Reflection Grating: Exploring The Wavelength Dependence

In summary, the reflection angle of a polychromatic beam is dependent on the wavelength of the light that is composing the beam.
  • #1

I am bothered by some question for a long time.
From basic optics, i know that the the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection [where we define the incident angle as the angle between the beam and the normal to the surface of course].

What I can't understand is why when a polychromatic beam reflects from the surface of a reflection grating [for example, with a periodic structure] the reflection angle of the beam depends on the wavelength? Why the reflection angle should not be the same for all the wavelengths that compose the polychromatic beam and equal the incident angle [which is, in my opinion, the same for the different wavelengths that compose the beam]??

I hope my question is clear.
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  • #2
Wouldn't the main beam (main maximum) be the same for a plane mirror as for a plane reflection grating? The path differences for all wavelengths would surely all be zero in the direction of the classical main beam (isn't that all about Fermat's Principle?).
  • #3
I am not sure that I understood your answer. Can you please detail more?
  • #4
(a) A crude model of a plane reflection grating would be reflecting strips alternating with absorbing strips. The distance from centre of reflecting strip to centre of next reflecting strip (the grating element) is a few wavelengths. Thus each reflecting strip is, perhaps, two or three wavelengths wide. Such narrow reflectors don't reflect light approaching (in a plane of incidence at right angles to the strip lengths) according to the laws of reflection. There is a wide spread of angles for the light leaving the strip; we have scattering rather than 'specular reflection'. Even quite crude drawings of 'wavelets' arising from different points across the width of the strip will demonstrate this. The phenomenon is very similar to diffraction.

(b) What determines the angles at which light leaves the grating as a whole is interference between light scattered from the different strips.

(c) In practice, the intensity of the beams leaving the grating is 'tweaked' by modifying the simple grating I described at the beginning.
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  • #5
sliorbra said:
I am not sure that I understood your answer. Can you please detail more?

Have you looked up Fermat's Principle yet?
Have you looked up The Reflection Grating?

Where does the zeroth order beam emerge from a reflection grating? It will be in a direction where there is no path difference for any of the wavelets produced by the grating. What direction will this be?
  • #6
Sliorbra. Did you follow my attempt to answer your question?

FAQ: Reflection Grating: Exploring The Wavelength Dependence

What is a reflection grating?

A reflection grating is an optical device that consists of a series of closely spaced parallel lines, or grooves, on a reflecting surface. When light hits the grating, it is diffracted into different wavelengths, creating a spectrum.

How does a reflection grating work?

When light hits the grating, it is diffracted into different wavelengths due to the spacing of the grooves. The spacing is typically on the order of the wavelength of light, causing constructive and destructive interference that results in a spectrum of colors.

What is the importance of exploring the wavelength dependence of a reflection grating?

Exploring the wavelength dependence allows scientists to understand the behavior of different wavelengths of light and how they interact with the grating. This information is crucial in designing and optimizing grating-based optical systems for various applications.

How is a reflection grating used in scientific research?

A reflection grating is commonly used in spectroscopy to analyze the composition of materials by studying the wavelengths of light they absorb or emit. It is also used in optical instruments such as telescopes and spectrometers to separate and analyze light from distant objects.

What are some potential applications of reflection gratings?

Reflection gratings have a wide range of applications in various fields, including telecommunications, laser technology, and astronomy. They are also used in manufacturing processes for precision measurements and in medical devices such as endoscopes and laser surgery tools.

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