Regarding human evolution and evolution in general

In summary, the claim is that humans originated from evolution because we have explicit evidence of human evolution. However, this evidence does not exist in the same way that we would expect it to - we have created new species in the laboratory. Additionally, the fossil record is fragmented and without a complete lineage, we will never be able to determine with certainty the most probable descent of modern humans.
  • #1
I spoke to someone that said that the reason we know humans originated from evolution is because there is no other scientifically possible explanation. I originally thought the reason we knew humans originated from evolution because we had explicit evidence of human evolution. Although now that I look back at it, I doubt my knowledge because how is it possible for scientists to have explicit evidence without using a time machine, right?

Sorry for ignorance. I'd know like to know if this person is correct or wrong.
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  • #2
I would say that the statement you have up there is correct with the exception that the wording should be changed to something like, evolution explained and predicted all of the observed biological phenomena within the scope of its applicability and no known scientific theory can achieve such a feat. It doesn't necessarily mean that something else won't come along some day, although we can reasonably claim that evolution will only be revised a bit in the details and will likely not be negated fully.

Regarding the evidence point, we don't have a snapshot of exactly evolution from homo (something or other) to Homo sapiens but we do have a large body of evidence (at the molecular/DNA level as well as morphological) which can only really be explained by using evolution. Getting away from humans, we can observe evolution in bacteria and other models and there is no reason to believe humans are/were not immune to this phenomenon.
  • #3
Evolution is a demonstrable fact.
The direct/immediate ancestor of modern humans is unknown.
The fossil record is fragmented.
Without a complete lineage, we will never do better than "the most probable descent".
You need to think long and hard about what precisely would constitute "explicit evidence" of human evolution.
We have fossils of hominids which either were our direct ancestors or are related to them.
The person who made the claim is wrong. We have created what are essentially new species in the laboratory. Saying that there is only one mechanism to produce a species is nonsense. If I claimed that Aliens from Lyra took Neanderthal DNA and modified it and created the modern human genome, how would that not be scientifically possible? (Granted, there is no evidence for it, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence)
  • #4
Vishera said:
I spoke to someone that said that the reason we know humans originated from evolution is because there is no other scientifically possible explanation. I originally thought the reason we knew humans originated from evolution because we had explicit evidence of human evolution. Although now that I look back at it, I doubt my knowledge because how is it possible for scientists to have explicit evidence without using a time machine, right?

Sorry for ignorance. I'd know like to know if this person is correct or wrong.

This is perhaps a better place to start -
  • #5

I can assure you that the theory of evolution is backed by a vast amount of evidence from various fields of study such as genetics, paleontology, comparative anatomy, and more. This evidence includes fossil records, genetic similarities between species, and observed changes in species over time.

While we do not have a time machine, we can use various scientific methods to study and analyze the evidence that has been left behind by past organisms. This allows us to reconstruct the evolutionary history of species, including humans.

Furthermore, the theory of evolution is constantly being tested and refined through ongoing research and experimentation. It is not a belief or assumption, but a well-supported scientific theory that has withstood the test of time.

Therefore, it is not accurate to say that the only reason we believe in human evolution is because there is no other explanation. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming and continues to grow, further solidifying our understanding of the origins of species, including humans.

Related to Regarding human evolution and evolution in general

What is human evolution?

Human evolution is the process by which humans evolved from earlier primates to become the modern humans we are today. This process involves genetic changes and adaptations that have occurred over millions of years.

What evidence do we have for human evolution?

There is a significant amount of evidence for human evolution, including fossil records, genetic studies, and anatomical comparisons between humans and other primates. Fossil records provide physical evidence of human ancestors and their gradual changes over time. Genetic studies show similarities and differences between human DNA and that of other primates, providing evidence of common ancestry. Anatomical comparisons also reveal similarities and differences between humans and other primates, further supporting the theory of human evolution.

How does natural selection play a role in human evolution?

Natural selection is a key mechanism in the process of human evolution. It is the process by which certain genetic traits become more common in a population over time because they provide a survival advantage. Individuals with these advantageous traits are more likely to survive and pass on their genes to the next generation, leading to gradual changes in the overall population.

How does human evolution impact our understanding of human behavior and society?

Human evolution has a significant impact on our understanding of human behavior and society. By studying the evolutionary history of humans, we can gain insights into why certain behaviors and traits have developed and how they have influenced human culture and society. It also helps us understand the diversity of human populations and how they have adapted to different environments.

Is human evolution still ongoing?

Yes, human evolution is an ongoing process. While the physical changes may not be as drastic as they were in the past, humans are still evolving through genetic variations and adaptations. As our environment and world continue to change, so will our species through the process of natural selection.

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