Relationship between the angular and 3D power spectra

In summary, you have shared an equation that you would like to invert and write P(k) as a function of C_l. You have tried using Fredholm integral equations but have not had success. Some possible approaches to solve this problem include using numerical methods, mathematical techniques such as Laplace or Fourier transforms, and consulting with experts in the field.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How to write the 3D power spectrum, P(k), as an integral of the angular power spectrum, C_l?
I have the following equation,
$$ C_\ell(z,z') = \int_0^\infty dkk^2 j_\ell(kz)j_\ell(kz')P(k),$$

where $$j_\ell$$ are the spherical Bessel functions.

I would like to invert this relation and write P(k) as a function of C_l. I don't know if this is a well known result, but I couldn't find anything. I've also looked into Fredholm integral equations, but that got me nowhere, and now I'm stuck.

Any ideas on how to tackle this problem?
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  • #2


Thank you for sharing your equation with us. This is a challenging problem, but I believe there are a few approaches you can take to try and solve it.

One option is to use numerical methods to approximate the inverse relation. This would involve discretizing the integral and using numerical integration techniques to solve for P(k). However, this may not be the most efficient or accurate approach.

Another option is to use mathematical techniques such as Laplace transforms or Fourier transforms to manipulate the equation and potentially find a closed-form solution for P(k). This could involve using properties of the Bessel functions or other known integral identities.

You mentioned looking into Fredholm integral equations, which can be a useful tool for solving inverse problems. However, in this case, it may not be the most appropriate approach as it typically involves solving for unknown functions in integral equations with a known kernel, whereas in your equation, both the kernel and the unknown function are unknown.

It may also be helpful to consult with colleagues or experts in the field to see if they have any insights or suggestions for solving this type of problem. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to approach this problem. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Relationship between the angular and 3D power spectra

What is the relationship between the angular and 3D power spectra?

The angular power spectrum is a measure of the distribution of energy in the sky as a function of angular scale, while the 3D power spectrum measures the distribution of energy as a function of spatial scale. The two are related through the Fourier transform, which converts information from one domain to the other.

How are the angular and 3D power spectra used in cosmology?

The angular power spectrum is used to study the large-scale structure of the universe, while the 3D power spectrum is used to study the distribution of matter on smaller scales. By comparing the two, scientists can gain a better understanding of the evolution of the universe and the effects of dark matter and dark energy.

What is the significance of the shape of the angular and 3D power spectra?

The shape of the power spectra can reveal important information about the properties of the universe, such as the amount of matter and dark energy present, the rate of structure formation, and the overall geometry of the universe. Deviations from expected shapes can also provide evidence for new physics or alternative cosmological models.

How are the angular and 3D power spectra measured?

The angular power spectrum is typically measured using data from surveys of the cosmic microwave background radiation, while the 3D power spectrum is measured using data from large-scale galaxy surveys. These measurements require advanced statistical and computational techniques to account for observational and instrumental effects.

What are some current research topics related to the relationship between the angular and 3D power spectra?

Scientists are currently using the power spectra to study the effects of baryonic physics on the large-scale structure of the universe, as well as to test theories of gravity and dark energy. There is also ongoing research on improving the accuracy and precision of power spectrum measurements and developing new methods for extracting cosmological information from them.
