Relationship between Newtons 1st and 3rd law

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between Newton's first and third laws. It is suggested that the third law is necessary for the first law to hold, but it is also acknowledged that there could potentially be a different physics system where the first law holds without the third law. The concept of generalized coordinates and momenta is also introduced, with the idea that the Lagrangian can be used to define these quantities. It is also mentioned that in a universe where momentum is not conserved, the first law could still hold, but the third law would not be applicable. Overall, it is concluded that the first and third laws are not redundant and are necessary for understanding motion and forces.
  • #1
yaseen shah
does Newtons first law discribes Newtons third law.
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  • #2
Well, I can't see how 1 could work without 3. I wouldn't be surprised if someone could argue a case for 1 without 3, but until then I agree with you.
  • #3
First law holds in an inertial coordinate system. Third law holds in any coordinate system.
  • #4
You certainly could imagine a physics where momentum is not conserved. Then you could have a physics with the same first law and a different third law.
  • #5
I'm having difficulty imagining momentum not being conserved. What would the picture look like?
  • #6
My friends i think first law that describes about inertia that Inertia is property of a body by virtue of it resists motion but in the form of force that he exerts equal on that body which apply force.
In my opinion 3rd law describes quantitative behavior of inertia.
  • #7
For example, the forces could act in the same direction. Or the accelerations could be equal instead of the forces. Or the Lagrangian could depend on position.
  • #8
yaseen shah said:
My friends i think first law that describes about inertia that Inertia is property of a body by virtue of it resists motion but in the form of force that he exerts equal on that body which apply force.
In my opinion 3rd law describes quantitative behavior of inertia.
Yes, 3rd law essentially describes the "resistance" attributed to inertia, but there is no connection to 1st law there. 1st law doesn't say that body resists motion. It says that whenever you try to change the way it moves, you have to apply force.
  • #9
DaleSpam said:
For example, the forces could act in the same direction.

So I sit on my couch and the surface of the couch pushes me down further into the couch, so then wouldn't I continue on my path, and Newton's 1 would be violated?

edit: nevermind, I thought of the off-normal case. And adding speed in the same direction would qualify for N1 anyway.

Or the accelerations could be equal instead of the forces.

Ok, that ones kind of mind-melting to think about assuming mass conservation still holds. I watch a ball fly by me and hit a fence that is stationary with respect to me. Once the ball and the fence contact, their instantaneous accelerations would have to somehow match up, so one would have to jump to the other or something, and the forces would bend around the will of the acceleration law.

Or the Lagrangian could depend on position.

The Lagrangian is terribly unintuitive to me.
  • #10
The Lagrangian is terribly unintuitive to me.
Just keep this in mind.
[tex]F_q = \frac{\partial L}{\partial q}[/tex]

The Newton's 2nd in terms of this Fq is also relatively easy to write down.

[tex]\frac{d}{dt}p_q = F_q[/tex]

It's exactly the same as classical Newton's F=ma, except written with generalized momentum. And of course, it's easy to find the actual generalized momentum.

[tex]p_q = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q} }[/tex]

Naturally, substituting this momentum into Newton's 2nd gives you a very familiar result.

[tex]\frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} - \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} = 0[/tex]

And that's all there is to it.
  • #11
K^2 said:
Just keep this in mind.
[tex]F_q = \frac{\partial L}{\partial q}[/tex]

The Newton's 2nd in terms of this Fq is also relatively easy to write down.

[tex]\frac{d}{dt}p_q = F_q[/tex]

It's exactly the same as classical Newton's F=ma, except written with generalized momentum. And of course, it's easy to find the actual generalized momentum.

[tex]p_q = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q} }[/tex]

Naturally, substituting this momentum into Newton's 2nd gives you a very familiar result.

[tex]\frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} - \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} = 0[/tex]

And that's all there is to it.

