Reflection vs absorption and emission

In summary, there is a significant difference between reflection of radiation and emission after absorption. Reflection is a coherent process that can produce images, while emission after absorption is a random process that does not produce coherent images. The Earth emits its own radiation, known as blackbody radiation, which is determined by its temperature. This radiation is a continuous spectrum of frequencies, unlike the discrete spectrum of atomic transitions that give off specific frequencies.
  • #1

Is there a difference between reflection of radiation and emission after absorption? What causes this difference?

Another related question: According to wikipedia: "Earth's surface and the clouds absorb visible and invisible radiation from the sun and re-emit much of the energy as infrared back to atmosphere" (source:

Does the Earth actually emit some of the absorbed visible sunlight as infrared, or is it only infrared part of solar radiation that it simply emits back as infrared? What causes any object to emit radiation at a different frequency than the frequency it absorbed?

Thank you for reading!
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  • #2
ViolentCorpse said:
Is there a difference between reflection of radiation and emission after absorption?

ViolentCorpse said:
What causes this difference?
I don't know how to explain it simply. Looking at might give you some clues; the interaction of light with solids is somewhat complicated.

ViolentCorpse said:
Does the Earth actually emit some of the absorbed visible sunlight as infrared, or is it only infrared part of solar radiation that it simply emits back as infrared? What causes any object to emit radiation at a different frequency than the frequency it absorbed?
The Earth emits its own radiation, as any warm body will (look up blackbody radiation). Light will be absorb by a given degree of freedom (electronic, vibrational, etc.), then the energy will be redistributed to other modes by internal processes (without emission of radiation), eventually new radiation will be emitted.
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  • #3
ViolentCorpse said:
Is there a difference between reflection of radiation and emission after absorption?
Yes, a great difference. Reflection is a coherent process and specular reflection at a perfectly flat surface will give you an Image. If every photon is absorbed and re emitted by an individual molecule, there cannot be a coherent image because the phases of all the wavelets are all randomised due to the way QM works.
In real life there will be a mixture of the two effects and some photons may interact with individual molecules causing frequency selective loss - which will make an object look coloured, as well as giving good reflections off a surface (i.e. you can see and identify the surface and objects reflected in it).
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  • #4
In general the radiation which is emitted by objects is called temperature radiation and has a spectrum of frequencies which vary in a continuous manner. The dominat wavelength shifts to lower side as the temperature rises. The temperature of Earth is such that the dominant wavelength is in Infrared region. Please read about balck body radiations or temperature radiation. these are not due to atomic transitions of electrons, which give discrete spectrum certain frequencies are emitted and the frequencies which lie in between are not emitted.
More after you ask some more related questions after reading about it.
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  • #5
Thank you, people. Your posts have been very helpful! Appreciate it a lot!

Related to Reflection vs absorption and emission

1. What is the main difference between reflection and absorption?

The main difference between reflection and absorption is that reflection is the bouncing back of light or energy when it hits a surface, while absorption is the process of light or energy being absorbed and converted into another form of energy.

2. How does reflection and absorption affect the color of an object?

The color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected or absorbed. Objects that reflect all wavelengths appear white, while objects that absorb all wavelengths appear black. Objects that reflect certain wavelengths and absorb others will appear as different colors.

3. What is emission and how does it relate to reflection and absorption?

Emission is the process of an object releasing energy in the form of light or heat. This can occur after absorption, where the absorbed energy is released, or it can occur before absorption, where the emitted energy is then absorbed by another object.

4. Can reflection and absorption occur at the same time?

Yes, reflection and absorption can occur simultaneously. When light hits an object, some of it may be reflected while some is absorbed. The amount of reflection and absorption depends on the properties of the object such as its texture and color.

5. How do reflection and absorption play a role in climate change?

Reflection and absorption are important factors in the Earth's energy balance and can directly impact the Earth's temperature. When light is reflected by the Earth's surface, it is not absorbed and therefore does not contribute to warming the planet. However, when light is absorbed by greenhouse gases, it can lead to an increase in temperature. Climate change occurs when there is an imbalance between the amount of energy absorbed and the amount of energy reflected by the Earth's atmosphere and surface.

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