Relationship between Applied Force and Friction: A Graphical Analysis

In summary, the question posed was to draw a graph of applied force vs. friction for a block being pushed back and forth on a flat table. The solution shows that the graph will have a line at 45 degrees representing the equal force of friction and applied force until the block starts to move, after which the friction will remain constant. This leads to the conclusion that the title of the graph, "friction vs. applied force," is more accurate.
  • #1
So my lecturer asked a physics audience (final year and postgrad) this question and no one got it right (at first):

Consider a block pushed back and forth on a flat table. Draw a graph of the applied force vs. friction. Take a minute to figure this one out yourself, then click this link for his solution.
Trouble I'm having is interpreting the two lines, because it implies on the x-intercept that you will have a positive acceleration when there is no applied force, so the resultant force must be friction - which cannot exist without an applied force!
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  • #2
SpY];3178489 said:
the resultant force must be friction - which cannot exist without an applied force!

It can if the block was already moving.
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  • #3
SpY];3178489 said:
So my lecturer asked a physics audience (final year and postgrad) this question and no one got it right (at first):

Consider a block pushed back and forth on a flat table. Draw a graph of the applied force vs. friction. Take a minute to figure this one out yourself, then click this link for his solution.
When you say "a graph of applied force vs. friction" I would expect that the friction is on the x axis. Here it seems that you have acceleration. Is this correct?

Edited later.
Now I see that the title is actually "friction vs. applied force".
This makes more sense.
As you increase the applied force from zero, the friction will be equal with the applied force until the body starts to move. Then it will remain constant. So the first portion of the graph F vs Friction will be a line at 45 degrees from either axis. Then it will be a horizontal line.
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Related to Relationship between Applied Force and Friction: A Graphical Analysis

1. What is friction?

Friction is the force that resists the motion of an object when it is in contact with another object or surface.

2. What is applied force?

Applied force is a force that is exerted on an object by another object or surface, causing the object to move or change its motion.

3. How does friction affect the amount of applied force needed to move an object?

Friction increases the amount of applied force needed to move an object. The rougher the surface of the object or the surface it is in contact with, the greater the friction and the more force is required to overcome it.

4. What factors affect the amount of friction present between two objects?

The amount of friction between two objects depends on the type of surfaces in contact, the roughness of the surfaces, and the amount of force pressing the surfaces together.

5. Can friction be completely eliminated?

No, friction cannot be completely eliminated. It is a fundamental force of nature and is present in all interactions between objects. However, it can be reduced by using lubricants or smoother surfaces, but it can never be completely eliminated.