That's a good refresher, but the quantity L is still somewhat vague to me. From what you've formulate here, I'm eager to compare it to Work because it's a difference in energies (T-V) and the calculus form of it with regard to force is similar.
  • #12
Well, the actual definition is Σpq-H. That way, you can build L even when you aren't sure exactly which energies are which. As long as you can write total energy in terms of generalized coordinates, you can define it. And don't try to think of it as a physical quantity. Just think of it as a generator for generalized forces and generalized momenta.
  • #13
Pythagorean said:
Ok, that ones kind of mind-melting to think about assuming mass conservation still holds. I watch a ball fly by me and hit a fence that is stationary with respect to me. Once the ball and the fence contact, their instantaneous accelerations would have to somehow match up, so one would have to jump to the other or something, and the forces would bend around the will of the acceleration law.
Yes, such a universe would not look like ours at all. A head on collision between a fly and a train would be as disastrous for the train as the fly. I don't know if extended objects could even form.

But the point is that such a universe could be consistent with Newton's 1st law, despite not being consistent with the 3rd law. They are not redundant.
  • #14
K^2 said:
Well, the actual definition is Σpq-H. That way, you can build L even when you aren't sure exactly which energies are which. As long as you can write total energy in terms of generalized coordinates, you can define it. And don't try to think of it as a physical quantity. Just think of it as a generator for generalized forces and generalized momenta.

Thanks for your input on the matter, K*K, I'll have to let my hippocampus do some work on it.

DaleSpam said:
Yes, such a universe would not look like ours at all. A head on collision between a fly and a train would be as disastrous for the train as the fly. I don't know if extended objects could even form.

I'm not sure... the train would experience very low forces wouldn't it? As a drops for the train, F would have to drop too. I'm still trying to imagine the effect on tensile strength.

But the point is that such a universe could be consistent with Newton's 1st law, despite not being consistent with the 3rd law. They are not redundant.

Yeah, I accept that. But I think exploring the alternative helps us to really internalize the meaning of the laws and their significance.
  • #15
K^2 said:
First law holds in an inertial coordinate system. Third law holds in any coordinate system.

What about fictitious forces?
  • #16
Well, the way I stated it there are no fictitious forces, because first law is violated anyways. But yes, if you fix the first law by introducing fictitious forces, you end up breaking the 3rd law. Or rather, putting it in need of correction. You would then state that forces of interaction are always equal-and-opposite, which would then exclude fictitious forces.
  • #17
But then the term "forces of interaction" would be defined ad hoc -- it seems you can only define that term with the use of the 3rd law, but I could be missing something.

But anyway, I don't see how you could say (in your first choice) that the 1ste law was broken but the 3rd law worked, because as you say F = ma is the definition (taking p = mv for simplicity), which automatically brings on the existence of fictitious forces.

But okay maybe I'm hammering on something that's not quite so important.
  • #18
Well, yes, I mean, you can potentially define all forces as arbitrary external by-the-power-of-god kind of forces. Point is that you don't have to. Only fictitious force, that is, forces proportional to the mass and acceleration of the frame, will be left without equal-and-opposite.
  • #19
K^2 said:
if you fix the first law by introducing fictitious forces, you end up breaking the 3rd law
This is a good point, and already a kind of hint for the need of GR and tensors etc.

FAQ: Relationship between Newtons 1st and 3rd law

1. How are Newton's First and Third Laws related?

The relationship between Newton's First and Third Laws is that they are both part of Newton's three laws of motion. The First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. The Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. These two laws work together to explain the behavior of objects in motion.

2. Can you give an example of how Newton's First and Third Laws work together?

Yes, a common example is when a person is standing on a skateboard. According to Newton's First Law, the person will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. When the person pushes off the ground with their foot, they are exerting a force in one direction (action). This causes the skateboard to move in the opposite direction (reaction), as stated by Newton's Third Law.

3. What is the significance of understanding the relationship between Newton's First and Third Laws?

Understanding the relationship between these two laws is crucial in understanding the behavior of objects in motion. It helps explain why objects move the way they do and how forces act upon them. This knowledge is essential in fields such as physics, engineering, and even everyday life.

4. Are there any exceptions to Newton's First and Third Laws?

Yes, there are exceptions to both Newton's First and Third Laws. The First Law does not apply to objects in space, as they are not affected by external forces. The Third Law does not apply to non-contact forces, such as gravity, which do not have an equal and opposite reaction.

5. How have Newton's First and Third Laws impacted modern science and technology?

Newton's First and Third Laws have had a significant impact on modern science and technology. They have allowed for the development of various inventions, such as airplanes, cars, and rockets, by understanding the relationship between forces and motion. These laws have also formed the basis for more complex theories, such as Einstein's theory of relativity.

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