Relationship between vertex function and current

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of an expression as a definition of the vertex function in the interacting case. The right hand side of the equation becomes an infinite perturbation series for the measurable or physical quantity on the left. This definition is used to include only irreducible vertex corrections, while irreducible propagator corrections are defined separately. The conversation also touches on the use of LSZ to get S-matrix elements and the proof of the Ward identity using the operator formalism. It is noted that the expression used is not the irreducible vertex function and the S's are the exact electron propagators.
  • #1
Is there a proof or obvious reason why the vertex function is related to the current via:

[tex]S(p')\Gamma^\mu(p',p)S(p)=-\int \int dxdy e^{ipx}e^{-ipy} \langle T \psi(x) j^\mu(0) \bar{\psi}(y)\rangle [/tex]

In the free-field case one can see it's true. But the interacting case?
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  • #2
I would use that expression as a definition of the vertex function in the interacting case. The right hand side becomes an infinite perturbation series for the measurable/physical quantity on the left.

Actually, I notice it implies using bare propagators on the LHS, so the expression does not contain external leg corrections. I believe this definition is used to include only the irreducible vertex corrections, and one defines irreducible propagator corrections separately (self-energy), so that when building higher order diagrams one can easily keep track of divergences. (Also, if you're using LSZ to get S-matrix elements, you should leave off the legs anyways)
  • #3
king vitamin said:
I would use that expression as a definition of the vertex function in the interacting case. The right hand side becomes an infinite perturbation series for the measurable/physical quantity on the left.

Actually, I notice it implies using bare propagators on the LHS, so the expression does not contain external leg corrections. I believe this definition is used to include only the irreducible vertex corrections, and one defines irreducible propagator corrections separately (self-energy), so that when building higher order diagrams one can easily keep track of divergences. (Also, if you're using LSZ to get S-matrix elements, you should leave off the legs anyways)

I can't see how the RHS of the equation is irreducible. I'm assuming [tex]j^\mu(0)=\psi(0)\gamma^\mu \bar{\psi}(0) [/tex], and the entire RHS side, when done perturbatively, seems to sum all diagrams with two electrons and a photon, with the photon polarization left off. This would include the reducible diagrams too.

This is actually comes from a proof of the Ward identity using the operator formalism, so we're not trying to get S-matrix elements
  • #4
Actually, you're right, this isn't the irreducible vertex function. Also, I think the S's are the exact electron propagators to be consistent with the RHS. In that case, gamma is the amputated three-point function. It's consistent with the standard definition of gamma in its relation to the S-matrix for the interaction of electrons with an external field, and it's use in defining the electric charge and magnetic moment.

FAQ: Relationship between vertex function and current

What is a vertex function?

A vertex function is a mathematical expression that describes the interaction between particles in a quantum field theory. It is used to calculate the probability of a particular particle interaction occurring.

What is a current in the context of vertex function?

In the context of vertex function, a current refers to a conserved quantity that is associated with a particular symmetry in a quantum field theory. It is used to describe the flow of a particular type of particle or energy.

How are vertex functions and currents related?

Vertex functions and currents are related through the Noether's theorem, which states that every symmetry in a quantum field theory has a corresponding conserved current. This means that for every symmetry, there is a corresponding vertex function that describes its interaction.

What is the significance of the relationship between vertex function and current?

The relationship between vertex function and current is significant because it allows us to understand the fundamental symmetries and interactions in a quantum field theory. It also allows us to make predictions and calculations about the behavior of particles in these systems.

How is the relationship between vertex function and current used in research?

The relationship between vertex function and current is used in research to study the properties and behavior of particles at a fundamental level. It is also used in theoretical calculations and experiments to test the predictions of different quantum field theories.

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