this case, fans.

Is it standard practice for numerologists to add up the digits of dates or was it just convenient in this case. And since "2004" and "fans" applies to St Louis just as much as it does Boston, then why didn't both teams have good fortune (instead of St Louis being shut-out)?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Hi Phobos,

I am sure you remember well my experience and studies of astrology :smile: Those promoting that the lunar eclipse having something to do with the Red Sox winning the World Series are truly uninformed of how astrology should be used. First of all, astrological placements such as the lunar eclipse do not affect events, but reflect human tendencies. Humans ultimately have the choice (free will as many will call it) to excercise those tendencies. To answer your questions:

Out of curiousity, can someone explain what "in 5 degrees of Taurus" means

5 degrees Taurus simply means approx. 5 degrees of the ecliptic that represents Taurus. See, many who "practice" astrology think the constellations are involved, when actually they are not. The 12 portions of the ecliptic (12 sections X 30 degrees each) are named after 12 of the constellations (technically there are 13 in the zodiac :wink: ) 5 degrees of Taurus is probably the same as April 26th -ish give or take a day.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the sun is not anywhere near the constellation Taurus this month (since Taurus shows up at night nowadays).

Not the sun, but the moon was in Taurus at 5 degrees at the lunar eclipes. Taurus and Scorpio are opposites which we have the sun in Scorpio, the moon in Taurus, thus a full moon (Sun in opposition to the moon). The night of the lunar eclipse the sun and moon were in direct opposition.

Venus and the sun always bring about a "pleasant experience."

A subjective statement. Disregard it.

eclipses always bring about major changes

No, not true, but "traditionally", the opposition of the sun and moon (aka full moon) represents a balance or struggle between two opposing forces. Note I say "represent".

Massachusetts is an Aquarian state, and St. Louis is an Aquarian city

Another subjective statement, disregard it.
I don't have any dealings with numerology to offer.

Yes Phobos, this coincidence is interesting, however we have had 4 lunar eclipses in the last 18 months, with a major geometrical alignment occurring also last year with the Sun Scorpio/Taurus moon and planets lining up in a star pattern, which in my opinion was even more significant then this. I think astrology should not be looked at as a mystical thing, but taken with a grain of salt. How I USE astrology (it is a tool not a force) is by comparing the planetary/ecliptic alignments and compare them to how human beings are reacting to their environment. Interesting too that I myself am a Scorpio born under the full moon of Taurus :biggrin: ...a 1/144 chance of me having this combination.
  • #3
I also want to add Phobos, it's the interpretation of these aspects that are in question and are subjective, but the placements of them are entirely astronomical.
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  • #4
Kerrie said:
I am sure you remember well my experience and studies of astrology :smile:

Of course! You're my favorite astrologer. :biggrin:
Thanks for the input on those statements. It's interesting to see how much subjectivity goes into it.

Related to Red Sox & Lunar Eclipse & astrology

1. How does a lunar eclipse affect the Red Sox's performance?

This is a common question, but there is no scientific evidence to suggest that a lunar eclipse has any direct impact on the performance of a sports team. The Red Sox's performance is more likely to be influenced by factors such as player skill, team dynamics, and coaching strategies.

2. Is there any connection between astrology and the Red Sox's success?

Astrology is not a scientifically proven method of predicting or influencing sports outcomes. The Red Sox's success is determined by a combination of factors such as player skill, team dynamics, and coaching strategies, rather than the alignment of stars and planets.

3. Can the Red Sox use astrology to improve their chances of winning?

There is no evidence to suggest that astrology can be used to improve a team's performance. The Red Sox's success is primarily determined by their skills, strategies, and teamwork, rather than the position of celestial bodies.

4. How does the timing of a lunar eclipse affect the Red Sox's games?

The timing of a lunar eclipse has no direct impact on the Red Sox's games. The team's performance is more likely to be influenced by factors such as player fatigue, injuries, and opponent strength.

5. Is there any correlation between the Red Sox's zodiac signs and their success?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that a person's zodiac sign has any influence on their athletic abilities or success. Therefore, there is no correlation between the Red Sox's zodiac signs and their performance on the field.
