Relating Newton's Force to Black Holes (Calculation?)

In summary, a student of average size would be torn apart by a force of 175000 N if they were dropped into a black hole of 1 solar mass.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Muscle can be torn apart by a force of 100,000 N applied across an area of 1 m2. A 10 cm2 muscle therefore will be torn by a force of 100 N.

If a student of average size were being lowered into a black hole of 1 solar mass, at about what distance from the hole's center will he be torn apart?

2. (What I thought was a) Relevant equation

RSchwarzschild= (2MG)/c2

Where M is the mass of the black hole; G is the gravity constant; c is the speed of light.
(seen here:

The Attempt at a Solution

I did some background research on black holes and I thought that if I calculated the Schwarzschild radius, I would be able to identify the event horizon (defined as the last distance at which light can escape the pull of a black hole) of the black hole, and thus, that would tell me the distance from which the student would be torn apart.

RSchwarzschild= (2MG)/c2
= [2(1 solar mass)(6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2]/(2.998 x 108 m/s)2

R = 1.48x10-27 m

I think this would be the correct answer, but it doesn't use any of the numerical givens other than the mass of the black hole.

When I consider the givens regarding surface area and force; I can tell that I am supposed to use an estimate of an 'average student's size' to attain my answer. If I estimate that the average person is about 1.75 m2 (estimate using numbers from BSA, then I believe I can say that 100000 N is to 1 m2, as x N is to 1.75 m2 and cross multiply to find that it would take x=175000 N of force to tear apart the student's muscles. But, I am unsure of how to relate this force to black holes and distance.
Any help or hints would be appreciated! Thank you.
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  • #2
alphaj said:

Homework Statement

Muscle can be torn apart by a force of 100,000 N applied across an area of 1 m2. A 10 cm2 muscle therefore will be torn by a force of 100 N.

If a student of average size were being lowered into a black hole of 1 solar mass, at about what distance from the hole's center will he be torn apart?

2. (What I thought was a) Relevant equation

RSchwarzschild= (2MG)/c2

Where M is the mass of the black hole; G is the gravity constant; c is the speed of light.
(seen here:

The Attempt at a Solution

I did some background research on black holes and I thought that if I calculated the Schwarzschild radius, I would be able to identify the event horizon (defined as the last distance at which light can escape the pull of a black hole) of the black hole, and thus, that would tell me the distance from which the student would be torn apart.

RSchwarzschild= (2MG)/c2
= [2(1 solar mass)(6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2]/(2.998 x 108 m/s)2

I don't see units of "solar mass" in the rest of this equation. How can the result for the Schwarzschild radius be in meters?

R = 1.48x10-27 m

Always check the units of your calculations. The resulting units should be the same on both sides of the equation.

I think this would be the correct answer, but it doesn't use any of the numerical givens other than the mass of the black hole.

When I consider the givens regarding surface area and force; I can tell that I am supposed to use an estimate of an 'average student's size' to attain my answer. If I estimate that the average person is about 1.75 m2 (estimate using numbers from BSA, then I believe I can say that 100000 N is to 1 m2, as x N is to 1.75 m2 and cross multiply to find that it would take x=175000 N of force to tear apart the student's muscles. But, I am unsure of how to relate this force to black holes and distance.

Any help or hints would be appreciated! Thank you.

You looked up some other numbers related to this problem on the internet. Why didn't you do the same for the mass of the sun?
  • #3
Thank you for the input!
I'm not sure why I would need the mass of the Sun to evaluate this problem?
  • #4
alphaj said:
Thank you for the input!
I'm not sure why I would need the mass of the Sun to evaluate this problem?
I thought I explained it very clearly. Units of "solar mass" in the formula for the Schwarzschild radius are not compatible with the units for the constant G.

Your calculation does not result in units of meters for the Schwarzschild radius.

10-27 m is to the size of a hydrogen atom as a hydrogen atom is to the size of a beach ball.
  • #5
I see, thank you for clarifying. Sorry to make you repeat yourself! I'm going on my third week ever in a Physics class, so thanks again, your input is invaluable.

Related to Relating Newton's Force to Black Holes (Calculation?)

1. What is Newton's force and how does it relate to black holes?

Newton's force is a fundamental law of physics that describes the relationship between the mass of an object and the force it exerts on other objects. This force is also known as the gravitational force. In the case of black holes, the force of gravity is extremely strong due to the immense mass of the black hole, causing it to have a significant impact on the surrounding space and objects.

2. How is Newton's force calculated in relation to black holes?

In order to calculate Newton's force in relation to black holes, you would need to know the mass of the black hole and the distance between the black hole and the object being affected by its gravity. This can be done using the formula F = (G * m1 * m2)/r^2, where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them.

3. Can Newton's force be used to explain the behavior of black holes?

Yes, Newton's force is a crucial component in understanding the behavior of black holes. It helps us understand how the immense mass of a black hole affects the surrounding objects and space, including the bending of light and the formation of accretion disks.

4. How does the strength of Newton's force change as you get closer to a black hole?

As you get closer to a black hole, the strength of Newton's force increases significantly. This is because the mass of the black hole remains constant, but the distance between the object and the black hole decreases, resulting in a stronger gravitational pull.

5. Can Newton's force be used to escape a black hole's gravitational pull?

No, Newton's force alone is not enough to escape the gravitational pull of a black hole. The force required to escape the black hole's gravity is known as the escape velocity, which is a combination of Newton's force and the speed of the object. In the case of a black hole, the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light, making it impossible for anything, including light, to escape its pull.

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