Relationship between DEs and infinite series.

In summary, not all differential equations have a closed form solution and some may only have an implicit solution. On online forums, people have found ways to solve differential equations using infinite series. However, there is no general method for constructing a series solution for any type of differential equation and the procedure depends on the equation. Additionally, some differential equations may have no solutions at all. For the specific example provided, there may not be a general method for solving it by hand, but it may be possible to use the Frobenius method or modified Bessel functions to find a solution.
  • #1
Not all DEs have a closed form solution. Some DEs have an implicit solution only - you cannot algebraically solve one variable of interest for another.

I have seen on this forum people solving DEs in terms of infinite series. How does one arrive at such a solution, and can an implicit solution be converted somehow to an infinite series solution? Is it possible to solve any DE in terms of a single or multiple infinite series?
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  • #2
For a practical example, one can solve second-order ODEs (with sufficiently nice properties) by using the Frobenius method. There's no general way of constructing a series solution to an arbitrary DE, the procedure depends on the type of the equation.

There are obviously DEs that have no solutions at all, so the answer to your last question would be a somewhat trivial no.
  • #3
Know of any method for the following?
\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = 1 - \frac{1}{(1+x)^2} - (\frac{dx}{dt})^2
  • #4
By hand? Not in general, but in that specific case the solutions seem to be logarithms of modified Bessel functions, so I'd instinctively let y(x(t))=exp(x(t)) and try to solve the resulting equation with the Frobenius method (or just try to get the modified Bessel equation out). Haven't tried it through, so take this with a grain of salt.
  • #5

The relationship between differential equations (DEs) and infinite series is a fascinating topic in mathematics. While not all DEs have a closed form solution, some can be solved using infinite series. This approach is known as power series or Taylor series method.

To arrive at an infinite series solution, one must first rewrite the DE as a power series. This involves expressing the dependent variable and its derivatives as a sum of powers of the independent variable. This series is then substituted into the DE, and by equating the coefficients of each power, a system of equations is obtained. Solving this system will give the coefficients of the infinite series, which can then be used to approximate the solution of the DE.

However, it is important to note that not all DEs can be solved using this method. The convergence of the infinite series solution depends on the behavior of the DE and the initial conditions. In some cases, the series may not converge, or it may converge to a different solution than the one obtained by other methods.

As for converting an implicit solution to an infinite series solution, it is possible in some cases. This involves manipulating the implicit solution to express it in terms of a power series. However, this process can be challenging and may not always be successful.

In conclusion, while infinite series solutions offer an alternative approach to solving DEs, it is not always possible to solve any DE in terms of a single or multiple infinite series. The convergence of the series and the ability to convert an implicit solution to an infinite series solution depend on the specific DE and its initial conditions.

FAQ: Relationship between DEs and infinite series.

1. How are differential equations related to infinite series?

Differential equations and infinite series are closely related in that they both involve the concept of limits. In a differential equation, the derivative represents the instantaneous rate of change, which can be thought of as a limit. Similarly, in an infinite series, the sum of infinitely many terms can be thought of as a limit. This connection allows for the use of infinite series in solving certain types of differential equations.

2. Can infinite series be used to solve all types of differential equations?

No, not all types of differential equations can be solved using infinite series. Some differential equations are more complex and require other methods, such as separation of variables or the method of undetermined coefficients. However, infinite series can be a powerful tool in solving certain types of differential equations, particularly linear equations with constant coefficients.

3. How do you use infinite series to solve a differential equation?

The process of solving a differential equation using infinite series involves finding a power series solution that satisfies the equation. This is done by substituting the power series into the differential equation and solving for the coefficients. The resulting power series can then be used to find a general solution to the differential equation.

4. Are there any limitations to using infinite series in solving differential equations?

Yes, there are limitations to using infinite series in solving differential equations. One limitation is that the series may not converge for all values of the independent variable. In these cases, the resulting solution will only be valid for a certain interval. Additionally, the process of finding the coefficients of the power series can be quite tedious and may not always be possible.

5. Can infinite series be used to approximate solutions to differential equations?

Yes, infinite series can be used to approximate solutions to differential equations. This is often done by truncating the series after a certain number of terms, which results in an approximate solution. This method can be particularly useful when the differential equation cannot be solved exactly using other methods or when the exact solution is too complicated to work with.

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