Relationship between force and (kinetic) energy

In summary: No, I didn't conclude myself. I'm asking if you are right to assume that the torque transferred to the wheels will be less in this case.Yes, assuming no losses, the torque transferred to the wheels will be less in this case.
  • #1
A car of mass 1kg rests on top of a large flat mass of 1,000,000 kg (10^6 kg). They are at rest (relative to the sun) in space. The car has a battery and an electric motor with 100% efficiency. We can assume that when a torque is applied to the wheels, they roll on the surface of the flat mass without any slippage or rolling resistance.

The engine applied a torque to the wheel for 1 second in such a way that the force on the car is exactly 1N.

m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 10^6 kg, dt = 1s, F = 1 N.Using F = ma, we get:
F = m1 * a1;
a1 = F/m1 = 1/1;
a1 = 1 N/s^2 (acceleration of car). Since dt = 1 s, we get:
v1 = 1 m/s;

Similarly, we find that that
V2 = -0.000001 m/s = -10^-6 m/s.

The principle of conservation of momentum gives the same result.
Now the car is traveling along the flat mass with a velocity of 1m/s (relative to the sun) and a relative velocity of 1.000001m/s relative to the flat mass.

The kinetic energy of the car relative to the sun is KE1 = ½ * m1*v1^2.
KE1 = ½*1*1*1 = 0.5 J.

The kinetic energy of the flat relative to the sun is KE2 = ½ * m2*v2^2.
KE1 = ½*10^6*10^-6*10^-6 = 5*10^-7 J.

Total KE is 0.5000005 J.

All this energy came from the battery of the car and all of it got converted to kinetic energy.

At this point the engine applied another torque to the wheel for 1 second second in such a way that the force on the car is exactly 1N.

Can we assume that the amount of energy required if almost the same for the second period of applied force as it was for the first? Why?
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  • #2
bendanish said:
Can we assume that the amount of energy required if almost the same for the second period of applied force as it was for the first?
What does the definition of work say about applying the same force, for the same duration, but at a higher speed?
  • #3
Since the work done on a body is equal to the force times distance covered when the force is being applied. So in this case more work will have to done to apply the same force for the same duration. Meaning more energy is required to achieve the same amount of acceleartion.

But let's look at the actual power transmission from the battery to the engine to the wheels. When the car is moving at constant velocity and there are no power loses, the engine does not apply any torque. Assuming that the same amount of power is flowing from the battery to the engine, am I right to assume that the torque transferred to the wheels will be less than in the first case?
  • #4
bendanish said:
the torque transferred to the wheels will be less than in the first case?
It's not clear to me what cases you are comparing.
  • #5
Case 1: Car is at rest and engine delivers torque for one second.

Case 2: Car is moving at a constant velocity on the flat mass and the engine delivers a torque using the same amount of energy as in case 1.
  • #6
bendanish said:
Case 2: Car is moving at a constant velocity on the flat mass and the engine delivers a torque using the same amount of energy as in case 1.
Didn't you just conclude yourself, that assuming no loses, there won't be any torque in this case?

Related to Relationship between force and (kinetic) energy

Question 1: What is the relationship between force and kinetic energy?

The relationship between force and kinetic energy is that force is the cause of a change in an object's kinetic energy. In other words, when a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to move and thus change its kinetic energy. Conversely, a change in an object's kinetic energy can also cause a force to act on the object.

Question 2: How is force related to the mass and velocity of an object?

According to Newton's second law of motion, force is directly proportional to the mass of an object and its acceleration. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the more force is required to accelerate it. Similarly, the greater the velocity of an object, the more force is needed to bring it to a stop or change its direction.

Question 3: Can force and kinetic energy be converted into each other?

No, force and kinetic energy cannot be converted into each other. Force is a measure of the external influence on an object, while kinetic energy is a measure of the object's motion. However, force can cause a change in an object's kinetic energy and vice versa.

Question 4: How does work relate to force and kinetic energy?

In physics, work is defined as the product of force and displacement. This means that when a force is applied to an object and causes it to move, work is being done and the object's kinetic energy is changing. Conversely, when an object is at rest and no work is being done on it, its kinetic energy remains constant.

Question 5: Is there a limit to how much kinetic energy an object can have?

According to the principle of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. Therefore, there is no limit to how much kinetic energy an object can have, as long as there is a source of force to continue accelerating it. However, in practical situations, factors such as air resistance and friction can limit an object's maximum kinetic energy.

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