Relationship between current and current density for a volume conductor

In summary, the current density or flux \vec{J} is the rate of flow of charge per unit area. The current I is given by Ohm's law and is a scalar quantity. The surface integral of \vec{J} gives a flow rate and is equal to I only for the cross-sectional area of the conductor. This means that any current I through a conductor is a rate of flow of charge with respect to the cross-sectional area. The surface must be specified in order to accurately calculate the current.
  • #1
Cole A.
(I'd like to preface this with the warning that the following question may be a very dumb one.)

My understanding is that current density (or flux) [itex] \vec{J} = \vec{J}(x, y, z) [/itex] is the rate of flow of charge (or the current) per unit area. (Units of [itex] \frac{\text{C/s}}{\text{cm}^2} [/itex].)

Say we know that in an irregularly shaped volume conductor (e.g. a nerve fiber, where the irregularity is due to some sort of biological obstruction), the current density [itex] \vec{J} [/itex] has the form given in Figure 1 (see attachments).

The current [itex] I [/itex] is --- I think --- given from Ohm's law: specifically, if the potential difference across the ends of the fiber and the total resistance of the fiber are known, then

I = \frac{V}{R},

which is a scalar quantity. I believe this value is constant for each point [itex] (x, y, z) [/itex] in the fiber, assuming no build-up of current anywhere (by the law of conservation of charge).

Now I know that the surface integral of a flux gives a flow rate, so the surface integral of [itex] \vec{J} [/itex] should give a current. But is the current equal to [itex] I [/itex]? I mean, does

\iint_S \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS = I

for every [itex] S [/itex], or only for [itex] S [/itex] = cross-sectional area of the conductor? The reason I ask is because, if I draw three example surfaces [itex] S_1, S_2, S_3 [/itex] (Figure 2), the surface integral of [itex] \vec{J} [/itex] over [itex] S_1 [/itex] is obviously not equal to that over [itex] S_2 [/itex].

So I guess what I am asking is: is
I = \iint_{S_1} \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS_1 = \iint_{S_3} \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS_3 \neq \iint_{S_2} \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS_2
true, where [itex] I [/itex] is current as found from Ohm's law? And if so, does this mean that any current [itex] I [/itex] through a conductor is not simply the rate of flow of charge, but a rate of flow of charge implicitly with respect to the cross-sectional area?



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  • #2
Cole A. said:
(I'd like to preface this with the warning that the following question may be a very dumb one.)

My understanding is that current density (or flux) [itex] \vec{J} = \vec{J}(x, y, z) [/itex] is the rate of flow of charge (or the current) per unit area. (Units of [itex] \frac{\text{C/s}}{\text{cm}^2} [/itex].)

Say we know that in an irregularly shaped volume conductor (e.g. a nerve fiber, where the irregularity is due to some sort of biological obstruction), the current density [itex] \vec{J} [/itex] has the form given in Figure 1 (see attachments).

The current [itex] I [/itex] is --- I think --- given from Ohm's law: specifically, if the potential difference across the ends of the fiber and the total resistance of the fiber are known, then

I = \frac{V}{R},

which is a scalar quantity.
Fine up to here.
Cole A. said:
I believe this value is constant for each point [itex] (x, y, z) [/itex] in the fiber, assuming no build-up of current anywhere (by the law of conservation of charge).
No, this is wrong. Current I is a total amount, that is, it's the integral of J across a surface as you've written below. It doesn't make sense to talk about I at an infinitesimal point (x,y,z).
Cole A. said:
Now I know that the surface integral of a flux gives a flow rate, so the surface integral of [itex] \vec{J} [/itex] should give a current. But is the current equal to [itex] I [/itex]? I mean, does

\iint_S \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS = I

for every [itex] S [/itex], or only for [itex] S [/itex] = cross-sectional area of the conductor?
In your example, it is the second option.
Cole A. said:
The reason I ask is because, if I draw three example surfaces [itex] S_1, S_2, S_3 [/itex] (Figure 2), the surface integral of [itex] \vec{J} [/itex] over [itex] S_1 [/itex] is obviously not equal to that over [itex] S_2 [/itex].

So I guess what I am asking is: is
I = \iint_{S_1} \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS_1 = \iint_{S_3} \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS_3 \neq \iint_{S_2} \vec{J} \cdot \vec{n} dS_2
true, where [itex] I [/itex] is current as found from Ohm's law?
Cole A. said:
And if so, does this mean that any current [itex] I [/itex] through a conductor is not simply the rate of flow of charge, but a rate of flow of charge implicitly with respect to the cross-sectional area?

Yes. Usually it's obvious what that surface is (current in a wire refers to the area of the wire), but if the surface isn't obvious then you need to specify it.
  • #3
Thank you for clearing things up.

FAQ: Relationship between current and current density for a volume conductor

What is the relationship between current and current density for a volume conductor?

The relationship between current and current density for a volume conductor is determined by Ohm's law, which states that the current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the cross-sectional area (A) of the conductor and the current density (J), and inversely proportional to the resistivity (ρ) of the conductor. This can be represented by the equation J=I/Aρ.

How does the cross-sectional area of a conductor affect current and current density?

The cross-sectional area of a conductor has a direct impact on the current and current density. A larger cross-sectional area will allow for a greater amount of current to flow through the conductor, resulting in a higher current density. Conversely, a smaller cross-sectional area will restrict the flow of current and result in a lower current density.

What is the effect of resistivity on the relationship between current and current density?

The resistivity of a conductor is a measure of its ability to resist the flow of current. A higher resistivity will result in a lower current density for a given current, as stated by Ohm's law. This means that a material with high resistivity will have a lower current density compared to a material with lower resistivity, even if they are carrying the same amount of current.

How does the relationship between current and current density vary in different types of conductors?

The relationship between current and current density may vary depending on the type of conductor being used. For example, in a non-uniform conductor with varying cross-sectional areas, the current density may differ at different points along the conductor. In a homogeneous conductor with uniform cross-sectional area, the current density will remain constant throughout the conductor.

Why is understanding the relationship between current and current density important in the study of electricity and magnetism?

The relationship between current and current density is crucial in understanding the behavior of electricity and magnetism in various materials and circuits. It allows scientists and engineers to predict and control the flow of current in different types of conductors, and to design efficient and effective electrical systems. Additionally, this relationship is fundamental in exploring the principles of electromagnetism and its applications in technology.

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