Relationship between Cadella and Wattage?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between LED lights, cadella output, and wattage required. The maker's specifications for a lamp often include a figure for X candelas per watt, with a higher ratio indicating a more efficient lamp. However, a more commonly used metric for lighting applications is lumens per watt, which takes into account the brightness of the light source. The conversation also mentions the candela as a unit that is not dependent on the angle of light exit, but may be harder to compare for highly directional devices like LEDs. The conversation ends with a recommendation to consult a comparison chart for luminous efficiency.
  • #1
Is there a general relationship that can be used for LED lights tying togethor Cadella output and Wattage required?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Yes, you see it in the maker's specifications for the lamp.

They sometimes give a figure of X candelas per watt.

The more candelas per watt, the more efficient the lamp is.

A candela is roughly equal to the old candle power unit.
  • #3
More commonly, LEDs and other lighting products, are rated in units of luminous efficiency in terms of lumens per watt, a more useful metric for most lighting applications because while candelas tell you the total amount of light output, lumens tell you how much light what you're illuminating will get--how bright it will appear. You can derive that from candelas, too, of course but you have to use a little math and know the radiating angle of your light source.
  • #4
I've seen both, but lumens per watt is more common, for sure.
The candela is probably a better unit because it doesn't depend on the angle of light exit from the device.
With highly directional devices like LEDs it is getting harder to compare them in terms of lumens.

There is a good comparison chart on Wikipedia for Luminous Efficiency:

For comparison, here is a bit about the relationship between Lumens and candelas:

a light source that uniformly radiates one candela in all directions radiates a total of 4π lumens. If the source were partially covered by an ideal absorbing hemisphere, that system would radiate half as much luminous flux—only 2π lumens. The luminous intensity would still be one candela in those directions that are not obscured.
  • #5
Well, thanks for the info.

FAQ: Relationship between Cadella and Wattage?

1. What is the relationship between Cadella and Wattage?

The relationship between Cadella and Wattage is that Cadella is a unit of measurement for luminous intensity, while Wattage is a unit of measurement for power. They are related in that the luminous intensity of a light source is directly proportional to the power it consumes, which is measured in watts.

2. How does Cadella affect the wattage of a light source?

Cadella does not directly affect the wattage of a light source. Rather, the wattage of a light source determines its luminous intensity, which is measured in Cadella. A higher wattage light source will have a higher luminous intensity and therefore a higher Cadella measurement.

3. Can the relationship between Cadella and Wattage vary for different types of light sources?

Yes, the relationship between Cadella and Wattage can vary for different types of light sources. This is because different types of light sources have different efficiencies and produce different amounts of light with the same amount of power. For example, an LED light may have a higher luminous intensity and Cadella measurement than an incandescent light with the same wattage.

4. Is there a specific formula for calculating the relationship between Cadella and Wattage?

Yes, the formula for calculating the relationship between Cadella and Wattage is: Cadella = Watts x Efficiency. The efficiency refers to the amount of light produced per watt of power consumed, and it can vary for different types of light sources.

5. How is the relationship between Cadella and Wattage used in practical applications?

The relationship between Cadella and Wattage is used in practical applications to determine the brightness of a light source. By measuring the wattage of a light source and calculating its luminous intensity in Cadella, we can compare and choose the most efficient and effective lighting options for different situations.
