Refraction Problem istance Coin Appears to be in Glass Sphere

In summary, the problem involves a solid glass sphere with a radius of 5.00 cm and index of refraction of 1.52. A small coin is embedded 3.00 cm from the front surface of the sphere. The task is to determine the distance from the front surface of the glass where the coin's image appears to be located when viewed through the glass. The correct method to solve this problem is to use the equation that relates the object distance, image distance, and the radius of the curved surface. Another similar problem involving a goldfish swimming in water inside a spherical plastic bowl is also discussed, with the correct answer being 9 cm.
  • #1
Refraction Problem:Distance Coin Appears to be in Glass Sphere

Homework Statement

A solid glass sphere with a radius of 5.00 cm and index of refraction of 1.52 has a small coin embedded 3.00 cm from the front surface of the sphere. For the viewer looking at the coin through the glass, at what distance from the front surface of the glass does the coin's image appear to be located?

Homework Equations

Snell's Law

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried drawing two rays from the center of the coin, one as a diameter of the sphere and another through the top of the sphere, and found that the intersection of the first ray and the refracted second ray was at 1.97 cm from the front of the mirror. But that wasn't the correct answer. It looks like geometric interpretation won't be of use. I also tried Lensmaker's equation with curvature for the second side to be infinity but that also yielded the incorrect answer. How would you approach this?
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  • #2

I tried it out by another method, and my answer comes out to be 1.973 cm too...Maybe, the given solution is incorrect.
  • #3

May you outline your method?
  • #4

I simply used the equation that gives the refractive index of any substance in terms of apparent depth to actual depth.
  • #5

Hm, 1.97 is not even an answer choice. The answer choices are
a. 2.48 cm
b. 3.20 cm
c. 5.00 cm
d. 6.85 cm

There is a similar problem as follows:

A goldfish is swimming in water (n=1.33) inside a spherical plastic bowl of index of refraction 1.33. If the goldfish is 10 cm from the front wall of the 15-cm radius bowl, where does the goldfish appear to an observer in front of the bowl?

Using your method, the answer comes out as 10/1.33=7.5 which also isn't an answer choice. The answer choices are:
a. 6.0 cm behind the plastic
b. 7.0 cm behind the plastic
c. 8.0 cm behind the plastic
d. 9.0 cm behind the plastic
  • #6

Aha, I just noticed the spherical in the second problem. The formula for it would change accordingly (Today doesn't seem to be a good day for me to solve stuff, it seems :frown:)

Use the equation that relates the object distance, image distance and the radius of the curved surface. If you do not know about it, it can be derived in the same way you derive the equation for plane surface, but with a curved surface of radius R also involved.

PS: I believe the answer to the second one is 9 cm.
  • #7

Oh yes, I was just about to tell you about the other equation ([itex]\frac{n_1}{s}+\frac{n_2}{i}=\frac{n_2-n_1}{R}[/itex]) where I get the correct answer. Thanks! I also get 9.0 cm for the second problem, though the Answer Key says 8.0 cm. I think it's just a typo on their part.
  • #8

JSGandora said:
Oh yes, I was just about to tell you about the other equation ([itex]\frac{n_1}{s}+\frac{n_2}{i}=\frac{n_2-n_1}{R}[/itex]) where I get the correct answer. Thanks! I also get 9.0 cm for the second problem, though the Answer Key says 8.0 cm. I think it's just a typo on their part.

Yep, that's the one! :smile:

FAQ: Refraction Problem istance Coin Appears to be in Glass Sphere

What is refraction and how does it affect the appearance of an object in a glass sphere?

Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different mediums. When light enters a glass sphere, it is refracted, causing the object to appear distorted or shifted from its actual position. This is because light travels at different speeds in different mediums, causing it to change direction.

Why does a coin appear to be closer or further away when placed in a glass sphere?

The refraction of light in a glass sphere creates an optical illusion where the coin appears to be closer or further away from the observer. This is due to the change in the path of the light rays as they pass through the sphere, creating a distorted image.

How does the shape and size of the glass sphere affect the refraction of light?

The shape and size of the glass sphere play a significant role in the refraction of light. A larger sphere will cause the light rays to bend more, creating a greater distortion of the object's appearance. A smaller sphere will have less of an effect on the light rays, resulting in a less distorted image. The shape of the sphere can also impact the direction of the light rays, further affecting the appearance of the object.

Does the material of the glass sphere make a difference in the refraction of light?

Yes, the material of the glass sphere can impact the refraction of light. Different materials have different refractive indexes, which determine how much the light will bend as it passes through. This can result in varying levels of distortion and a difference in the appearance of the object.

How is refraction used in everyday life?

Refraction is used in a variety of ways in everyday life. Some common examples include eyeglasses and contact lenses, which use refraction to correct vision. Cameras, telescopes, and microscopes also use lenses to refract light and create a magnified image. Additionally, mirages, rainbows, and other optical illusions are also caused by the refraction of light.

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