Relating force constant and frequency to mass

In summary, the mass of the object attached to an ideal spring with a force constant of 123 N/m and vibrating at a frequency of 5.65 Hz can be calculated using the formula m = k * (T/(2(pi)))^2, where T is the period of oscillation. There may be other ways to derive this formula, but this is the most straightforward method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A body of unknown mass is attached to an ideal spring with force constant 123 N/m. It is found to vibrate with a frequency of 5.65 Hz.

Find the mass of the object.

Homework Equations

No idea what else...

The Attempt at a Solution

No idea where to start. I get to:

m = (-123x) / (a)

and can't think where to go from there. I've tried:

1cycle=4 max displacments (x), so
f=5.65Hz = 22.6 cycles of x /s

thereby returning x as .25, but that's dead wrong. Any ideas? I'm totally lost.
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  • #2
The mass executes simple harmonic motion. In the relevant theory you can find a relation between the period of oscillations, the mass of the object and the force contant.
  • #3
Alright, I got it.

T = 2(pi)*sqrt(m/k)

m = k * (T/(2(pi)))^2 = 9.76E-2

Just for curiosity's sake, was there any other way to do it, that wasn't much harder?
  • #4
That's the only way I know of.
  • #5
Vidatu said:
Alright, I got it.

T = 2(pi)*sqrt(m/k)

m = k * (T/(2(pi)))^2 = 9.76E-2

Just for curiosity's sake, was there any other way to do it, that wasn't much harder?

If you're in a calculus-based course, you might be expected to know *how* to get from the force equation F = ma = -kx to the result for the period. But, in the end, you would still apply the period formula you used here.

FAQ: Relating force constant and frequency to mass

What is the relationship between force constant and frequency?

The force constant is directly proportional to the square of the frequency. This means that as the force constant increases, the frequency also increases.

How does mass affect the force constant?

The force constant is inversely proportional to the mass. This means that as the mass increases, the force constant decreases.

What is the formula for calculating the force constant?

The force constant (k) can be calculated using the equation: k = mω², where m is the mass and ω is the angular frequency.

How does the force constant affect the behavior of a system?

The force constant determines how stiff or flexible a system is. A higher force constant means the system is stiffer, while a lower force constant means the system is more flexible.

Can the force constant and frequency be used to determine the mass of a system?

Yes, the mass of a system can be calculated using the equation: m = k/ω². This relationship is often used in experiments involving oscillating systems.
