Regarding with two port electrical network

In summary, the conversation discusses the Z and Y parameters of a two port electrical network, which are used to describe the relationship between voltage and current in the network. These parameters can be determined using open and short circuit conditions, and for a reciprocal network, Z12 and Z21 are equal and so are Y12 and Y21. This information can be useful when working with transformers.
  • #1
my problems comes from one of a book how to solve this one this is regarding with two port electrical network


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  • #2
For Z parameter

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{c}V_1\\V_2\end{array}\right)\;=\;\left(\begin{array}{cc}Z_{11} & Z_{12}\\Z_{21} & Z_{22}\end{array}\right)\;\left(\begin{array}{c}I_1\\I_2\end{array}\right)[/tex]

[tex] V_1=Z_{11}I_1+Z_{12}I_2[/tex]

[tex] V_2=Z_{21}I_1+Z_{22}I_2[/tex]

[tex]Z_{11}=\left(\frac{V_1}{I_1}\right)_{I_2=0}\;\;,\;\;Z_{12}=\left(\frac{V_1}{I_2}\right)_{I_1=0} \;\;,\;\;Z_{21}=\left(\frac{V_2}{I_1}\right)_{I_2=0}\;\;,\;\;Z_{22}=\left(\frac{V_2}{I_2}\right)_{I_1=0}[/tex]

For I=0 means open circuit.

For Y parameter just (I)=(Y)(V) and make one of the V=0 which is short circuit.

For transformer it is reciprocal circuit so Z12=Z21 and Y12=Y21.

I have not work out the detail, just use this on the transformer and it should work.
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  • #3
thanks for your answer.but consider this
the circuit is reciprocal so that[y][/21]=[y][/12] , Am I right?

FAQ: Regarding with two port electrical network

1. What is a two port electrical network?

A two port electrical network is a circuit that has two input terminals and two output terminals. It is used to model and analyze complex electrical systems, such as electronic devices, power systems, and communication networks.

2. What are the parameters of a two port electrical network?

The parameters of a two port electrical network include the input impedance, output impedance, transmission gain, and reverse transmission gain. These parameters describe how the network behaves in response to input signals.

3. How do you analyze a two port electrical network?

To analyze a two port electrical network, you can use various techniques such as the ABCD parameters, S-parameters, and Y-parameters. These methods allow you to calculate the network's characteristics and determine its behavior.

4. What are the applications of two port electrical networks?

Two port electrical networks are commonly used in the design and analysis of electronic circuits and systems. They are also essential in the fields of power systems, telecommunications, and signal processing. Additionally, they are used in simulations and modeling of complex systems.

5. How do you measure the performance of a two port electrical network?

The performance of a two port electrical network can be measured by using instruments such as network analyzers, which can measure its parameters and characteristics. Additionally, simulations and mathematical models can also be used to evaluate the network's performance.

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