Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby

  • Thread starter apchemstudent
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a 5 kg block attached to a vertical spring and a 3 kg block resting on top of it. The blocks are pushed down and released to oscillate, and the conversation centers around determining the maximum acceleration that the blocks can attain while still remaining in contact. The experts agree that the answer should be 9.8 m/s^2, and various methods and equations are discussed to arrive at this conclusion. There is also a reference to a previous mistake made in the conversation.
  • #1
Please DON'T delete this thread. I want to make a point here...
I want other experts in physics to determine who’s wrong in this situation…

This was the problem taken from:

“A 5 kg block is fastened to a vertical spring that has a spring constant of 1000 Newtons per meter. A 3 kg block rests on top of the 5 kg block. The blocks are pushed down and released so that they oscillate.

Determine the magnitude of the max acceleration that the blocks can attain and still remain in contact at all times.”

Dextercioby agrees that the answer should be 9.8 m/s^2.

(I know I did something wrong in the other posts, but I’ve fixed it up)

Us + Up = Us(o) + Up(o)

kx^2/2 + 0 = mg2(x-.078) + 0 <- ------ It’s 2 times (x-0.078) due to the oscillation and 0.078 is the equilibrium point.

500x^2 – 156.8 x + 12.2304 = 0

x = 0.168 or x = 0.1456, but it’s asking for max acceleration so x = 0.168

Fs = 1000*0.168 = 168

Fnet = Fs – Fg
= 168 – 8*9.8
= 89.6 N

Amax = 89.6/8 = 11.2 m/s^2

I am pretty sure this is the correct answer. Everyone other then Dextercioby, please check if my method is right or wrong and can you explain why it might be wrong or right... thnx
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  • #2
At first glance I would say that the answer has to be g. The downward acceleration on the top mass cannot exceed g. The acceleration of the lower mass is due to the spring extension/compression from the equilibrium point, 200x-8g/8, and can be greater than g. If the downward acceleration on the lower mass (ie. it is max. at the top) is greater than g at ANY point, the bottom one accelerates away from the top one. If it is any less, they stay together.

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  • #3
I second AM.
  • #4
I agree with AM and Gokul43201.

Since the top mass only rests upon the bottom mass (it's not attached), the greatest downward acceleration it can have is g.

The more interesting question is how far down can you push the system so that it oscillates without the top mass losing contact. (My guess is that this is the real question. Else why give all the extraneous information?)

As long as the acceleration never exceeds g the two masses stay together and can be treated as a single system. The angular frequency is [itex]\omega = \sqrt{k/(M + m)}[/itex], where M and m are the masses of the bottom and top masses. Thus the maximum acceleration in terms of the amplitude (A) of the SHM is: [itex]a_{max} = A\omega^2[/itex]. Set that equal to g to find that [itex]A = (M + m)g/k[/itex].

Another way to look at this that will make that answer "obvious" is this: Call the unstretched postion of the spring y = 0. The equilibrium position is where the net force on the masses equals zero, or [itex]k \Delta y = (M + m)g[/itex], thus [itex]y_{eq} = -(M + m)g/k[/itex]. The system will oscillate about that equilibrium point. Note that this means that the maximum amplitude (calculated above) is just enough to bring the system up to the y = 0 point (the unstretched position). This should make sense, since the only time the masses could have an acceleration of g downward is when the only force acting on them is gravity--and that's only true when the spring is unstretched. :wink:
  • #5
I also agree with AM, Gokul and Doc Al...

  • #6
Believe it or not, I also agree with AM, Gokul and Doc Al...

  • #7
boohoo :cry:... looks like dextercioby won once again... heh it was fun while it lasted...
  • #8
Sirus said:
Believe it or not, I also agree with AM, Gokul and Doc Al...


Sirus, you forgot to include marlon you own a horse ?
  • #9
Gokul43201 said:
Sirus, you forgot to include marlon :eek:

That's because marlon said "I also agree with AM, Gokul and Doc Al...", so it would be pointless for me to say that I agree that marlon agrees with those posters.

Gokul43201 said:
do you own a horse ?

  • #10
Sirus said:

Think 'Godfather'...
  • #11
If in doubt, just draw a force diagram. Only two forces act on the 3 kg block, its weight (downward) and the normal reaction force (upward). The resultant of these two forces results in the block's acceleration.

So we have [tex]F_N - mg = ma[/tex] When the blocks just lose contact, [tex]F_N = 0[/tex] giving [tex]a = -g[/tex] (meaning an acceleration of [itex]g[/itex] in a downward direction. Quite simple, right ? :smile:

FAQ: Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby

1. What is the plot of "Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby"?

The plot revolves around a scientist named Dextercioby who creates a dangerous virus that threatens the entire world. The protagonist, a fellow scientist, must race against time to find a cure and stop Dextercioby before it's too late.

2. Is "Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby" based on real science?

While the plot may seem far-fetched, the scientific concepts and theories presented in the book are based on real science. The author has done extensive research to ensure the accuracy of the scientific details in the story.

3. Who is the target audience for "Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby"?

The book is targeted towards readers who enjoy science fiction and thriller genres. It may also appeal to those interested in science and technology.

4. What sets "Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby" apart from other books in the same genre?

The book offers a unique and thought-provoking storyline, blending science and suspense in a way that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. It also delves into ethical and moral dilemmas that arise from scientific advancements.

5. Is "Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby" part of a series?

Yes, "Redemption - I Challenge Dextercioby" is the first book in a series. The author has plans for future installments that will continue the story and explore new themes and challenges for the characters.

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